code-charity / youtube

[top~1 open YouTube & Video browser-extension] - Enrich your experience & choice! 🧰180+ options & clever features 📌set+forget📌Longest-standing(been tough). Please join🧩us👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 ..⋮ {playback|content discovery|player|extra buttons|distractions|related videos|shorts|ads|quality|codec|full tab|full screen}
3.48k stars 526 forks source link

"Force video to play from the beginning" doesnt show up in search with "Force" #1886

Closed ShalokShalom closed 5 months ago

ShalokShalom commented 10 months ago

Type in "Force" in the search bar. See, that the option called "Force video to play from the beginning" does not appear. Type in "Video" and scroll down, to see that its working this way.

Screenshot_20231215_003805 Screenshot_20231215_003817

ImprovedTube commented 10 months ago

thanks! search matters! - Our search also stops matching after one word, if you type a space, etc. #1171 (#339)

( Our search also is minimal just yet: #1171, #748

just 1kb yet! Didn't write it, so no efficiency bonus over who else might possibly be willing to have a look 😳 ( - sending greetings and smiles to people who have amazed / surprised recently: @MAZ01001 @lauviah0622 @huhni @chasevis @PG-257811 @asifurrahaman754 @yashi-15 @JustEmo @jarrodsmeyers @jscongdon @HanzCEO not a complete list! )

More: search in:title is:open
More exciting: #1565

raszpl commented 7 months ago

Our search also stops matching after one word, if you type a space

spaces do work

just 1kb

and not good code :(

I just modified it to search over less useless stuff (1758 items vs 2204), and only compare against Locale translated labels. Result of search for letter "a", left column old, right column new:

layout                          | layout = Layout
layerAnimationScale             | layerAnimationScale = Layer animation scale
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use24HourFormat                 | use24HourFormat = Use 24-hour format
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defaultContentCountry           | defaultContentCountry = Country (virtual travel)
ads                             | ads = Ads
removeRelatedSearchResults      | removeRelatedSearchResults = Remove related search results
openNewTab                      | openNewTab = Open in a new tab
removeShortsReelSearchResults   | removeShortsReelSearchResults = Remove Shorts reel from search
hideHomePageShorts              | hideHomePageShorts = Hide Shorts on the home page
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collapseOfSubscriptionSections  | collapseOfSubscriptionSections = Fold subscriptions' sections
youtubeHomePage                 | youtubeHomePage = YouTube home page
Hide_Pause_Overlay              | Hide_Pause_Overlay = Hide Pause Overlay
embedded_Hide_Share             | embedded_Hide_Share = Embedded Hide Share
hideAnimatedThumbnails          | hideAnimatedThumbnails = Hide animated thumbnails
disableThumbnailPlayback        | disableThumbnailPlayback = Disable video playback on hover
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hideThumbnailOverlay            | hideThumbnailOverlay = Hide buttons on thumbnails
thumbnailsQuality               | thumbnailsQuality = Thumbnails Quality
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scrollBar                       | scrollBar = Scroll Bar
addScrollToTop                  | addScrollToTop = Add «Scroll to top»
autopauseWhenSwitchingTabs      | autopauseWhenSwitchingTabs = Auto-pause while I'm not in the tab
onlyOnePlayerInstancePlaying    | onlyOnePlayerInstancePlaying = Pause while I watch a 2nd video
Auto_PiP_picture_in_picture     | Auto_PiP_picture_in_picture = Auto-PiP (picture in picture)
forcedVolume                    |
volume                          |
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forcedPlaybackSpeed             | forcedPlaybackSpeed = Speed-watching: Permanent speed
forcedPlaybackSpeedMusic        | forcedPlaybackSpeedMusic = (Force playback speed even for music?)
player_dont_speed_education     | player_dont_speed_education = Don't speed up the (rare) category:
playbackSpeed                   | playbackSpeed = Playback speed
autoplay                        | autoplay = Autoplay
upNextAutoplay                  | upNextAutoplay = Up next autoplay
forcedPlayVideoFromTheBeginning | forcedPlayVideoFromTheBeginning = Force video to play from the
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subtitles                       |
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popupPlayer                     | popupPlayer = Popup player
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Screenshot                      | Subtitle_Capture_including_the_current_words = Subtitle (Capture
saveAs                          | saveAs = Save as
player_fit_to_win_button        |
rotate                          | rotate = Rotate
Hamburger_Menu                  | Hamburger_Menu = Hamburger Menu
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pictureInPicture                |
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position                        |
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previousVideo                   |
nextVideo                       |
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screen                          |
remote                          | remote = Play on TV
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showRemainingDuration           | showRemainingDuration = Show video remaining duration
durationWithSpeed               | durationWithSpeed = Show time remaining with reference to
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playerColor                     | playerColor = Progress bar color
transparentBackground           | transparentBackground = Transparent background
hideAnnotations                 | hideAnnotations = Hide annotations
hideCards                       | hideCards = Hide cards
showCardsOnMouseHover           | showCardsOnMouseHover = Show cards on mouse hover
hideEndscreen                   |
hdThumbnail                     | hdThumbnail = HD thumbnail
hideScrollForDetails            | hideScrollForDetails = Hide «Scroll for details»
screenshot                      |
pictureInPicture                |
loop                            |
youTubeButtons                  |
'share'                         | 'share' = 
Download                        | Download = 
thanks                          | thanks = Thanks
save                            | save = Save
hideDetails                     | hideDetails = Hide details
displayDayOfTheWeak             | displayDayOfTheWeak = Display day of the week
hideDate                        | hideDate = Hide date
howLongAgoTheVideoWasUploaded   | howLongAgoTheVideoWasUploaded = Show video's age (how long ago it
showChannelVideosCount          | showChannelVideosCount = Show channel videos count
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with_scrollbars                 | with_scrollbars = with scrollbars?
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moveSidebarLeft                 |
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Transcript                      | Transcript = Transcript
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chapters                        | chapters = Chapters
liveChat                        | liveChat = Live chat
hidePlaylist                    | hidePlaylist = Hide playlist
Hide_sidebar                    | Hide_sidebar = Hide sidebar 
auto                            | auto = Auto
increaseVolume                  | increaseVolume = Increase volume
decreaseVolume                  | decreaseVolume = Decrease volume
step                            |
increasePlaybackSpeed           | increasePlaybackSpeed = Increase playback speed
decreasePlaybackSpeed           | decreasePlaybackSpeed = Decrease playback speed
reset                           |
playPause                       | playPause = Play / Pause
seekBackward10Seconds           | seekBackward10Seconds = Seek backward 10 seconds
seekForward10Seconds            | seekForward10Seconds = Seek forward 10 seconds
seekNextChapter                 | seekNextChapter = Seek Next Chapter
seekPreviousChapter             | seekPreviousChapter = Seek Previous Chapter
activateFullscreen              | activateFullscreen = Activate fullscreen
activateCaptions                | activateCaptions = Activate captions
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popupPlayer                     | popupPlayer = Popup player
statsForNerds                   | statsForNerds = Show Stats for Nerds
autoPictureInPicture            | autoPictureInPicture = Auto Picture-In-Picture
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toggleAutoplay                  | toggleAutoplay = Toggle autoplay
customMiniPlayer                | customMiniPlayer = Custom Mini-Player
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shortcut_chapters               | shortcut_chapters = Show chapters Sidebar
transcript                      | transcript = 
darkTheme                       | darkTheme = Dark theme
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trailerAutoplay                 | trailerAutoplay = Trailer autoplay
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hideFeaturedContent             | hideFeaturedContent = Hide featured content
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upNextAutoplay                  | upNextAutoplay = Up next autoplay
reverse                         |
repeat                          | repeat = Repeat
shuffle                         |
popupPlayer                     | popupPlayer = Popup player
null,                           |
primaryColor                    | primaryColor = Primary color
null,                           |
null,                           |
null,                           |
null,                           |
null,                           |
null,                           |
null,                           |
null,                           |
activate                        | activate = Activate
activate                        | activate = Activate

old one: