code-423n4 / 2024-06-size-findings

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Users can skip the fragmentation fee through the `compensate()` action #322

Closed howlbot-integration[bot] closed 4 months ago

howlbot-integration[bot] commented 4 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Explanation && Impact 📌📈

Users can skip the fragmentation fee through the compensate() action.

The impact is that those fees are needed to keep the bots of the protocol up and running plus the following invariant from the code is broken:

FEES_01: Fragmentation fees are applied whenever there is a credit fractionalization

To avoid the framentation fee you have to call compensate() with the following inputs:

This happens because of skipping this if statement. Follow the comments on the code for more details:

        CreditPosition memory creditPositionToCompensate;
        if (params.creditPositionToCompensateId == RESERVED_ID) {
            creditPositionToCompensate = state.createDebtAndCreditPositions({
                lender: msg.sender,
                borrower: msg.sender,
                futureValue: amountToCompensate, // 🟢1️⃣ Creates `creditPositionToCompensate` with `amountToCompensate` credit
                dueDate: debtPositionToRepay.dueDate
        } else { /* doesnt matter, will not execute */ }

        // debt and credit reduction
        state.reduceDebtAndCredit( // 🟢2️⃣ Notice this does not alter `creditPositionToCompensate` in any way
            creditPositionWithDebtToRepay.debtPositionId, params.creditPositionWithDebtToRepayId, amountToCompensate
        // 🟢3️⃣ Deducts `amountToCompensate` from ``
        // Which as seen in step 1️⃣, they are the same amount. Thus result is 0.
        uint256 exiterCreditRemaining = - amountToCompensate;

        // credit emission
        // 🟢4️⃣ As we passed RESERVED_ID, the last position created gets exited, and as `amountToCompensate`
        // is its full amount. `createCreditPosition()` will just change the lender. So now we have 2 positions
        // with credit: `creditPositionWithDebtToRepay` that has been partially repayed and `creditPositionToCompensate`
        // with `amountToCompensate` amount of credit.
            exitCreditPositionId: params.creditPositionToCompensateId == RESERVED_ID
                ? - 1
                : params.creditPositionToCompensateId,
            lender: creditPositionWithDebtToRepay.lender,
            credit: amountToCompensate
        // 🟢5️⃣ As we saw on 3️⃣, this is 0 so code inside won't execute. But we have created 2 different positions of msg.sender
        // with the same lender that will have to be claimed at some point. Credit has been fractionalized.
        if (exiterCreditRemaining > 0) {
            // Code charges frag fee inside here
        // end of function

Proof Of Concept (PoC) 👨‍💻💻

Paste the code below it in some test file (./test/local/actions/*.t.sol) on the system, import foundry console.log in that file: import "forge-std/console.sol";. And run:

forge test --match-test "test_avoidFragFee" -vvv
See code 👁️ > ℹ️ **Note** 📘 If the test file you paste this test in requires more imports please read linter warnings about missing imports and add them. ```solidity function test_avoidFragFee() public { _deposit(alice, weth, 500e18); _deposit(alice, usdc, 500e6); _deposit(bob, weth, 500e18); _deposit(bob, usdc, 500e6); uint256[] memory tenors = new uint256[](2); tenors[0] = 1 days; tenors[1] = 2 days; int256[] memory aprs = new int256[](2); aprs[0] = 1.01e18; aprs[1] = 1.02e18; uint256[] memory marketRateMultipliers = new uint256[](2); console.log("Alice lends money to Bob."); console.log( "Bob will split his position into 2 without paying fragmentation fee, for that he does comepnsate(RESERVED_ID)." ); // Bob puts a borrow offer, then Alice calls buyCreditMarket _sellCreditLimit(bob, YieldCurve({tenors: tenors, aprs: aprs, marketRateMultipliers: marketRateMultipliers})); uint256 amount = 100e6; // 100 credit uint256 tenor = 2 days; _buyCreditMarket(alice, bob, amount, tenor, false); (, uint256 creditCount) = size.getPositionsCount(); uint256 creditPositionId = CREDIT_POSITION_ID_START + creditCount - 1; Vars memory v = _state(); console.log("Fees before compensate: ", v.feeRecipient.collateralTokenBalance); _compensate(bob, creditPositionId, RESERVED_ID, amount / 2); v = _state(); console.log("Fees after compensate: ", v.feeRecipient.collateralTokenBalance); (, creditCount) = size.getPositionsCount(); uint256 lastCreatedId = CREDIT_POSITION_ID_START + creditCount - 1; console.log("ID of position created during compensate: ", lastCreatedId); console.log("Credit of position created during compensate: ", size.getCreditPosition(lastCreatedId).credit); console.log("ID of position created with Alice:", creditPositionId); console.log("Credit of position created with Alice: ", size.getCreditPosition(creditPositionId).credit); console.log("As you can see, 2 different credit positions, both with some credit, have been created."); console.log("But no fragmentation fee has arrved to feeReceiver."); console.log("IMPACT: Users have a way to fragmentate credit avoiding feragmentaiton fee via the compensate function."); } ```

Recommended Actions 🛠️

Check at the end of execution for the credit amount of all positions created or manipulated along the compensate action. If any of them has credit 0 it means that there was no fragmentation, if both have credit > 0, it means there was fragmentation.

Something similar to:

⚠️ WARNING 🚧 The code below is not audited. It is just a template to guide devs. The key takeaway of the example is to realize that the fragmentation check must be done differently when passing RESERVED_ID.

bool frag = false;

uint256 creditOfPositionUsed = params.creditPositionToCompensateId == RESERVED_ID ? getCreditPosition( - 1).credit : getCreditPosition(params.creditPositionToCompensateId).credit;

if(creditOfPositionUsed != 0 && getCreditPosition(creditPositionWithDebtToRepay).credit != 0){
    frag = true; 

    //charge fragmentation fee...

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 4 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as duplicate of #10

c4-judge commented 4 months ago

hansfriese marked the issue as satisfactory