code-423n4 / 2024-07-optimism-findings

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`MIPS` - No syscall handling for `mmap2`(4210) #38

Closed c4-bot-5 closed 2 months ago

c4-bot-5 commented 2 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Incorrect resolution of dispute game - True claim will be resolved as False

Proof of Concept

In MIPS vm, mmap syscall is handled by checking syscall no. 4090. However, mmap2 syscall(4210) is usually used allocate/map memories.

Here's code snippet of low-level function syscall_mmap. (The assembly below is generated from ELF file built from op-program-client)

.text:000CBAB4                             .globl syscall_mmap
.text:000CBAB4             syscall_mmap:
.text:000CBAB4 8F C1 00 08                 lw      $at, 8($fp)
.text:000CBAB8 00 3D 08 2B                 sltu    $at, $sp
.text:000CBABC 14 20 00 06                 bnez    $at, loc_CBAD8
.text:000CBAC0 00 00 00 00                 nop
.text:000CBAC4 00 1F 18 25                 move    $v1, $ra
.text:000CBAC8 0C 02 D6 90                 jal     runtime_morestack_noctxt
.text:000CBACC 00 00 00 00                 nop
.text:000CBAD0 10 00 FF F8                 b       syscall_mmap
.text:000CBAD4 00 00 00 00                 nop
.text:000CBAD8              # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000CBAD8             loc_CBAD8:
.text:000CBB50 00 00 00 00                 nop
.text:000CBB54              # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000CBB54             loc_CBB54:
.text:000CBB54 8F A1 00 2C                 lw      $at, 0x2C($sp)
.text:000CBB58 AF A1 00 04                 sw      $at, 4($sp)
.text:000CBB5C 8F A1 00 30                 lw      $at, 0x30($sp)
.text:000CBB60 AF A1 00 08                 sw      $at, 8($sp)
.text:000CBB64 8F A1 00 34                 lw      $at, 0x34($sp)
.text:000CBB68 AF A1 00 0C                 sw      $at, 0xC($sp)
.text:000CBB6C 8F A1 00 38                 lw      $at, 0x38($sp)
.text:000CBB70 AF A1 00 10                 sw      $at, 0x10($sp)
.text:000CBB74 8F A1 00 3C                 lw      $at, 0x3C($sp)
.text:000CBB78 AF A1 00 14                 sw      $at, 0x14($sp)
.text:000CBB7C AF A2 00 18                 sw      $v0, 0x18($sp)
.text:000CBB80 0C 03 43 F8                 jal     syscall_mmap2    # <----------- mmap calls mmap2 syscall
.text:000CBB84 00 00 00 00                 nop
.text:000CBB88 8F A1 00 1C                 lw      $at, 0x1C($sp)
.text:000CBB8C 8F A2 00 20                 lw      $v0, 0x20($sp)
.text:000CBB90 8F A3 00 24                 lw      $v1, 0x24($sp)
.text:000CBB94 AF A1 00 48                 sw      $at, 0x48($sp)
.text:000CBB98 AF A2 00 4C                 sw      $v0, 0x4C($sp)
.text:000CBB9C AF A3 00 50                 sw      $v1, 0x50($sp)
.text:000CBBA0 8F BF 00 00                 lw      $ra, 0($sp)
.text:000CBBA4 27 BD 00 28                 addiu   $sp, 0x28
.text:000CBBA8 03 E0 00 08                 jr      $ra
.text:000CBBAC 00 00 00 00                 nop
.text:000CBBAC              # End of function syscall_mmap

As shown in .text:000CBB80, mmap syscall calls mmap2 syscall.

Here's code snippet of low-level syscall_mmap2 function.

.text:000D0FE0                             .globl syscall_mmap2
.text:000D0FE0             syscall_mmap2:                           
.text:000D0FE0 8F C1 00 08                 lw      $at, 8($fp)
.text:000D0FE4 00 3D 08 2B                 sltu    $at, $sp
.text:000D0FE8 14 20 00 06                 bnez    $at, loc_D1004
.text:000D0FEC 00 00 00 00                 nop
.text:000D0FF0 00 1F 18 25                 move    $v1, $ra
.text:000D0FF4 0C 02 D6 90                 jal     runtime_morestack_noctxt
.text:000D0FF8 00 00 00 00                 nop
.text:000D0FFC 10 00 FF F8                 b       syscall_mmap2
.text:000D1000 00 00 00 00                 nop
.text:000D1004              # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:000D1004             loc_D1004:
.text:000D1004 AF BF FF D0                 sw      $ra, -0x30($sp)
.text:000D1008 27 BD FF D0                 addiu   $sp, -0x30
.text:000D100C AF BF 00 00                 sw      $ra, 0($sp)
.text:000D1010 24 01 10 72                 li      $at, 0x1072         # <----------- syscall_no=0x1072
.text:000D1014 AF A1 00 04                 sw      $at, 4($sp)
.text:000D1018 8F A1 00 34                 lw      $at, 0x34($sp)
.text:000D101C AF A1 00 08                 sw      $at, 8($sp)
.text:000D1020 8F A1 00 38                 lw      $at, 0x38($sp)
.text:000D1024 AF A1 00 0C                 sw      $at, 0xC($sp)
.text:000D1028 8F A1 00 3C                 lw      $at, 0x3C($sp)
.text:000D102C AF A1 00 10                 sw      $at, 0x10($sp)
.text:000D1030 8F A1 00 40                 lw      $at, 0x40($sp)
.text:000D1034 AF A1 00 14                 sw      $at, 0x14($sp)
.text:000D1038 8F A1 00 44                 lw      $at, 0x44($sp)
.text:000D103C AF A1 00 18                 sw      $at, 0x18($sp)
.text:000D1040 8F A1 00 48                 lw      $at, 0x48($sp)
.text:000D1044 AF A1 00 1C                 sw      $at, 0x1C($sp)
.text:000D1048 0C 03 45 1A                 jal     syscall_Syscall6     # <---------- Call syscall here
.text:000D104C 00 00 00 00                 nop
.text:000D1050 8F A1 00 20                 lw      $at, 0x20($sp)
.text:000D1054 8F A2 00 28                 lw      $v0, 0x28($sp)
.text:000D1058 10 40 00 2A                 beqz    $v0, loc_D1104
.text:000D105C 00 00 00 00                 nop
.text:000D1060 AF A1 00 2C                 sw      $at, 0x2C($sp)
.text:000D1064 24 03 00 02                 li      $v1, 2
.text:000D1068 00 62 18 2B                 sltu    $v1, $v0
.text:000D106C 14 60 00 0A                 bnez    $v1, loc_D1098
.text:000D1070 00 00 00 00                 nop
.text:000D1074 38 43 00 02                 xori    $v1, $v0, 2
.text:000D1078 14 60 00 19                 bnez    $v1, loc_D10E0
.text:000D107C 00 00 00 00                 nop
.text:000D1080 3C 17 02 19                 lui     $s7, 0x219
.text:000D1084 8E E2 74 08                 lw      $v0, syscall_errENOENT
.text:000D1088 3C 17 02 19                 lui     $s7, 0x219
.text:000D108C 8E E3 74 0C                 lw      $v1, off_219740C
.text:000D1090 10 00 00 1E                 b       loc_D110C
.text:000D1094 00 00 00 00                 nop

As shown in the above code snippet, syscall no 0x1072(4210) is used for mmap. In MIPS vm, there's no handling of syscall no 0x1072, thus the post state becomes incorrect which makes true claim to be false at the end.

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

mmap2 should also be handled in MIPS vm.

Assessed type


Inphi commented 2 months ago

This is not valid. There does exist references to mmap2 in the program text, but they're unreachable. mmap2 is only used by the Go runtime on 386 and arm architectures so they're compiled out for mips32. However, they're still provided in the syscall package for users. But the op-program doesn't use them. As such, this cannot result in an invalid dispute game resolution.

c4-judge commented 2 months ago

zobront marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid