code-423n4 / 2024-06-size-findings

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When the borrowAToken cap is reached, users may not always be able to repay their debt in some cases due to precision errors #19

Open c4-bot-10 opened 3 months ago

c4-bot-10 commented 3 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Users should always be able to repay their debts, even if the borrowAToken cap has been reached. This is crucial because positions can be liquidated if debts aren't repaid on time, leading to significant losses for users. However, in some cases, users cannot repay their debts due to precision errors. This issue stems from Size and Aave using different mathematical formulas in the calculation of scaled balances.

Proof of Concept

Imagine the borrowAToken cap has been reached, and the current scaled total supply is denoted as T. To calculate the total supply, we use the formula T * L / R, where L represents the current liquidity index of the Aave pool and R is set as RAY (1e27).

function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) {
    return _unscale(scaledTotalSupply());
function _unscale(uint256 scaledAmount) internal view returns (uint256) {
    return Math.mulDivDown(scaledAmount, liquidityIndex(), WadRayMath.RAY);

Consider a user who has a debt D and wishes to repay it before maturity. This process should be achievable using multicall transactions, which typically involve two steps:

First, deposit D USDC into Size. These D USDC are supplied into the Aave Pool.

function depositUnderlyingBorrowTokenToVariablePool(State storage state, address from, address to, uint256 amount)
    uint256 scaledBalanceBefore = aToken.scaledBalanceOf(address(this));, amount, address(this), 0); // @audit, here

In the Aave pool, the scaled balance of these D USDC is minted back into Size.

function executeSupply(
  mapping(address => DataTypes.ReserveData) storage reservesData,
  mapping(uint256 => address) storage reservesList,
  DataTypes.UserConfigurationMap storage userConfig,
  DataTypes.ExecuteSupplyParams memory params
) external {
  bool isFirstSupply = IAToken(reserveCache.aTokenAddress).mint(
    params.amount,  // @audit, here

Aave employs a slightly different mathematical approach to calculate scaled balances.

function _mintScaled(
  address caller,
  address onBehalfOf,
  uint256 amount,
  uint256 index
) internal returns (bool) {
  uint256 amountScaled = amount.rayDiv(index);  // @audit, here
  require(amountScaled != 0, Errors.INVALID_MINT_AMOUNT);

The scaled balance of D USDC is given by (D * R + L / 2) / L.

function rayDiv(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) {
  assembly {
    if or(iszero(b), iszero(iszero(gt(a, div(sub(not(0), div(b, 2)), RAY))))) {
      revert(0, 0)

    c := div(add(mul(a, RAY), div(b, 2)), b)  // @audit, here

Therefore, the increase in borrowAToken supply will be determined by this value.

function depositUnderlyingBorrowTokenToVariablePool(State storage state, address from, address to, uint256 amount)
    uint256 scaledBalanceBefore = aToken.scaledBalanceOf(address(this));, amount, address(this), 0);
    uint256 scaledAmount = aToken.scaledBalanceOf(address(this)) - scaledBalanceBefore;, scaledAmount);  // @audit, here

Afterward, the user attempts to repay his debt. Obviously the debt decrease is D.

In certain cases, (D * R + L / 2) / L can exceed D by just 1 wei. For instance, if D is 103,517,589(can occur when D is an odd number) and L is 2e27(This is possible and can easily occur with different values of L), then (D * R + L / 2) / L becomes 103,517,590. (Please check these values in the below test)

As a result of this precision discrepancy, the validation check will fail, preventing the user from repaying their debt as intended.

function validateBorrowATokenIncreaseLteDebtTokenDecrease(
    State storage state,
    uint256 borrowATokenSupplyBefore,
    uint256 debtTokenSupplyBefore,
    uint256 borrowATokenSupplyAfter,
    uint256 debtTokenSupplyAfter
) external view {
    if (borrowATokenSupplyAfter > state.riskConfig.borrowATokenCap) {
        uint256 borrowATokenSupplyIncrease = borrowATokenSupplyAfter > borrowATokenSupplyBefore
            ? borrowATokenSupplyAfter - borrowATokenSupplyBefore
            : 0;
        uint256 debtATokenSupplyDecrease =
            debtTokenSupplyBefore > debtTokenSupplyAfter ? debtTokenSupplyBefore - debtTokenSupplyAfter : 0;

        if (borrowATokenSupplyIncrease > debtATokenSupplyDecrease) { // @audit, here
                borrowATokenSupplyIncrease, debtATokenSupplyDecrease

Please add below test to the test/local/actions/Multicall.t.sol:

Note: This builds on my previous issue Users can bypass the borrowAToken cap check by using multicall. To conduct this test, we should implement the suggestion from that report, which involves using the total supply instead of the balance of Size in the multicall cap check.

function test_Multicall_repay_when_borrowAToken_cap() public {
    NonTransferrableScaledToken borrowAToken =;
    IERC20Metadata debtToken = IERC20Metadata(address(;

    uint256 cap = 1000e6;
    _updateConfig("borrowATokenCap", cap);

    uint256 tenor = 365 days;
    _deposit(alice, usdc, cap);
    _buyCreditLimit(alice, block.timestamp + 365 days, YieldCurveHelper.pointCurve(tenor, 0.03e18));

    _deposit(bob, weth, 100e18);
    uint256 amount = 100e6 + 1;
    uint256 debtPositionId = _sellCreditMarket(bob, alice, RESERVED_ID, amount, tenor, false);

    // 103517589 (bob's debt)
    uint256 debtAmount = debtToken.balanceOf(bob); 
    _mint(address(usdc), bob, debtAmount);
    _approve(bob, address(usdc), address(size), debtAmount);

    // Bob should always be able to repay his full debt
    bytes[] memory data = new bytes[](2);
    data[0] = abi.encodeCall(size.deposit, DepositParams({token: address(usdc), amount: debtAmount, to: bob}));
    data[1] = abi.encodeCall(size.repay, RepayParams({debtPositionId: debtPositionId}));

    // The increase in the borrowAToken total supply exceeds the debt decrease by just 1 we
    vm.expectRevert(abi.encodeWithSelector(Errors.BORROW_ATOKEN_INCREASE_EXCEEDS_DEBT_TOKEN_DECREASE.selector, debtAmount + 1, debtAmount));

Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps

To ensure consistency, aligning Size with Aave's calculation methods would be beneficial, though potential changes require careful consideration. Alternatively, a simple solution could be to incorporate a tolerance of 1 wei in the validation check.

Assessed type


aviggiano commented 2 months ago

The usage of mulDivDown instead of rayDiv was chosen to mitigate Issue 6.3 from this security review

aviggiano commented 2 months ago

Additionally, note how mulDivDown is safer for the protocol since it discredits the user by at most 1 wei, which is different from what the Aave deposit would give them. In contrast, using rayDiv could potentially give them 1 wei more in, for example, claim.

hansfriese commented 2 months ago

QA is appropriate.

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

hansfriese changed the severity to QA (Quality Assurance)

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as grade-a

etherSky111 commented 2 months ago

Hi @hansfriese , thanks for your time. It would be greatly appreciated if you could reconsider this issue.

This issue isn't related to the presence of a dust amount in the protocol due to a precision error. The issue with dust amounts is obviously a QA, but this issue describes a DoS and potential loss of users' funds. In the report, I've also suggested two solutions: The first is to sync the calculation between Size and Aave protocol. (sponsor rejected this) The second is a straightforward solution to resolve this issue.

Let me re-explain the impact and the second suggestion:

The impact is that borrowers will not be able to repay their debt in some cases when the borrow cap is reached. (Was described in the PoC). This can cause a DoS, and more severely, it can make positions liquidatable, leading to user losses through liquidation. Users won't be able to fully repay their debt, and sometimes it's impossible to make partial repayments (e.g., when the maturity is in the minimum tenor : As a result, positions become liquidatable, and users lose their funds. I believe the impact is high.

The second suggestion is to adjust the validation check to allow repayment even if there is a 1 wei precision error. In my report,

Alternatively, a simple solution could be to incorporate a tolerance of 1 wei in the validation check.

This issue described totally different impacts than other issues like #84.

aviggiano commented 2 months ago

This PoC is wrong.

The test mistakenly adds more borrow tokens than what is necessary to repay the loan. Here's a fixed version that does not revert on deposit + repay

    function test_Multicall_repay_when_borrowAToken_cap() public {
        IERC20Metadata debtToken = IERC20Metadata(address(;

        uint256 cap = 1000e6;
        _updateConfig("borrowATokenCap", cap);

        uint256 tenor = 365 days;
        _deposit(alice, usdc, cap);
        _buyCreditLimit(alice, block.timestamp + 365 days, YieldCurveHelper.pointCurve(tenor, 0.03e18));

        _deposit(bob, weth, 100e18);
        uint256 amount = 100e6 + 1;
        uint256 debtPositionId = _sellCreditMarket(bob, alice, RESERVED_ID, amount, tenor, false);

        // 103517589 (bob's debt)
        uint256 debtAmount = debtToken.balanceOf(bob);
        uint256 currentDeposit = size.getUserView(bob).borrowATokenBalance;
        uint256 depositRequiredToRepay = debtAmount - currentDeposit;
        _mint(address(usdc), bob, depositRequiredToRepay);
        _approve(bob, address(usdc), address(size), depositRequiredToRepay);

        // aviggiano: the borrower already has some USDC deposited, so no need to deposit more to repay
        assertLt(depositRequiredToRepay, debtAmount);

        // Bob should always be able to repay his full debt
        bytes[] memory data = new bytes[](2);
        data[0] = abi.encodeCall(size.deposit, DepositParams({token: address(usdc), amount: depositRequiredToRepay, to: bob}));
        data[1] = abi.encodeCall(size.repay, RepayParams({debtPositionId: debtPositionId}));

        // aviggiano: multicall does not revert

        // aviggiano: debt is now zero
        assertEq(debtToken.balanceOf(bob), 0);
etherSky111 commented 2 months ago

Hi @aviggiano , thanks for your review.

The reason is that Bob didn't withdraw his borrowed tokens. Could you please add the following line to your test?

_withdraw(bob, usdc, size.getUserView(bob).borrowATokenBalance);

Normally, after borrowing USDC, borrowers will withdraw these tokens to use.

Changed version is as follow:

function test_Multicall_repay_when_borrowAToken_cap() public {
        IERC20Metadata debtToken = IERC20Metadata(address(;

        uint256 cap = 1000e6;
        _updateConfig("borrowATokenCap", cap);

        uint256 tenor = 365 days;
        _deposit(alice, usdc, cap);
        _buyCreditLimit(alice, block.timestamp + 365 days, YieldCurveHelper.pointCurve(tenor, 0.03e18));

        _deposit(bob, weth, 100e18);
        uint256 amount = 100e6 + 1;
        uint256 debtPositionId = _sellCreditMarket(bob, alice, RESERVED_ID, amount, tenor, false);

       // ether_sky: withdraw
        _withdraw(bob, usdc, size.getUserView(bob).borrowATokenBalance);

        // 103517589 (bob's debt)
        uint256 debtAmount = debtToken.balanceOf(bob);
        uint256 currentDeposit = size.getUserView(bob).borrowATokenBalance;
        uint256 depositRequiredToRepay = debtAmount - currentDeposit;
        _mint(address(usdc), bob, depositRequiredToRepay);
        _approve(bob, address(usdc), address(size), depositRequiredToRepay);

        // aviggiano: the borrower already has some USDC deposited, so no need to deposit more to repay
        // ether_sky: disable this line due to depositRequiredToRepay = debtAmount
        // assertLt(depositRequiredToRepay, debtAmount);  

        // Bob should always be able to repay his full debt
        bytes[] memory data = new bytes[](2);
        data[0] = abi.encodeCall(size.deposit, DepositParams({token: address(usdc), amount: depositRequiredToRepay, to: bob}));
        data[1] = abi.encodeCall(size.repay, RepayParams({debtPositionId: debtPositionId}));

        // aviggiano: multicall does not revert

        // aviggiano: debt is now zero
        assertEq(debtToken.balanceOf(bob), 0);

I got this error as expected.

[FAIL. Reason: BORROW_ATOKEN_INCREASE_EXCEEDS_DEBT_TOKEN_DECREASE(103517590 [1.035e8], 103517589 [1.035e8])]

Note: This builds on my previous issue Users can bypass the borrowAToken cap check by using multicall. (this is accepted) To conduct this test, we should implement the suggestion from that report, which involves using the total supply instead of the balance of Size in the multicall cap check.

aviggiano commented 2 months ago


Here's a revised PoC that does not revert on multicall:

    function test_Multicall_repay_when_borrowAToken_cap() public {
        IERC20Metadata debtToken = IERC20Metadata(address(;

        uint256 cap = 1000e6;
        _updateConfig("borrowATokenCap", cap);

        uint256 tenor = 365 days;
        _deposit(alice, usdc, cap);
        _buyCreditLimit(alice, block.timestamp + 365 days, YieldCurveHelper.pointCurve(tenor, 0.03e18));

        _deposit(bob, weth, 100e18);
        uint256 amount = 100e6 + 1;
        uint256 debtPositionId = _sellCreditMarket(bob, alice, RESERVED_ID, amount, tenor, false);

       // ether_sky: withdraw
        _withdraw(bob, usdc, size.getUserView(bob).borrowATokenBalance);

        // 103517589 (bob's debt)
        uint256 debtAmount = debtToken.balanceOf(bob);
        uint256 currentDeposit = size.getUserView(bob).borrowATokenBalance;
        uint256 depositRequiredToRepay = debtAmount - currentDeposit;
        _mint(address(usdc), bob, depositRequiredToRepay);
        _approve(bob, address(usdc), address(size), depositRequiredToRepay);

        // aviggiano: the borrower already has some USDC deposited, so no need to deposit more to repay
        // ether_sky: disable this line due to depositRequiredToRepay = debtAmount
        // assertLt(depositRequiredToRepay, debtAmount);  

        // Bob should always be able to repay his full debt
        bytes[] memory data = new bytes[](2);
        data[0] = abi.encodeCall(size.deposit, DepositParams({token: address(usdc), amount: depositRequiredToRepay-1, to: bob}));
        data[1] = abi.encodeCall(size.repay, RepayParams({debtPositionId: debtPositionId}));

        // aviggiano: multicall does not revert

        // aviggiano: debt is now zero
        assertEq(debtToken.balanceOf(bob), 0);

The reason why your test is reverting is because the liquidity index is not 1 RAY, so during deposit, the USDC is automatically worth more in terms of aUSDC, and the CapsLibrary check validates aUSDC amounts, not USDC amounts.

In this case, the user must account for that and deposit a bit less in order not to trigger the BORROW_ATOKEN_INCREASE_EXCEEDS_DEBT_TOKEN_DECREASE error.

In this specific scenario, simply depositing depositRequiredToRepay-1 does the trick

etherSky111 commented 2 months ago

Thanks again for your time.

The reason why your test is reverting is because the liquidity index is not 1 RAY

Obviously, the liquidity index in the Aave pool keeps increasing.

data[0] = abi.encodeCall(size.deposit, DepositParams({token: address(usdc), amount: depositRequiredToRepay-1, to: bob}));

The depositRequiredToRepay is what the user can get from the view functions to repay their debt. Users can attempt to deposit 1 wei less again if the transaction reverts. This is a fix from the user's side.

Why doesn't the protocol provide a perfect solution? How should users determine whether to deposit the exact amount they get or 1 wei less? In some cases, users should deposit the amount they get from the view functions, and in other cases deposit 1 wei less to avoid the transaction from reverting.

I believe the normal flow from the user's side is as follows:

My second suggestion will resolve this issue with a straightforward solution.

In this specific scenario, simply depositing depositRequiredToRepay-1 does the trick

Agree on this, but this is a fix.

aviggiano commented 2 months ago

The depositRequiredToRepay is what the user can get from the view functions to repay their debt.

Actually, being more specific, depositRequiredToRepay is not the actual amount users should deposit to repay their debt.

The reason is that DespositTokenLibrary.depositUnderlyingBorrowTokenToVariablePool expects amount to be the USDC value (underlying borrow token) that is then converted to szaUSDC (borrowAToken) by depositing to Aave v3. This is explained on the NatSpec:

    /// @notice Deposit underlying borrow token to the Size protocol
    /// @dev The underlying borrow token is deposited to the Variable Pool,
    ///        and the corresponding Size borrow token is minted in scaled amounts.
    /// @param state The state struct
    /// @param from The address from which the underlying borrow token is transferred
    /// @param to The address to which the Size borrow token is minted
    /// @param amount The amount of underlying borrow token to deposit
    function depositUnderlyingBorrowTokenToVariablePool(State storage state, address from, address to, uint256 amount)

Then, the debt amount is calculated in borrowATokens, as you can see in AccountingLibrary.createDebtAndCreditPositions.

This means users' USDC deposits might be slightly different than the reported szaUSDC, because of the scaled/unscaled conversion. Although one could argue that this is unintuitive, it is a very well-documented expected behavior of the protocol that users should be aware of.

In my remediation, I explained how depositing 1 wei less would make the revert go away, just to show that the amount parameter (in USDC) will different than the deposit token minted value (in szaUSDC).

But another better alternative is possible: simply depositing the total debt and withdrawing the remainder dust amount:

    function test_Multicall_repay_when_borrowAToken_cap() public {
        IERC20Metadata debtToken = IERC20Metadata(address(;

        uint256 cap = 1000e6;
        _updateConfig("borrowATokenCap", cap);

        uint256 tenor = 365 days;
        _deposit(alice, usdc, cap);
        _buyCreditLimit(alice, block.timestamp + 365 days, YieldCurveHelper.pointCurve(tenor, 0.03e18));

        _deposit(bob, weth, 100e18);
        uint256 amount = 100e6 + 1;
        uint256 debtPositionId = _sellCreditMarket(bob, alice, RESERVED_ID, amount, tenor, false);

        _withdraw(bob, usdc, size.getUserView(bob).borrowATokenBalance);

        // 103517589 (bob's debt)
        uint256 debtAmount = debtToken.balanceOf(bob);
        uint256 currentDeposit = size.getUserView(bob).borrowATokenBalance;
        uint256 depositRequiredToRepay = debtAmount - currentDeposit;
        _mint(address(usdc), bob, depositRequiredToRepay);
        _approve(bob, address(usdc), address(size), depositRequiredToRepay);

        // Bob should always be able to repay his full debt
        bytes[] memory data = new bytes[](3);
        data[0] = abi.encodeCall(size.deposit, DepositParams({token: address(usdc), amount: depositRequiredToRepay, to: bob}));
        data[1] = abi.encodeCall(size.repay, RepayParams({debtPositionId: debtPositionId}));
        data[2] = abi.encodeCall(size.withdraw, WithdrawParams({token: address(usdc), amount: type(uint256).max, to: bob}));


        assertEq(debtToken.balanceOf(bob), 0);

As you can see, calling withdraw at the end of the multicall with type(uint256).max will also make sure that the BORROW_ATOKEN_INCREASE_EXCEEDS_DEBT_TOKEN_DECREASE is not triggered.

You can also create a fuzz test with different liquidity indices and borrow amounts to confirm that this always works for all possible scenarios:

    function test_Multicall_repay_when_borrowAToken_cap(uint256 index, uint256 amount) public {
        IERC20Metadata debtToken = IERC20Metadata(address(;

        index = bound(index, 1e27, 2e27);
        amount = bound(amount, 100e6, 200e6);

        uint256 cap = 1000e6;
        _updateConfig("borrowATokenCap", cap);

        uint256 tenor = 365 days;
        _deposit(alice, usdc, cap);
        _buyCreditLimit(alice, block.timestamp + 365 days, YieldCurveHelper.pointCurve(tenor, 0.03e18));

        _deposit(bob, weth, 100e18);
        uint256 debtPositionId = _sellCreditMarket(bob, alice, RESERVED_ID, amount, tenor, false);

        _withdraw(bob, usdc, size.getUserView(bob).borrowATokenBalance);

        uint256 debtAmount = debtToken.balanceOf(bob);
        uint256 currentDeposit = size.getUserView(bob).borrowATokenBalance;
        uint256 depositRequiredToRepay = debtAmount - currentDeposit;
        _mint(address(usdc), bob, depositRequiredToRepay);
        _approve(bob, address(usdc), address(size), depositRequiredToRepay);

        bytes[] memory data = new bytes[](3);
        data[0] = abi.encodeCall(size.deposit, DepositParams({token: address(usdc), amount: depositRequiredToRepay, to: bob}));
        data[1] = abi.encodeCall(size.repay, RepayParams({debtPositionId: debtPositionId}));
        data[2] = abi.encodeCall(size.withdraw, WithdrawParams({token: address(usdc), amount: type(uint256).max, to: bob}));


        assertEq(debtToken.balanceOf(bob), 0);

Why doesn't the protocol provide a perfect solution?

The reason is that a perfect solution does not exist, because the protocol is tightly coupled, by design, with a third-party integration, Aave v3.

As you know, due to Aave's internal accounting system, multiplications and divisions are rounded to the nearest RAY, which makes it inconsistent. In some cases, users might receive 1 wei more, and in other cases, users may receive 1 wei less.

Both of your recommendations are not perfect either since they also introduce new vulnerabilities:

  1. Using Aave's accounting could introduce a potential DoS when a round-up exceeds the balance of the protocol (Issue 6.3 from this security review
  2. Incorporating a tolerance of 1 wei in the validation check would allow depositors to always exceed the cap by 1, regardless of whether the rounding went up or down. This means the cap could grow indefinitely, 1 by 1, in the scenario that multiple deposits + repayments are performed

The current implementation of always rounding down with mulDivDown is safer than using rayDiv and rayMul, as I mentioned, since it will always discredit the user by at most 1 wei, instead of potentially crediting the user by an additional 1 wei. This avoids Denial of Services when pulling assets out of the protocol, such as in claim or withdraw.

etherSky111 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your detailed explanation.

I agree that finding the perfect solution is really difficult for this issue.

But another better alternative is possible: simply depositing the total debt and withdrawing the remainder dust amount:

I believe this is an excellent alternative, but there is an another side case. Users can have several debt positions to repay so they don't want to withdraw the borrowA tokens in the last.

All we are discussing are belongs to the fix.

Anyway, this is my last comment and will let the judge to decide.

Thanks again for your time and great explanation.

hansfriese commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your detailed discussion. After reconsideration, I still believe QA is more appropriate given the unlikely scenario and the existing resolution for borrowers.