code-423n4 / 2024-07-karak-findings

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User can request update of the vault stake and then unregister before finalization #80

Closed howlbot-integration[bot] closed 2 months ago

howlbot-integration[bot] commented 2 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


In the current implementation of the Core, the operator has to be registered to a chosen DSS to be able to stake the vault to it. However, current functionality is mostly 2step where first the operation has to be requested and then finalized after some cooldown. The problem is that when user requests staking to DSS, the function checks if it's registered or not but when it finalizes, it does not check the registration status so the user can effectively front-run the finalization transaction and unregister immediately as the unregister() function will show there are no vaults of the operator that are staked to this particular DSS.

Proof of Concept

  1. Let's say the user calls requestUpdateVaultStakeInDSS(), the function checks the registration status of the operator:

 self.checkIfOperatorIsRegInRegDSS(operator, vaultStakeUpdateRequest.dss);
  1. Then some time should pass before the request can be finalized called MIN_STAKE_DELAY:

  if (queuedStakeUpdate.startTimestamp + Constants.MIN_STAKE_UPDATE_DELAY > block.timestamp) {
            revert OperatorStakeUpdateDelayNotPassed();
  1. Additionally, when user unregisters from DSS, the function unregisterOperatorFromDSS checks whether there are not any vaults staked to this particular DSS:

 if (vaults.length != 0) revert AllVaultsNotUnstakedFromDSS();
  1. The vault is only added to the vaults staked to DSS structure only when request is finalized:

  function updateVaultStakeInDSS(State storage operatorState, address vault, IDSS dss, bool toStake) internal {
        if (toStake) {
        } else {
  1. So the issue lies in not checking whether operator is registered to DSS when finalizing request:

  function validateQueuedStakeUpdate(State storage operatorState, QueuedStakeUpdate memory queuedStakeUpdate)
        if (queuedStakeUpdate.startTimestamp + Constants.MIN_STAKE_UPDATE_DELAY > block.timestamp) {
            revert OperatorStakeUpdateDelayNotPassed();
        if (
            calculateRoot(queuedStakeUpdate) != operatorState.pendingStakeUpdates[queuedStakeUpdate.updateRequest.vault]
        ) {
            revert InvalidQueuedStakeUpdateInput();

The function only checks if the root of the structure corresponds to the one in the pending updates and if the sufficient amount of time has passed. This can effectively lead to a situation where an operator can be staked to DSS while being unregistered from it. It's considered as a deviation from the spec as the vault can potentially earn rewards and cannot be slashed.

Tools Used

Manual review.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Check if operator is registered in DSS when finalizing request stake update.

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 2 months ago

MiloTruck marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Out of scope

rodiontr commented 2 months ago

Hi @MiloTruck I am not sure if this is against the rules but this issue was in the audit report and said to be "resolved". So I was reporting it having this in my mind. I think if there are audit issues in the past audit reports, it seems pretty logical that wardens should watch for the fixes in the case of something and in this case the issue was marked as "resolved" but was not actually resolved

MiloTruck commented 1 month ago

For this contest, issues that have been reported in previous audits before were publicly announced to be OOS:

To be fair to everyone who did not submit after seeing this announcement, I'm abiding by this and invalidating all previously reported issues.

Feel free to open an issue in the org repo if you think previously reported issues should be considered in-scope, but unfortunately, I can't change a decision that was already made in the past.