code-423n4 / 2024-06-size-findings

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Multicall does not work as intended #238

Open howlbot-integration[bot] opened 2 months ago

howlbot-integration[bot] commented 2 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The multicall(bytes[] calldata _data) function in the Size.sol contract does not work as intended. The intention of the multicall(bytes[] calldata _data) function is to allow users to access multiple functionalities of the Size protocol, such as a (deposit and repay) pair, by a single transaction to Size.sol:

    function multicall(bytes[] calldata _data)
        returns (bytes[] memory results)
        results = state.multicall(_data);

The multicall function allows batch processing of multiple interactions with the protocol in a single transaction. This also allows users to take actions that would otherwise be denied due to deposit limits. One of these actions is a (deposit and repay) pair.

Let's say a credit-debt pair exists. Assume that the tenor of the debt is 1 year and the future value is 100ke6 USDC. Let's say the borrower decides to repay the loan just 1 day before the maturity ends. During this 1 year, the total supply of borrowAToken had increased so much that the total supply of borrowAToken was just 10e6 USDC worth below the cap (that is, just below the cap) at the time when the borrower decided to repay the loan.

To repay a loan, Size requires the user to have sufficient borrowAToken:

    function executeRepay(State storage state, RepayParams calldata params) external {
        DebtPosition storage debtPosition = state.getDebtPosition(params.debtPositionId);, address(this), debtPosition.futureValue);
        debtPosition.liquidityIndexAtRepayment =;
        state.repayDebt(params.debtPositionId, debtPosition.futureValue);

        emit Events.Repay(params.debtPositionId);

The user achieves this by first depositing the required amount of underlying borrow tokens (here, USDC) and then calling the repay(RepayParams calldata params) function:

    function depositUnderlyingBorrowTokenToVariablePool(State storage state, address from, address to, uint256 amount)
    {, address(this), amount);

        IAToken aToken =

        uint256 scaledBalanceBefore = aToken.scaledBalanceOf(address(this));, amount);, amount, address(this), 0);

        uint256 scaledAmount = aToken.scaledBalanceOf(address(this)) - scaledBalanceBefore;, scaledAmount);

Now, in our case, when the borrower decides to deposit 100ke6 USDC (at max if it would have some existing borrowAToken), he would not be able to do so (as the cap would be hit by depositing just 10e6 USDC). The situation is that the tenor is about to end (1 day left) and the borrower is not able to repay, not because he does not have money, but because borrowAToken's total supply cap does not allow him to deposit enough USDC.

To mitigate this, Size provides the multicall function, that bypasses the deposit limit and allows users to carry out such actions (LOC-80 in Deposit.sol):

    function executeDeposit(State storage state, DepositParams calldata params) public {
        address from = msg.sender;
        uint256 amount = params.amount;
        if (msg.value > 0) {
            // do not trust msg.value (see `Multicall.sol`)
            amount = address(this).balance;
            // slither-disable-next-line arbitrary-send-eth
  {value: amount}();
  , amount);
            from = address(this);

        if (params.token == address( {
            state.depositUnderlyingBorrowTokenToVariablePool(from,, amount);
            // borrow aToken cap is not validated in multicall,
            //   since users must be able to deposit more tokens to repay debt
            if (! {
        } else {
            state.depositUnderlyingCollateralToken(from,, amount);

        emit Events.Deposit(params.token,, amount);

Let's say a user uses the multicall function for a (deposit and repay) pair action. The multicall function checks for an invariant that restricts users from depositing more borrowATokens than required to repay the loan by restricting

increase in borrowAToken supply <= decrease in debtToken supply

    function validateBorrowATokenIncreaseLteDebtTokenDecrease(
        State storage state,
        uint256 borrowATokenSupplyBefore,
        uint256 debtTokenSupplyBefore,
        uint256 borrowATokenSupplyAfter,
        uint256 debtTokenSupplyAfter
    ) external view {
        // If the supply is above the cap
        if (borrowATokenSupplyAfter > state.riskConfig.borrowATokenCap) {
            uint256 borrowATokenSupplyIncrease = borrowATokenSupplyAfter > borrowATokenSupplyBefore
                ? borrowATokenSupplyAfter - borrowATokenSupplyBefore
                : 0;
            uint256 debtATokenSupplyDecrease =
                debtTokenSupplyBefore > debtTokenSupplyAfter ? debtTokenSupplyBefore - debtTokenSupplyAfter : 0;

            // and the supply increase is greater than the debt reduction
            if (borrowATokenSupplyIncrease > debtATokenSupplyDecrease) {
                // revert
                    borrowATokenSupplyIncrease, debtATokenSupplyDecrease
            // otherwise, it means the debt reduction was greater than the inflow of cash: do not revert
        // otherwise, the supply is below the cap: do not revert

The problem is that this is the exact invariant that is broken. The PoC below explains how in detail.

Proof of Concept

I have provided a thorough step-by-step PoC to explain how the invariant is broken.

Let's continue with our previous example. Let's say the borrowAToken cap is 1Me6 and its current supply is 990ke6. Before calling the multicall function, the borrowAToken balances are:

borrower = 0
Size contract = 0

Total supply of borrowAToken = 990ke6

Also, before calling the multicall function:

debtToken.balanceOf[borrower] = 100ke6

The borrower calls the multicall function, with (deposit and repay) action pair in Size.sol:

    function multicall(bytes[] calldata _data)
        returns (bytes[] memory results)
        results = state.multicall(_data);

To make things simple to understand, let's assume that this is the first repayment of a loan, that is, other credit-debt pairs exist but have sufficient time to mature.

The borrower has used the multicall to deposit 500ke6 USDC and would want to repay his debt completely (100ke6 USDC). The deposit action would be performed (as the deposit limit check is bypassed). After the deposit is over, the borrowAToken balances would be:

borrower = 500ke6 (actually, it would be ~500ke6 due to calculations involving AToken and liquidity index, but, I have used 500ke6 for simplicity)
Size contract = 0

Total supply of borrowAToken = 1.49Me6

After the repayment is over, the borrowAToken balances are:

borrower = 400ke6
Size contract = 100ke6

Total supply of borrowAToken = 1.49Me6

Also, after repayment:

debtToken.balanceOf[borrower] = 0

Now, the above situation breaks the invariant:

increase in borrowAToken supply (= 500ke6) is not <= decrease in debtToken supply (= 100ke6)

The multicall flow should revert. However, if we look at the multicall(State storage state, bytes[] calldata data) function in Multicall.sol:

    function multicall(State storage state, bytes[] calldata data) internal returns (bytes[] memory results) { = true;

        uint256 borrowATokenSupplyBefore =;
        uint256 debtTokenSupplyBefore =;

        results = new bytes[](data.length);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            results[i] = Address.functionDelegateCall(address(this), data[i]);

        uint256 borrowATokenSupplyAfter =;
        uint256 debtTokenSupplyAfter =;

            borrowATokenSupplyBefore, debtTokenSupplyBefore, borrowATokenSupplyAfter, debtTokenSupplyAfter
        ); = false;

LOC-29 sets the borrowATokenSupplyBefore variable to borrowAToken.balanceOf(Size_contract):

uint256 borrowATokenSupplyBefore =;

LOC-37 sets the borrowATokenSupplyAfter variable to borrowAToken.balanceOf(Size_contract):

uint256 borrowATokenSupplyAfter =;

As per our example:

uint256 borrowATokenSupplyBefore = 0
uint256 borrowATokenSupplyAfter = 100ke6

Now, validateBorrowATokenIncreaseLteDebtTokenDecrease() is called at LOC-40:

    function validateBorrowATokenIncreaseLteDebtTokenDecrease(
        State storage state,
        uint256 borrowATokenSupplyBefore,
        uint256 debtTokenSupplyBefore,
        uint256 borrowATokenSupplyAfter,
        uint256 debtTokenSupplyAfter
    ) external view {
        // If the supply is above the cap
        if (borrowATokenSupplyAfter > state.riskConfig.borrowATokenCap) {
            uint256 borrowATokenSupplyIncrease = borrowATokenSupplyAfter > borrowATokenSupplyBefore
                ? borrowATokenSupplyAfter - borrowATokenSupplyBefore
                : 0;
            uint256 debtATokenSupplyDecrease =
                debtTokenSupplyBefore > debtTokenSupplyAfter ? debtTokenSupplyBefore - debtTokenSupplyAfter : 0;

            // and the supply increase is greater than the debt reduction
            if (borrowATokenSupplyIncrease > debtATokenSupplyDecrease) {
                // revert
                    borrowATokenSupplyIncrease, debtATokenSupplyDecrease
            // otherwise, it means the debt reduction was greater than the inflow of cash: do not revert
        // otherwise, the supply is below the cap: do not revert

In this function, the first if() statement at LOC-27 would be executed, as per our example

if(100ke6 > 1Me6)

which would be false.

Therefore, the control flow does not move in the if() block, and the protocol assumes "the supply is below the cap: do not revert". As a result, the multicall function would not revert.

The root cause of this issue is the use of to set variables borrowATokenSupplyBefore and borrowATokenSupplyAfter. Instead of, should be used. This would work as then:

borrowATokenSupplyBefore would be 990ke6
borrowATokenSupplyAfter would be 1.49Me6

And, in the if() block of validateBorrowATokenIncreaseLteDebtTokenDecrease() function, we would have:

if(1.49Me6 > 1Me6)

which would be true. Thus, the control flow would enter into the if() block. At LOC-35, we would have:

            // and the supply increase is greater than the debt reduction
            if (borrowATokenSupplyIncrease > debtATokenSupplyDecrease) {
                // revert
                    borrowATokenSupplyIncrease, debtATokenSupplyDecrease

that is:

if(500ke6 > 100ke6)

which would be true again and finally, the transaction would revert.

This root cause gives rise to one more issue:- A user would use the multicall for a deposit action only but would be able to bypass the deposit limit. To comprehend this, think of a similar situation as above where:

The cap of borrorAToken supply = 1Me6
Current total supply of borrowAToken = 990ke6

Moreover, to keep things simple, let's assume that:

borrowToken.balanceOf[Size_contract] = 0

Now, a user deposits 200ke6 USDC using the multicall function. The normal (that is, without multicall) USDC deposit flow contains a logic to check for the deposit limit, which is bypassed when a multicall is used:

            if (! {

After completing the deposit, the multicall function would call the validateBorrowATokenIncreaseLteDebtTokenDecrease() function for a check (similar to above). The following arguments would have the specified value:

        uint256 borrowATokenSupplyBefore = borrowToken.balanceOf[Size_contract] = 0
        uint256 borrowATokenSupplyAfter = borrowToken.balanceOf[Size_contract] = 0

Now, again in the if() block at LOC-27:

        if (borrowATokenSupplyAfter > state.riskConfig.borrowATokenCap)

we would have the following:

if(0 > 1Me6)

which would be false, and, so, the control flow would not enter the if() block. Thus the multicall flow would pass with the following result:

Current total supply of borrowAToken = 1.19Me6
The cap of total supply of borrowAToken = 1Me6

The user was successful in depositing USDC in spite of the fact that his deposit crossed the deposit limit.


Impact: An invariant, which should not break, is broken. This point sets the impact of this issue to be Medium.

Likelihood: Any user would call the Multicall function (since it is not access-controlled) and can bypass the deposit limit as well as the restriction: increase in borrowAToken supply <= decrease in debtToken supply. This makes the likelihood high.

The final severity comes to be Medium. Moreover, the multicall functionality does not work as intended, affecting the availability of the correct intended version of multicall. This is in line with the most-used definition of Medium according to C4 docs:

2 — Med: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Apply the following in multicall(State storage state, bytes[] calldata data) function:

    function multicall(State storage state, bytes[] calldata data) internal returns (bytes[] memory results) { = true;

-       uint256 borrowATokenSupplyBefore =;
+       uint256 borrowATokenSupplyBefore =;
        uint256 debtTokenSupplyBefore =;

        results = new bytes[](data.length);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            results[i] = Address.functionDelegateCall(address(this), data[i]);

-       uint256 borrowATokenSupplyBefore =;
+       uint256 borrowATokenSupplyBefore =;
        uint256 debtTokenSupplyAfter =;

            borrowATokenSupplyBefore, debtTokenSupplyBefore, borrowATokenSupplyAfter, debtTokenSupplyAfter
        ); = false;

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as duplicate of #144

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as satisfactory

Ys-Prakash commented 2 months ago

Hi @hansfriese

I appreciate your quick judging!

I could not understand your decision not to judge this report as a primary issue but as a duplicate of #144.

My reasons for declaring this report as a primary issue:

  1. Through a very comprehensible, step-by-step PoC, I have clearly stated the breaking of the deposit limit invariant and proved how a user could bypass the state.riskConfig.borrowATokenCap using multicall(State storage state, bytes[] calldata data) function.
  2. Through the same step-by-step PoC, I have also proved one more invariant that is broken:

increase in borrowAToken supply <= decrease in debtToken supply

The multicall(State storage state, bytes[] calldata data) function is not able to uphold this invariant. Hence,

increase in borrowAToken supply could be > decrease in debtToken supply

The point is that this would happen when the users would use the multicall as intended, that is, for a usual (deposit + repay) pair actions instead of an unusual only deposit action.

  1. The PoC details the breaking of both the invariants mentioned above. I have clearly outlined the root cause as well as the maximum achievable impact. I have also provided the correct mitigation clearly.

My reasons for not selecting #144 as the primary issue:

  1. The issue correctly identifies the breaking of the deposit limit invariant but fails to identify the other invariant.

To consolidate this point, please allow me to quote the relevant section from the SC session, Fall 2023:

The requisites of a full mark report are:

Identification and demonstration of the root cause

Identification and demonstration of the maximum achievable impact of the root cause

The second point clearly states maximum achievable impact of the root cause.

Furthermore, it is stated that:

A lack of identification of maximal impact is grounds for partial scoring or downgrading of the issue.

  1. The issue has a PoC but its detailing is not of the nature of the PoC that is provided in this report.

Wardens are incentivized to build high-quality reports so that their reports get marked as primary issues. They spend valuable time in generating the PoC, thinking about the correct mitigation, and other important components of a high-quality report. A report has several components but the most important of them are:

  1. The PoC
  2. Clear explanation of root cause, maximum achievable impact, and how the root cause would lead to the said impact.
  3. Correct mitigation

This report:

  1. Has a very detailed PoC compared to the issue currently selected as primary.
  2. Has identified the complete impact by stating all the broken invariants. Has identified the root cause. Has explained the journey from the root cause to the stated complete impact through the PoC. The currently selected primary issue fails to identify the complete impact. Has not clearly, step-by-step, specified the journey from the root cause to the stated impact.
  3. Has mentioned the correct mitigation steps.

I would be grateful if you could look into this and mark this report as the primary issue. I would be more than happy to provide more valuable input.


hansfriese commented 2 months ago

OK. I agree.

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as not a duplicate

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as selected for report

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as primary issue