code-423n4 / 2024-07-munchables-findings

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Incorrect calculation of rewards in the _farmPlots function results in users getting wrong/huge rewards or causing munchables to always get stuck with overflow errors #218

Closed howlbot-integration[bot] closed 1 month ago

howlbot-integration[bot] commented 1 month ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The original design intent was to adjust the schnibblesTotal reward by 5% or 10% based on the realm compatibility rules, thus preventing users from placing munchables onto realms different from the munchables' properties. However, incorrect math can cause schnibblesTotal to be inconsistent with this rule, or even become negative. This can cause users to receive incorrect rewards, even break the game ecosystem due to type conversion resulting in huge rewards, or munchables always get stuck due to overflow errors.

Proof of Concept

The reward calculation in the _farmPlot function code snippet:

            finalBonus =
                        (uint256(immutableAttributes.realm) * 5) +
                ) +
            schnibblesTotal =
                (timestamp - _toiler.lastToilDate) *
            schnibblesTotal = uint256(
                (int256(schnibblesTotal) +
                    (int256(schnibblesTotal) * finalBonus)) / 100
            schnibblesLandlord =
                (schnibblesTotal * _toiler.latestTaxRate) /

the schnibblesTotal will be affected by the finalbonus calculated by REALM_BONUSES and RARITY_BONUSES.

For specific rules, see the configuration parameters of the deployment script and the documentation.

the key point is REALM_BONUSES:

export const REALM_BONUSES = [
  10, -10, -5, 0, 5, -10, 10, -5, 5, 0, -5, 0, 10, 5, -10, 0, -5, 10, 10, -10, 5, 10, 0, -10, 10,

when the user putting munchables onto realms that are not the same as the munchables' property, the finalBonus will be negtive, for example -10.

now check this code snippet:

            schnibblesTotal = uint256(
                (int256(schnibblesTotal) +
                    (int256(schnibblesTotal) * finalBonus)) / 100

It got its arithmetic priorities in the wrong order, and for positive finalBonus it miscalculated the rewards.

For a negative finalBonus, there are two scenarios:

  1. Landlord Locked Up Funds Before LandManager Contract Deployment
  1. Landlord Locked Up Funds After LandManager Contract Deployment

Poc Test

To facilitate the testing of the first scenario, you need to comment out this line of the AccountManager contract (this line of code is an update to adapt to the landmanager contract, which will not exist in the onchain contract), or make a mock function. I chose the former.

the poc file:

import assert from "node:assert";
import { after, afterEach, before, beforeEach, describe, it } from "node:test";
import { parseEther, zeroAddress } from "viem";
import { DeployedContractsType } from "../../../deployments/actions/deploy-contracts";
import { assertContractFunctionRevertedError, assertTxSuccess } from "../../utils/asserters";
import { testClient } from "../../utils/consts";
import { getTestContracts, getTestRoleAddresses } from "../../utils/contracts";
import { MockNFTOverlordContractType, deployMockNFTOverlord } from "../../utils/mock-contracts";
import { registerPlayer } from "../../utils/players";

describe("LandManager: stakeMunchable", () => {
  let alice: `0x${string}`;
  let bob: `0x${string}`;
  let jirard: `0x${string}`;
  let beforeSnapshot: `0x${string}`;
  let beforeEachSnapshot: `0x${string}`;
  let testContracts: DeployedContractsType;
  let mockNFTOverlord: MockNFTOverlordContractType;

  before(async () => {
    testContracts = await getTestContracts();

    beforeSnapshot = await testClient.snapshot();

    const testRoleAddresses = await getTestRoleAddresses();
    mockNFTOverlord = await deployMockNFTOverlord({ testContracts });
    [alice, bob, jirard] = testRoleAddresses.users;
    await testClient.setBalance({
      address: alice,
      value: parseEther("10"),
    await testClient.setBalance({
      address: bob,
      value: parseEther("10"),
    await testClient.setBalance({
      address: jirard,
      value: parseEther("10"),

  beforeEach(async () => {
    beforeEachSnapshot = await testClient.snapshot();

  afterEach(async () => {
    await testClient.revert({ id: beforeEachSnapshot });

  after(async () => {
    await testClient.revert({ id: beforeSnapshot });

  describe("all paths", () => {
    beforeEach(async () => {
      await registerPlayer({
        account: alice,
      await registerPlayer({
        account: bob,
      await registerPlayer({
        account: jirard,

      const { request } = await testContracts.lockManager.contract.simulate.lock(
        [zeroAddress, parseEther("1")],
        { account: alice, value: parseEther("1") }
      const txHash = await testClient.writeContract(request);
      await assertTxSuccess({ txHash: txHash });

      await mockNFTOverlord.write.addReveal([alice, 100], { account: alice });
      await mockNFTOverlord.write.addReveal([bob, 100], { account: bob });
      await mockNFTOverlord.write.addReveal([bob, 100], { account: bob });
      await mockNFTOverlord.write.startReveal([bob], { account: bob }); // 1
      await mockNFTOverlord.write.reveal([bob, 0, 25], { account: bob }); // 1
      await mockNFTOverlord.write.startReveal([bob], { account: bob }); // 2
      await mockNFTOverlord.write.reveal([bob, 0, 1], { account: bob }); // 2
      await mockNFTOverlord.write.startReveal([alice], { account: alice }); // 3
      await mockNFTOverlord.write.reveal([alice, 1, 14], { account: alice }); // 3
      await mockNFTOverlord.write.startReveal([jirard], { account: jirard }); // 4
      await mockNFTOverlord.write.reveal([jirard, 0, 22], { account: jirard }); // 4
      await mockNFTOverlord.write.startReveal([jirard], { account: jirard }); // 5
      await mockNFTOverlord.write.reveal([jirard, 0, 23], { account: jirard }); // 5

      const immutableAttributesRead =
          account: bob,
    it("farm with different realm", async () => {
      const txHash = await testContracts.munchNFT.contract.write.approve(
        [testContracts.landManagerProxy.contract.address, 1n],
        { account: bob }
      await assertTxSuccess({ txHash });
      const txHash2 = await testContracts.munchNFT.contract.write.approve(
        [testContracts.landManagerProxy.contract.address, 2n],
        { account: bob }
      await assertTxSuccess({ txHash: txHash2 });
      const stakeMunchableTxHash =
        await testContracts.landManagerProxy.contract.write.stakeMunchable([alice, 1, 0], {
          account: bob,
      await assertTxSuccess({ txHash: stakeMunchableTxHash });

      console.log("before farm");
      const registeredPlayerAlice = await
      const registeredPlayerBob = await

      console.log("Farm with different realm");
      const { request: farmRequest } =
      await testContracts.landManagerProxy.contract.simulate.farmPlots([], {
        account: bob,
      const farmHash = await testClient.writeContract(farmRequest);

      const registeredPlayerAlice2 = await
      const registeredPlayerBob2 = await

and get the output:

Configuring test contracts...
Configuring test roles...
Pausing contracts...
  rarity: 0,
  species: 25,
  realm: 1,
  generation: 2,
  hatchedDate: 1713316704
before farm
    registrationDate: 1713316696,
    lastPetMunchable: 0,
    lastHarvestDate: 1713316708,
    snuggeryRealm: 0,
    maxSnuggerySize: 6,
    unfedSchnibbles: 39062500000000000n,
    referrer: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
    registrationDate: 1713316697,
    lastPetMunchable: 0,
    lastHarvestDate: 1713316715,
    snuggeryRealm: 0,
    maxSnuggerySize: 6,
    unfedSchnibbles: 0n,
    referrer: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
Farm with different realm
    registrationDate: 1713316696,
    lastPetMunchable: 1713316716,
    lastHarvestDate: 1713316708,
    snuggeryRealm: 0,
    maxSnuggerySize: 6,
    unfedSchnibbles: 39062500000000000n,
    referrer: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
    registrationDate: 1713316697,
    lastPetMunchable: 0,
    lastHarvestDate: 1713316715,
    snuggeryRealm: 0,
    maxSnuggerySize: 6,
    unfedSchnibbles: 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457583917913129639936n,
    referrer: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
▶ LandManager: stakeMunchable
  ▶ all paths
    ✔ farm with different realm (69.198833ms)
  ▶ all paths (69.453334ms)
▶ LandManager: stakeMunchable (1343.361708ms)

For the second test, the commented code is reverted back and run the poc file and will get an overflow error.

panic: arithmetic underflow or overflow

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

diff -u src/managers/LandManager.sol src/managers/LandManager.sol.fix
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
             schnibblesTotal = uint256(
                 (int256(schnibblesTotal) +
-                    (int256(schnibblesTotal) * finalBonus)) / 100
+                    (int256(schnibblesTotal) * finalBonus) / 100)
             schnibblesLandlord =
                 (schnibblesTotal * _toiler.latestTaxRate) /

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 1 month ago

alex-ppg marked the issue as satisfactory