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4.938 | Unwanted side panel automatically installed with each browser start #2304

Closed LinguaOccultus closed 1 month ago

LinguaOccultus commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug With one of the last versions the extension got a new function for showing its menu in a side panel (most likely the Chrome one). On Vivaldi (Chromium-based) and its much more advanced side or web panels, this install EACH time I start the browser even though this feature is disabled by default and I NEVER turned it on! Instead I just became aware of this new feature because of the side panels sudden appearance. Removing the side panel again, which I did many, MANY times now, does not work, as it just returns. The feature meanwhile is still disabled ... !?

The extension already has many, many other issues on Vivaldi as it seems and I am about to stop using it already. Maybe you could do some testing on this browser?

To Reproduce Obvious:

  1. Install Vivaldi
  2. Install the extension
  3. Restart the browser.

Expected behavior Obvious: A disabled feature should not install itself automatically. And in the best case, the side panel should be removed again when the user disables it.

Screenshots Not needed, I guess. Currently, even the unwanted side panel for the extension is just white. Something here is seriously broken!

Desktop (please complete the following information):

OS: Windows 11 Pro 23H2 Browser: Vivaldi, Desktop, Installed, 6.7.3329.35, Stable-Channel, Latest Version: 4.938 (Extension)

Additional context I would like to see better support for this browser as there are SO many smaller issues with YouTube it is not funny anymore.

raszpl commented 1 month ago

Once you declare sidePanel permission Vivaldi plops extension icon into the sidebar. But without activating it programmatically will remain empty not doing anything.

LinguaOccultus commented 1 month ago

What exactly are you referring to by »sidePanel permission«? For the extensions own settings, those were and are disabled.

I have not found any other settings related to this wether in Vivaldis settings, the remaining Chrome-native settings or the global and general extension settings ...

However, I seem to be not the only one having this issue as I saw the large discussion in another topic here (sorry, came here by the report a bug function and that opened an issue directly so I forgot to search first ...), so I maybe watch that and wait what happens ...

raszpl commented 1 month ago

just presence of this permission in manifest makes Vivaldi reserve permanent slot. Afaik previous bug was about extension forcing opening panel on every website.

ImprovedTube commented 1 month ago

Hi! @LinguaOccultus You can report both issues to Vivali. (Vivaldi has not yet implemented it right yet. Chrome released side panels only 1 year ago. )

  1. "side_panel": { "default_path": },
  2. permissions : [ "sidePanel"