code-423n4 / 2024-06-krystal-defi-findings

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Wrong logic in AUTO_COMPOUND doesn't allow for swap to token1 #28

Open c4-bot-3 opened 2 months ago

c4-bot-3 commented 2 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Protocol functionality broken

Proof of Concept

AUTO_COMPOUND action allows for compounding your gains into liquidity. It additionally allows for swaps in the middle. There is a faulty condition though, which is never effective and does not allow to set token1 as targetToken, namely else if (state.token0 == state.token1):

        } else if (params.action == Action.AUTO_COMPOUND) {
            if (params.targetToken == state.token0) {

            // @audit it should be params.targetToken == state.token1 Currently it doesn't allow for a swap
@>          } else if (state.token0 == state.token1) {

            } else {
                // compound without swap

Because pools cannot have the same token0 and token1, there is no possible position that will fulfill this condition. Looking at other parts of the codebase and params passed to _swapAndIncrease() in this code branch, what the protocol wants to achieve is to check if params.targetToken == state.token1 and perform swap similarly to params.targetToken == state.token0 branch.

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

        } else if (params.action == Action.AUTO_COMPOUND) {
            if (params.targetToken == state.token0) {
                _swapAndIncrease(SwapAndIncreaseLiquidityParams(params.protocol, params.nfpm, params.tokenId, state.amount0, state.amount1, 0, positionOwner, params.deadline, IERC20(state.token1), params.amountIn1, params.amountOut1Min, params.swapData1, 0, 0, bytes(""), params.amountAddMin0, params.amountAddMin1, 0), IERC20(state.token0), IERC20(state.token1), false);
-           } else if (state.token0 == state.token1) {
+           } else if (params.targetToken == state.token1) {
                _swapAndIncrease(SwapAndIncreaseLiquidityParams(params.protocol, params.nfpm, params.tokenId, state.amount0, state.amount1, 0, positionOwner, params.deadline, IERC20(state.token0), 0, 0, bytes(""), params.amountIn0, params.amountOut0Min, params.swapData0, params.amountAddMin0, params.amountAddMin1, 0), IERC20(state.token0), IERC20(state.token1), false);

Assessed type


3docSec commented 2 months ago

The report is of sufficient quality

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

3docSec marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

3docSec marked the issue as selected for report

3docSec commented 2 months ago

The finding completely misses a justification for the H severity. A swap not happening as it should is better categorized as M.

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

3docSec changed the severity to 2 (Med Risk)