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Hide player animations #1033

Open Anoaxx opened 2 years ago

Anoaxx commented 2 years ago

PROBLEM Player animations

SOLUTION Add option to hide player animations entirely

Add option to hide player animations separately

CONTEXT In not long time ago someone request to remove skip 5s animation. why don't do same to other animatons? That's why i open this request.

THIS ANIMATIONS imageimage imageimage

Anoaxx commented 2 years ago

After writing issue i realize that's better option is hide player animations entirely(and separately).

ImprovedTube commented 2 years ago

hi! :) skipping 5s was is the original and most popular hotkey on youtube. with volume & speed hotkey animations from youtube, we also should think about our equivalent of this.

your naming "player:animations:off" makes good sense of course. the challenge with naming is, both are relevant, we should have both, just without becoming more complicated.