code-423n4 / 2024-07-reserve-validation

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Distribution Logic: Ensure distributor.distribute Handles Large Transfers and Potential Failures Gracefully #222

Closed c4-bot-7 closed 1 month ago

c4-bot-7 commented 1 month ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Impact Loss of Funds: If the distributor.distribute function cannot handle large token transfers properly, it could lead to the loss of funds, where the tokens might remain stuck in the contract or cause a transaction to fail altogether. Failed Transactions: A failure in distributor.distribute could result in the entire transaction reverting, which could disrupt the revenue distribution process and lock funds within the contract. Unintended Behavior: Without proper error handling, any issues in the distribution process could lead to unexpected behaviors, potentially affecting the contract's intended operations. Proof of Concept Code Reference: _distributeTokenToBuy Function solidity Copy code function _distributeTokenToBuy() internal { uint256 bal = tokenToBuy.balanceOf(address(this)); tokenToBuy.safeApprove(address(distributor), 0); tokenToBuy.safeApprove(address(distributor), bal);

// do not need to use AllowanceLib.safeApproveFallbackToCustom here because
// tokenToBuy can be assumed to be either RSR or the RToken
distributor.distribute(tokenToBuy, bal);

} Potential Issues: Large Transfers: If the bal variable holds a large number of tokens, the distributor.distribute function might struggle to handle such a large transfer, leading to a revert. No Fallback Mechanism: If the distributor.distribute call fails, the entire transaction will revert without any attempt to retry or handle the failure gracefully. Tools Used Manual Code Review: Examining the logic and flow of the _distributeTokenToBuy function. Solidity Static Analysis Tools: Checking for potential vulnerabilities, unhandled errors, and edge cases in the function. Recommended Mitigation Steps Implement Fallback Mechanisms:

Partial Distributions: Introduce logic that allows for partial distributions if the full transfer cannot be processed at once. This can be done by dividing the balance into smaller chunks and distributing them in batches. Retries: Implement a retry mechanism that attempts to redistribute the remaining balance in case of failure. This can help in scenarios where temporary issues cause the initial transfer to fail. Error Handling:

Catching Failures: Add error handling logic to capture and manage failures from the distributor.distribute function. This could include logging errors, reverting only if absolutely necessary, or implementing alternative distribution paths. Testing:

Large Token Balances: Conduct thorough testing with large token balances to ensure that the distributor.distribute function can handle such scenarios without failure. Simulating Failures: Test how the system behaves when distributor.distribute fails, ensuring that the contract can handle such failures without losing funds or causing significant disruptions.

Assessed type
