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Thumbnail preview not showing #2314

Open pedro-h-marchesi opened 1 month ago

pedro-h-marchesi commented 1 month ago

Hi, there! Reporting this as I couldn't find an issue with this exact problem :)

1. Bug Report:


Thank you in advance!

ImprovedTube commented 1 month ago

hi! & thanks @pedro-h-marchesi

lets add to the bug template, to test which feature might causes it. can we make the bug report template better otherwise?

pedro-h-marchesi commented 1 month ago

Hi, @ImprovedTube, thank you for the swift reply! I'd tried disabling some features and didn't think the Player Size one could be causing it hehe I'll keep it disabled for now! Appreciate the clarification! :)

As for the bug template, I think that's a good idea! In case I run into another potential bug, I'll definitely test different features and try to identify if any of them could be causing it! ^^