code-423n4 / 2024-07-karak-findings

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The operator can use any arbitrary nodeImplementation and grant themselves the manager role #81

Closed howlbot-integration[bot] closed 2 months ago

howlbot-integration[bot] commented 2 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The operator can use any arbitrary nodeImplementation and grant themselves the manager role.

Proof of Concept

The operator can utilize arbitrary extraData, which can subsequently be decoded to reveal the manager address and nodeImplementation address. The system then grants the MANAGER_ROLE to the specified manager address and sets the provided nodeImplementation as the default nodeImpl address NativeNode.sol::initialize

function initialize(
    address _owner,
    address _operator,
    address _depositToken,
    string memory _name,
    string memory _symbol,
    bytes memory _extraData
) external initializer {

    if (_depositToken != Constants.DEAD_BEEF) revert DepositTokenNotAccepted();

    (address manager, address slashStore, address nodeImplementation) =
        abi.decode(_extraData, (address, address, address));

    if (manager == address(0) || slashStore == address(0) || nodeImplementation == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();
    _grantRoles(manager, Constants.MANAGER_ROLE);    <@

    NativeVaultLib.Storage storage self = _state();
    VaultLib.Config storage config = _config();

    config.asset = _depositToken; = _name;
    config.symbol = _symbol;
    config.decimals = 18;
    config.operator = _operator;
    config.extraData = _extraData;

    self.slashStore = slashStore;
    self.nodeImpl = nodeImplementation;   <@

    emit NativeVaultInitialized(_owner, manager, _operator, slashStore);


    function testOperatorCanChangeTheImplementation() public {
        // use a random address
        address nativeNodeImpl = makeAddr('nativeNodeImpl');

        //operator can specific a slashStore address.
        address slashStoreRandom = makeAddr('randomAddress');

        // Deploy Vaults
        VaultLib.Config[] memory vaultConfigs = new VaultLib.Config[](1);
        vaultConfigs[0] = VaultLib.Config({
            asset: Constants.DEAD_BEEF,
            decimals: 18,
            operator: operator,
            name: "NativeTestVault",
            symbol: "NTV",
            extraData: abi.encode(address(operator), slashStoreRandom, address(nativeNodeImpl))

        IKarakBaseVault[] memory vaults = core.deployVaults(vaultConfigs, address(0));

        nativeVault = NativeVault(address(vaults[0]));

        //operator has manager role.
        assertTrue(nativeVault.hasAnyRole(operator, Constants.MANAGER_ROLE));


Ran 1 test for test/nativeRestaking/nativeVault.t.sol:NativeVaultTest
[PASS] testOperatorCanChangeTheImplementation() (gas: 548784)

Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 12.97ms (2.09ms CPU time)

From above test we can see operator can grant themself manager role which can subsequently change the NodeImplementation address via NativeVault.sol::changeNodeImplementation

function changeNodeImplementation(address newNodeImplementation)
    onlyOwnerOrRoles(Constants.MANAGER_ROLE)   <@
    if (newNodeImplementation == address(0)) revert ZeroAddress();

    _state().nodeImpl = newNodeImplementation;
    emit UpgradedAllNodes(newNodeImplementation);

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

recommend only owner can change the nodeImplementation address.

Assessed type

Access Control

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

MiloTruck marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

MiloTruck changed the severity to 3 (High Risk)