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ask Vivaldi to review their sidePanel implementation. #2293

Closed nonchip closed 1 month ago

nonchip commented 1 month ago

1. Bug Report:


- DOM: - OS: - Device:

yeah all of that is N/A and next time your browser extension has to ask for "Device" i'd instead suggest learning what a browser is.

demom3b commented 1 month ago

Yeah, it's a Vivaldi issue, I already reported this to vivaldi, waiting on them to fix it. You can try other extensions that support the side penal, they will popup right after you install them without asking for permission.

nonchip commented 1 month ago

You can try other extensions that support the side penal, they will popup right after you install them without asking for permission.

the problem there is that i have other extensions that support the sidepanel and but don't do that; and i disabled the side panel feature in this extension and it still does that...

tuangd commented 1 month ago

I have the same issue. On Vivaldi also.

edit: It's super annoying though until this resolve I will have to live without the IYT extension.

xeophyte commented 1 month ago

Same here. This appeared after one of the last updates, but I don't know if it was after the Vivaldi update (I use snapshots) or the IYT extension.

demom3b commented 1 month ago

i have other extensions that support the sidepanel and but don't do that

Which one, let me try it.

YmerejO42 commented 1 month ago

Same here. This appeared after one of the last updates, but I don't know if it was after the Vivaldi update (I use snapshots) or the IYT extension.

I do NOT use snapshots and it started about a week ago. It is SUPER annoying, to the extent I was tempted to report the addon for abuse.

nonchip commented 1 month ago

i also love the blaming of the vivaldi team when the extension manifest clearly instructs to install a default sidepanel, instead of simply grabbing the permission and then enabling it when the user does so like a sane extension. also would help with things like only and/or automatically opening on youtube and similar features because it would mean someone actually looked at the api being abused.

quote apidocs:

The side panel can be set initially from the default_path property in the side_panel key of the manifest to display the same side panel on every site.

quote manifest:

"side_panel": {
  "default_path": "menu/sidepanel.html"

for the solution, see "quote apidocs" and scroll down to the actual usecase you want (would literally be as easy as copypasting the example and adding a check for "whether the feature is even enabled").

oh and funny how that feature was unchanged in vivaldi for months, and broke quite recently.... hmmmmmmm... maybe about a week ago or so was mentioned? oh you mean when the sidepanel "functionality" in this repo was last touched? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

PS who wrote that?!'improvedTubeSidePanel', function (result) {
    if ( result.improvedTubeSidePanel && result.improvedTubeSidePanel === true) {
      chrome.sidePanel.setPanelBehavior({ openPanelOnActionClick: true })
    }  else {chrome.sidePanel.setPanelBehavior({ openPanelOnActionClick: false }) }

that sure is one way of spelling chrome.sidePanel.setPanelBehavior({ openPanelOnActionClick: result.improvedTubeSidePanel })! (or, what all of that should have been, but changes the localstorage usage:'openPanelOnActionClick', chrome.sidePanel.setPanelBehavior))

nonchip commented 1 month ago

@ImprovedTube ah deleting my comments, closing the issue as wontfix, and renaming the issue describing how it's not the browser's fault to still blame the browser for following the spec you didn't read, gotta love it.

you haven't even read the api docs i linked and copypasted you, have you?

ImprovedTube commented 1 month ago

Yeah, it's a Vivaldi issue, I already reported this to vivaldi, waiting on them to fix it. You can try other extensions that support the side penal, they will popup right after you install them without asking for permission.

in public? did they answer? @demom3b

For now you (or we) can also remove the side-panel declaration from our manifest.json. But generally it feels wrong that we keep doing things only for Vivaldi

(#2288) @tuangd @xeophyte @kolumdium @gobbr The sidepanel was removed for now from Chrome Webstore in favor of Vivaldi ( v4.938, pending) (Even we dont know if 1 in 1000 of our Users also use Vivaldi.)

"The side panel can be set initially from the default_path property in the side_panel key of the manifest to display the same side panel on every site."

not vivaldi's fault blaming of the vivaldi team

"the same" as in "not a different one" !== "must always/randomly appear" ( so maybe you discovered Vivaldi's big misunderstanding? ) (and this is how you could open a sidepanel programmatically, not through the manifest.json & not mentioned at first) @nonchip

PS who wrote that?!

(this is the toggle improvedTubeSidePanel, at ImprovedTube: General)

xeophyte commented 1 month ago

Even we dont know if 1 in 1000 of our Users also use Vivaldi.

You may have many more users using Vivaldi than you think because most Vivaldi browsers identify themselves as Chrome. For example, in my Vivaldi's settings there is this User Agent set by default as Google Chrome:


So unfortunately, the official browser popularity statistics do not show the true result.

ImprovedTube commented 1 month ago

hi! :) @xeophyte. Vivaldi actually got only 0.0x% market share, yet there might be significant correlation in our user-bases...

nonchip commented 1 month ago

@ImprovedTube none of the things you just said are in any way coherent.

"the same" as in "not a different one"

to display the same side panel on every site.

that is not what that says. it says that that will display the same side panel on every site. as opposed to selecting whether/when/where to show one programmatically.

i really can't help you learn english, but i suggest you actually read the chrome standard you're violating before keeping up your defamation against a third, money and lawyers having, party that is following it.

and going "hi that thing is actually not used by anyone trust me bro" is just the BEST argument for #wontfix -_-

also i LITERALLY TOLD YOU HOW TO DO IT PROGRAMMATICALLY. the thing yout code doesnt. the thing you then link me to again while accusing me of never actually saying it.

for the solution, see "quote apidocs" and scroll down to the actual usecase you want (would literally be as easy as copypasting the example and adding a check for "whether the feature is even enabled").

and i know what the bool you're abusing is, clearly, that's why i'm showing it as an example how bad your code for dealing with the sidepanel actually is. again proof you don't even read the first word in a question you "reply" to.

also why do you keep sabotaging issue 2288 by destroying any mention of your lies or this issue for reference given it clearly disproves you? do you want to get in trouble for defaming a third party corporation that closely partners with this platform?

thangcuoi commented 1 month ago

@nonchip I appreciate all the info you have present, trying to get this issue resolve, but maybe tone it down a little. You might not be aware that you are coming across as being very aggressive and abusive toward the dev/owner of this project who is putting their time and effort in for free.

Pushing too hard will more than likely results in the dev stop listening all together.

If you have the capability, consider writing the fix yourself, or fork the project and merge the fix yourself.

For myself, I have switched to a similar extension. I might return when the issue is resolved.

nonchip commented 1 month ago


You might not be aware that you are coming across as being very aggressive and abusive toward the dev/owner of this project who is putting their time and effort in for free.

oh i am aware that i am pointing out the truth after they've repeatedly a) lied about whose fault it is, b) "replied" to me clearly not reading any of the message i replied to (see above where they explain to me what a bool is meant to do after me pointing out they're using it wrong, and "how to do it programmatically" "for my information" after i've literally told them & linked to that in the message they're quoting), and then c) intentionally removing multiple of my messages simply mentioning this (conventiently closed wontfix) issue in duplicates of it where they're still lying about "vivaldi getting it wrong".

Pushing too hard will more than likely results in the dev stop listening all together.

sure and then they'll keep pushing their lies and then get in trouble with vivaldi&microsoft just because they refuse to read words.

If you have the capability, consider writing the fix yourself, or fork the project and merge the fix yourself.

i've already shown them the fix, they've then shown me the same fix for no reason and spread more actionable defamation, so yeah no, they had the time to read and copypaste the fix they posted.

For myself, I have switched to a similar extension. I might return when the issue is resolved.

which one would you recommend?

ImprovedTube commented 1 month ago

@thangcuoi @nonchip @Gobbr. Side panel (on intentional click only), was undone (see version 4.938 in Chrome Webstore & #2288). Sometimes updates are pending for a while, keeping us from releasing other work and Chrome Webstore still doesn't allow to upload the next version already while the current one is pending(, which sometimes makes these decisions harder, to do something in favor of Vivaldi only, etc.(, which was one of the stranger feelings here a few times over the years, since maybe less than 1 in a million people actually use both Vivaldi and ImprovedTube)

( As for making sure we had no bug in using the API, it can be efficient to watch the same "side_panel":{"default_path":"html/sidepanel.html" in other extensions, such as Besides that no manifest.json options are meant to cause such a bug.)

nonchip commented 1 month ago

of course it's not "meant to cause such a bug" , it's meant to turn on such a feature. you just still refuse to read the official docs despite linking to them yourself. and deleted/marked-as-spam everyone who knew better than you.