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Create "Compete in a Contest" page #343

Closed tealtigrrr closed 2 years ago

tealtigrrr commented 2 years ago

Description: Create a page explaining how to become a warden, compete in contests & the benefits of doing so

Content Needed:

Design Mockup:

tealtigrrr commented 2 years ago

@adamavenir again, just assigning to you for content purposes... feel free to re-assign to someone else as appropriate

sockdrawermoney commented 2 years ago

I'm just dumping some wip rough drafty stuff here.

Code4rena audit contests attract the best smart contract white hats to compete for guaranteed-payout prize pools as they help make the DeFi ecosystem more secure.

How to join as a warden CTA in header

Benefits of competing

TODO Three sentences/blocks summarizing benefits

Bug bounties vs C4 audit contests:

How C4 contests work

The players in the arena:

Contest process

TODO Bullets on when and how things run from warden perspective

How awards work

C4 uses a unique scoring system with two primary goals: reward contestants for finding unique bugs and also to make the contest resistant to Sybil attack. A secondary goal of the scoring system is to encourage contestants to form teams and collaborate.

Contestants are given shares for bugs discovered based on severity, and those shares give the owner a pro rata piece of the pot.

Judges are incentivized to review findings and determine allocation of the prize pool by receiving a share of the prize pool themselves.

Who is it for?

  1. If you’re already experienced as a smart contract developer, auditor, or security researcher capable of identifying high and medium risk vulnerabilities in fresh smart contract code, you can probably get up to speed and be winning large awards and building a name for yourself as soon as your first contest.

  2. If you’re just learning smart contract security and have a basic background and the right knack, C4 contests can help you quickly level up your skill and get paid while investing in your talent.

Being a warden might be a good fit if you:

It helps to:

In all cases it helps to:

tealtigrrr commented 2 years ago

Page no longer needed (per Sock in discord convo).