code-423n4 / 2024-06-thorchain-findings

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ThorChain will be informed wrongly about the unsuccessful ETH transfers due to the incorrect events emissions #17

Open howlbot-integration[bot] opened 3 months ago

howlbot-integration[bot] commented 3 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

One of the main invariant of the protocol is:

Only valid events emitted from the Router contract itself should result in the txInItem parameter being populated in the GetTxInItem function of the smartcontract_log_parser

In short, this means that, all the events ThorChain_Router emits, should be correct.

This invariants breaks in the edge cases of the transferOut(), _transferOutV5(), transferOutAndCall() & _transferOutAndCallV5()

For the sake of simplicity, we will only gonna take a look at the transferOut() function.

transferOut() function is used by the vaults to transfer Native Tokens (ethers) or ERC20 Tokens to any address to. It first transfers the funds to the specified to address and then emits the TransferOut event for ThorChain. In case the Native Tokens transfer to the to address fails, it just refunds or bounce back the ethers to the vault address (msg.sender). Transfer to to address can fail oftenly, as the function uses solidity's .send to transfer the funds, if the to address is a contract which takes more than 2300 gas to complete the execution then .send will return false and the ethers will be bounced back to the vault address.

The problem is that, In the case, when the .send will fail and the ethers will bounce back to the vault address, the event TransferOut will be wrong. As we can see, when the ethers receiver will be vault not the inputted to address, the to doesn't get updated to the vault's address and the function in the end emits the same to, ThorChain is getting informed that the ether receiver is still inputted to:

  function transferOut(address payable to, address asset, uint amount, string memory memo) public payable nonReentrant {
    uint safeAmount;
    if (asset == address(0)) {
      safeAmount = msg.value;
      bool success = to.send(safeAmount); // Send ETH.
      if (!success) {
        payable(address(msg.sender)).transfer(safeAmount); // For failure, bounce back to vault & continue.
    } else {
    ///@audit-issue H worng event `to` incase of the bounce back - PoC: `Should bounce back ethers but emits wrong event`
    emit TransferOut(msg.sender, to, asset, safeAmount, memo);

Technically, the ETH transfer is unsuccessful but the ThorChain is informed that its successful and the funds are successfully transferred to the specified to address. Also, not that the smartcontract_log_parser's GetTxInItem() function doesn't ignore these trxs at all, as it doesn't check if txInItem.To is equal to the calling vault or not.


The network believes the outbound was successful and updates the vaults accordingly, but the outbound was not successful. Resulting in lose of funds for the users.

Proof of Concept

Add this test in the 1_Router.js:Fund Yggdrasil, Yggdrasil Transfer Out. Also make sure to deploy the Navich Contract.

    it("Should bounce back ethers but emits wrong event", async function () {
        // Contract Address which doesn't accept ethers
        let navichAddr = navich.address;

        let startBalVault = getBN(await web3.eth.getBalance(ASGARD1));
        let startBalNavich = getBN(await web3.eth.getBalance(navichAddr));

        let tx = await ROUTER1.transferOut(navichAddr, ETH, _400, "ygg+:123", {
            from: ASGARD1,
            value: _400,

        let endBalVault = getBN(await web3.eth.getBalance(ASGARD1));
        let endBalNavich = getBN(await web3.eth.getBalance(navichAddr));

        // Navich Contract Balance remains same & Vault balance is unchanged as it got the refund (only gas fee cut)
        expect(BN2Str(endBalVault)).to.not.equal(BN2Str(startBalVault) - _400);

        // 4 Events Logs as expected

        //🔺 Event Log of `to` address is Navich Contract instaed of the Vault (actual funds receiver) 
contract Navich {
    receive() external payable {
        require(msg.value == 0, "BRUH");

Tools Used

Shaheen Vision

Recommended Mitigation Steps

There are multiple solutions to this issue:

  1. Only emit event when transfer to the target is successful (highly recommended)
    function transferOut(address payable to, address asset, uint amount, string memory memo) public payable nonReentrant {
    uint safeAmount;
    if (asset == address(0)) {
      safeAmount = msg.value;
      bool success = to.send(safeAmount); // Send ETH.
      emit TransferOut(msg.sender, to, asset, safeAmount, memo);
      if (!success) {
        payable(address(msg.sender)).transfer(safeAmount); // For failure, bounce back to vault & continue.
    } else {
      _vaultAllowance[msg.sender][asset] -= amount; // Reduce allowance
      (bool success, bytes memory data) =
        abi.encodeWithSignature("transfer(address,uint256)", to, amount)
      require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))));
      safeAmount = amount;
      emit TransferOut(msg.sender, to, asset, safeAmount, memo);
  2. Simply Revert the trx upon .send failure
  3. Set to address to the vault when bounce back happens
  4. Ignore these trxs in the smartcontract_log_parser's GetTxInItem()
  5. use .call which will potentially lower the chance of failure while transferring the ethers (least recommended)

Assessed type


the-eridanus commented 3 months ago

Adding sponsor confirmed, seems like a good fix to make

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

trust1995 marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 3 months ago

trust1995 marked the issue as selected for report