code-423n4 / 2024-08-phi-findings

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Forced endTime extension in updateArtSettings() allows attacker to mint more tokens #54

Open howlbot-integration[bot] opened 1 month ago

howlbot-integration[bot] commented 1 month ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Context: The function updateArtSettings() allows an artist to update the art settings for their art work at any time. Specifically, it allows updating the receiver, maxSupply, mintFee, startTime, endTime, soulBounded and uri of the PhiArt struct as well as the royalty configuration.

Issue: The issue is that if the artist wants to update the art settings after the claiming/minting event from startTime to endTime is over, the artist is forced to extend the endTime to atleast the current block.timestamp. The artist would be wanting to update the uri or the soulBounded value (in case it might be the artist's idea to keep or not keep soulbounded initially and then later on change the value to make it not soulbounded or soulbounded) or even updating the configuration for royalties for secondary sales post the event.

Impact: Since the artist is forced to extend the endTime to block.timestamp, a malicious user keeping track of such calls to updateArtSettings() can backrun the artist's transaction with a merkleClaim() call to mint any amount of tokens for that artId. Since the validation here would not cause a revert, the call goes through successfully.

Proof of Concept

Let's say the event occurred from t = 0 to t = 100. A total of 500 tokens were minted out of 1000 i.e. the maxSupply.

  1. Artist calls updateArtSettings() to update the uri, soulBounded value or royalty configuration.

    • Due to the check on Line 242, endTime parameter needs to be atleast block.timestamp to update the settings the artist wants to.
    • The artist's call goes through and sets the endTime to block.timestamp and makes the respective changes to the settings the artist wanted to change i.e. uri, soulBounded value or royalty configuration.
      File: PhiFactory.sol
      220:     function updateArtSettings(
      221:         uint256 artId_,
      222:         string memory url_,
      223:         address receiver_,
      224:         uint256 maxSupply_,
      225:         uint256 mintFee_,
      226:         uint256 startTime_,
      227:         uint256 endTime_,
      228:         bool soulBounded_,
      229:         IPhiNFT1155Ownable.RoyaltyConfiguration memory configuration
      230:     )
      231:         external
      232:         onlyArtCreator(artId_)
      233:     {
      234:         if (receiver_ == address(0)) {
      235:             revert InvalidAddressZero();
      236:         }
      238:         if (endTime_ < startTime_) {
      239:             revert InvalidTimeRange();
      240:         }
      242:         if (endTime_ < block.timestamp) {
      243:             revert EndTimeInPast();
      244:         }
      246:         PhiArt storage art = arts[artId_];
      248:         if (art.numberMinted > maxSupply_) {
      249:             revert ExceedMaxSupply();
      250:         }
      252:         art.receiver = receiver_;
      253:         art.maxSupply = maxSupply_;
      254:         art.mintFee = mintFee_;
      255:         art.startTime = startTime_;
      256:         art.endTime = endTime_;
      257:         art.soulBounded = soulBounded_;
      258:         art.uri = url_;
      260:         uint256 tokenId = IPhiNFT1155Ownable(art.artAddress).getTokenIdFromFactoryArtId(artId_);
      261:         IPhiNFT1155Ownable(art.artAddress).updateRoyalties(tokenId, configuration);
      262:        ...
      263:     }
  2. A malicious user who was part of the merkle root in the past backruns the artist's transaction with a merkleClaim() function call.

    • The malicious user supplies the proof and leafPart from a past transaction done during the event.
    • The encodeData_ parameter supplied would contain the minter address the malicious user was eligible with and the artId for which the settings were updated for.
    • The merkle claiming does not verify any other info such as quantity, which allows the user to input any amount of tokens to mint in the MintArgs mintArgs parameter.
    • The call moves to the _validateAndUpdateClaimState() internal function.
      File: PhiFactory.sol
      361:     function merkleClaim(
      362:         bytes32[] calldata proof_,
      363:         bytes calldata encodeData_,
      364:         MintArgs calldata mintArgs_,
      365:         bytes32 leafPart_
      366:     )
      367:         external
      368:         payable
      369:         whenNotPaused
      370:     {
      371:         (address minter_, address ref_, uint256 artId_) = abi.decode(encodeData_, (address, address, uint256));
      372:         PhiArt storage art = arts[artId_];
      374:         bytes32 credMerkleRootHash = credMerkleRoot[art.credChainId][art.credId];
      375:         if (minter_ == address(0) || !art.verificationType.eq("MERKLE") || credMerkleRootHash == bytes32(0)) {
      376:             revert InvalidMerkleProof();
      377:         }
      380:         if (
      381:             !MerkleProofLib.verifyCalldata(
      382:                 proof_, credMerkleRootHash, keccak256(bytes.concat(keccak256(abi.encode(minter_, leafPart_))))
      383:             )
      384:         ) {
      385:             revert InvalidMerkleProof();
      386:         }
      388:         _validateAndUpdateClaimState(artId_, minter_, mintArgs_.quantity);
      389:         _processClaim(
      390:             artId_, minter_, ref_, art.credCreator, mintArgs_.quantity, leafPart_, mintArgs_.imageURI, msg.value
      391:         );
      393:         ...
      394:     }
  3. In the function _validateAndUpdateClaimState(), the following occurs:

    • Line 727 evaluates to false since block.timestamp > endTime is not true since endTime = block.timestamp.
    • Line 729, since only 500 tokens were minted out of 1000 maxSupply, the malicious user can mint as many tokens upto the max supply.
File: PhiFactory.sol
718:     function _validateAndUpdateClaimState(uint256 artId_, address minter_, uint256 quantity_) private {
719:         PhiArt storage art = arts[artId_];
721:         // Common validations
722:         if (tx.origin != _msgSender() && msg.sender != art.artAddress && msg.sender != address(this)) {
723:             revert TxOriginMismatch();
724:         }
725:         if (msg.value < getArtMintFee(artId_, quantity_)) revert InvalidMintFee();
726:         if (block.timestamp < art.startTime) revert ArtNotStarted();
727:         if (block.timestamp > art.endTime) revert ArtEnded(); 
728:         if (quantity_ == 0) revert InvalidQuantity();
729:         if (art.numberMinted + quantity_ > art.maxSupply) revert OverMaxAllowedToMint();
731:         // Common state updates
732:         if (!credMinted[art.credChainId][art.credId][minter_]) {
733:             credMinted[art.credChainId][art.credId][minter_] = true;
734:         }
735:         artMinted[artId_][minter_] = true;
736:         art.numberMinted += quantity_;
737:     }
  1. The call returns back to the merkleClaim() function where the _processClaim() function proceeds to mint the minter address the tokens.

Through this, we can see how post-event, a artist was forced to extend the endTime to block.timestamp atleast, which opened up a window of opportunity for a malicious user to mint tokens.

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider providing a separate function to update the uri, soulBounded and royalty config settings since these values are most likely to be updated post an event. Additionally, as a safety measure use >= instead of > in the check here.

Assessed type


ZaK3939 commented 1 month ago

In addressing issue 70, we will make it impossible to update the URI and soulbound status. Therefore, when reopening, it seems better for the endtime to be automatically extended. We do not consider the observation about excessive minting to be a problem in any way.

ZaK3939 commented 1 month ago

As for this one, I re-labeled it as a bug, since i will delete update feature of soulbound and uri. However, I will leave a comment regarding the number of mints, which we don't have a problem with and we will tell artist this feature. I will take a consistent approach to other issues regarding mints quantity .

I agree that this can be classified as a medium severity bug.

However, assuming the soulbound feature and URI have been removed, if we're going to update the contract, it should be properly reopened.

What's more concerning is the ability to manipulate the mintfee and maxSupply while leaving the blocktime in the past. This scenario presents a far more serious vulnerability.

fatherGoose1 commented 1 month ago

This report highlights an interesting issue with the updateArtSettings() function, though I agree with the sponsor that I don't see extra minting to impose a problem for the artist or the protocol. I don't agree with ruling this as a medium. I will dupe to #14 as this report states "The function updateArtSettings() allows an artist to update the art settings for their art work at any time. Specifically, it allows updating the receiver, maxSupply, mintFee, startTime, endTime, soulBounded and uri of the PhiArt struct as well as the royalty configuration."

c4-judge commented 1 month ago

fatherGoose1 marked the issue as duplicate of #14

c4-judge commented 1 month ago

fatherGoose1 marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 1 month ago

fatherGoose1 changed the severity to 3 (High Risk)

mcgrathcoutinho commented 1 month ago

Hi @fatherGoose1, I believe this issue should be treated separately as a valid High-severity issue.

The reason why I think excessive minting is an issue is since once NFTs are being traded on external marketplaces, there are only limited amount of tokens in circulation (that have monetary value attached to them). If an artist updates the art settings and is forced to extend the endTime to block.timestamp, an attacker could use this opportunity to mint more tokens into circulation (indirectly receiving more monetary value as well as diluting the value of NFTs in the external market overtime). Since there wasn't an ongoing event during which the minting occurs, this would fall under unauthorized minting that an artist wouldn't have expected after the original event ended.

The primary issue is viewing it from the viewpoint of an artist being malicious. Here this report is viewing it from the point of an artist being a normal honest actor who is wanting to update either the uri, soulbounded value or royalty config.

To note, post an event,

Lastly, I also disagree with the comment that it does not affect the artist. It does affect the artist, since if this unauthorized minting occurs, it dilutes the value of the NFT in the external marketplace. This means the price per NFT drops and thus the royalties the artist receives are lesser since royalties are based on sale price as per EIP-2981, which is utilized by the protocol currently in CreatorRoyaltiesControl.sol.

Please re-consider this issue, thank you for your time!

fatherGoose1 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for re-surfacing this. My current thinking:

I will sit on this for a minute and circle back with a final judgement.

mcgrathcoutinho commented 1 month ago

Adding onto the impact mentioned by you - It negatively affects the users who already hold the NFT and intend to sell in on the open market for financial gain. - It also affects the artist since the royalties received would be lesser as pointed out in the last paragraph in my comment. The existing users and artist have everything to lose while the attacker mints more tokens to receive free monetary value. Thank you!

c4-judge commented 4 weeks ago

fatherGoose1 marked the issue as not a duplicate

fatherGoose1 commented 4 weeks ago

I have de-duped this report from #14. This report was the only one that mentioned the forced update to endTime, which can negatively affect token holders by allowing more minting after the NFTs have already been trading on the open market without the ability to mint fresh.

Note, this can be mitigated (on the frontend) by forcing the call to updateArtSettings() to provide a maxSupply equal to the current total number of NFTs that have already been minted. A janky mitigation though and could lead to frontrunning issues.

c4-judge commented 4 weeks ago

fatherGoose1 marked the issue as selected for report