code-423n4 / 2024-06-size-findings

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Liquidator's reward is significantly lower than it should be #125

Closed c4-bot-3 closed 4 months ago

c4-bot-3 commented 4 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


According to the size docs "The liquidator gets up to a fixed 5% reward on the loan's face value". This can also be seen through code in the Deploy config:

function setupProduction(
        address _owner,
        f = InitializeFeeConfigParams({
            swapFeeAPR: 0.005e18,
            fragmentationFee: 5e6,
@>          liquidationRewardPercent: 0.05e18,
            overdueCollateralProtocolPercent: 0.01e18,
            collateralProtocolPercent: 0.1e18,
            feeRecipient: _feeRecipient

In reality this is not the case. This is the line that calculates the liquidator's reward:

uint256 liquidatorReward = Math.min(assignedCollateral - debtInCollateralToken,
                Math.mulDivUp(debtPosition.futureValue, state.feeConfig.liquidationRewardPercent, PERCENT));

We see that liquidatorReward is the minimum value between:

  1. assignedCollateral - debtInCollateralToken: In case the borrower's collateral ratio >= 1 but very close to 1, the liquidation will still be profitable but it's possible that the borrower's collateral won't be enough to cover both the liquidation + the full 5% reward. So the liquidator is given all of the borrower's collateral in this case.

  2. Math.mulDivUp(debtPosition.futureValue, state.feeConfig.liquidationRewardPercent, PERCENT): Here lies our issue. The liquidator is supposed to get 5% of the loans value and get paid in collateralToken which is essentially WETH. But the code is taking 5% of futureValue which has 6 decimals and is a USDC amount and then adding that to a collateralToken amount which has 18 decimals and is essentially a WETH amount, which is not nearly close to the correct liquidation reward.

liquidatorProfitCollateralToken = debtInCollateralToken + liquidatorReward;

Proof of Concept

Providing an example scenario with code walkthrough and a POC test with the same scenario:

  1. At ETH = $1000, Alice deposits 1 ETH into size and borrows 500 USDC at 10% apr.
  2. ETH price falls to $700, Alice's collateral ratio is now 1.27 and can be liquidated.
  3. James has deposited 0 ETH and 1000 USDC, he decides to liquidate Alice paying 550 USDC.
  4. Math.mulDivUp(debtPosition.futureValue, state.feeConfig.liquidationRewardPercent, PERCENT) = 550e6 * 0.05e18 / 1e18 = 27.5e6
  5. liquidatorReward is 27.5e6 getting paid in collateralToken which has 18 decimals.
  6. James gets transferred collateralTokens equivalent to 550 USDC + dust amount.
    function test_liquidation_rewards() public {
        _deposit(bob, usdc, 500e6);
        _deposit(alice, weth, 1e18);
        _deposit(james, usdc, 1000e6);
        uint256[] memory tenors = new uint256[](1);
        tenors[0] = 365 days;

        int256[] memory aprs = new int256[](1);
        aprs[0] = 0.1e18;
        uint256[] memory marketRateMultipliers = new uint256[](1);

        _sellCreditLimit(alice, YieldCurve({tenors: tenors, aprs: aprs, marketRateMultipliers: marketRateMultipliers}));
        uint256 debtPositionId = _buyCreditMarket(bob, alice, RESERVED_ID, 500e6, 365 days, true);

        // 500e6 + 10% apr = 550e6
        assertEq(size.getDebtPosition(debtPositionId).futureValue, 550e6);

        uint256 jamesCollateralBefore =;
        uint256 jamesBorrowATokensBefore =;

        // ETH price = 700 USD

        // Make sure Alice's CR is above 1.2 and below 1.3 so the liquidation should be undoubtedly profitable
        assertGt(size.collateralRatio(alice), 1.2e18);
        assertLt(size.collateralRatio(alice), 1.3e18);

        _liquidate(james, debtPositionId);

        uint256 jamesCollateralAfter =;
        uint256 jamesBorrowATokensAfter =;
        uint256 borrowATokensPaid = jamesBorrowATokensBefore - jamesBorrowATokensAfter;
        uint256 collateralGained = jamesCollateralAfter - jamesCollateralBefore;
        uint256 collateralToUsd = collateralGained * 700;

        // James has paid 550 borrowATokens and received collateral equivalent to less than 551 USD
        assertEq(borrowATokensPaid, 550e6);
        assertLt(collateralToUsd, 551e18);

If we console.log the collateralGained value we see that it's 785714285741785715 which at ETH price = 700 as the scenario above is equivalent to 550.000000019250000500 USDC.

Tools Used

Manual review, foundry

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Convert the futureValue of the loan from USD amount to ETH price. There is a function used just above that does just that.

    function executeLiquidate(State storage state, LiquidateParams calldata params)
        returns (uint256 liquidatorProfitCollateralToken)
        uint256 assignedCollateral = state.getDebtPositionAssignedCollateral(debtPosition); //18 decimals
        uint256 debtInCollateralToken = state.debtTokenAmountToCollateralTokenAmount(debtPosition.futureValue);
        uint256 protocolProfitCollateralToken = 0;

        // profitable liquidation
        if (assignedCollateral > debtInCollateralToken) {
            uint256 liquidatorReward = Math.min(
                assignedCollateral - debtInCollateralToken,
-               Math.mulDivUp(debtPosition.futureValue, state.feeConfig.liquidationRewardPercent, PERCENT)
+               Math.mulDivUp(debtInCollateralToken, state.feeConfig.liquidationRewardPercent, PERCENT)

            liquidatorProfitCollateralToken = debtInCollateralToken + liquidatorReward;

Assessed type


C4-Staff commented 4 months ago

CloudEllie marked the issue as duplicate of #207

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as duplicate of #21

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as satisfactory