code-423n4 / 2024-07-reserve-findings

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The fee in Gnosis trading isn't included in the calculation of the minBuyAmount #5

Closed c4-bot-1 closed 1 month ago

c4-bot-1 commented 2 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


When we sell tokens to buy other tokens in a trade, we determine the minimum buy amount based on the sell amount. This means that if we receive less than this minimum amount, the trade will fail. Normally, we consider a worst-case scenario where we sell tokens at a lower price and buy tokens at a higher price. If we don’t meet the minimum buy amount, the trade should fail.

However, in Gnosis trading, a fee is applied, which means the actual sell amount is less than the input amount. Despite this, the minimum buy amount is still calculated using the input amount, not the actual sell amount. As a result, a trade that could have succeeded might fail due to this discrepancy.

Proof of Concept

The minimum buy amount is calculated based on the sell amount as follows:

function prepareTradeSell(
    TradeInfo memory trade,
    uint192 minTradeVolume,
    uint192 maxTradeSlippage
) internal view returns (bool notDust, TradeRequest memory req) {
    // {buyTok} = {sellTok} * {1} * {UoA/sellTok} / {UoA/buyTok}
    uint192 b = s.mul(FIX_ONE.minus(maxTradeSlippage)).safeMulDiv(

    req.sellAmount = s.shiftl_toUint(int8(trade.sell.erc20Decimals()), FLOOR);
    req.minBuyAmount = b.shiftl_toUint(int8(, CEIL);
    req.sell = trade.sell; =;

    return (notDust, req);

The numerical expression is as follow.

minBuyAmount = sellAmount * (1 - maxTradeSlippage) * sellLow / buyHigh

These amounts are then passed to the Gnosis Trade (lines 91-92).

function init(
    IBroker broker_,
    address origin_,
    IGnosis gnosis_,
    uint48 batchAuctionLength,
    TradeRequest calldata req
) external stateTransition(TradeStatus.NOT_STARTED, TradeStatus.OPEN) {
91:    require(req.sellAmount <= type(uint96).max, "sellAmount too large");
92:    require(req.minBuyAmount <= type(uint96).max, "minBuyAmount too large");

114:    uint96 _sellAmount = uint96(
115:        _divrnd(
116:            req.sellAmount * FEE_DENOMINATOR,
117:            FEE_DENOMINATOR + gnosis.feeNumerator(),
118:            FLOOR
119:        )
120:    );

    auctionId = gnosis.initiateAuction(
149:        _sellAmount,
150:        minBuyAmount,
        new bytes(0)

However, the actual sell amount decreases due to the fee in the Gnosis Trade (lines 114-120). This reduced sell amount is what gets passed to the Gnosis contract(line 149~150).

In the Gnosis contract, the original sell amount is transferred, with the excess being handled as fees.

function initiateAuction(
    IERC20 _auctioningToken,
    IERC20 _biddingToken,
    uint256 orderCancellationEndDate,
    uint256 auctionEndDate,
    uint96 _auctionedSellAmount,  // _sellAmount
    uint96 _minBuyAmount,
    uint256 minimumBiddingAmountPerOrder,
    uint256 minFundingThreshold,
    bool isAtomicClosureAllowed,
    address accessManagerContract,
    bytes memory accessManagerContractData
) public returns (uint256) {
        ) //[0]

As a result, when tokens are sold at a lower price and bought at a higher price—as we expected in the worst-case scenario—we may not achieve the calculated minimum buy amount from the actual sell amount. This could cause the trade to fail.

Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Recalculate the minimum buy amount based on the actual sell amount.

Assessed type


akshatmittal commented 1 month ago

The fee is included in the slippage parameter here, and even more so we know for a fact that the fee won't be zero since Gnosis team has confirmed for Mainnet and we deploy custom ones for every L2.

Additionally, the violation check is for a different reason here, the prices already include all the necessary slippage and price protection with min buys etc. What the violation is trying to check for is for an invariant in EasyAuction itself that it abides by the trade parameters.

Similar to #29

c4-judge commented 1 month ago

thereksfour marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid