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Rename jss&css folder to avoid path conflicts #2340

Open PTheocharis opened 2 weeks ago

PTheocharis commented 2 weeks ago

The folder jss&css contains the symbol '&', which is used during runtime to chain commands and it may cause disruptions and conflicts when there is a need to use paths.

Suggestion: Change it to js_css or jsCss (camelized option from the core.js), change all mentions with ctrl+F

ImprovedTube commented 2 weeks ago

(but it looks good?) (and we have yet to find a use case of conflict.) (and the price renaming costs, is adding an extra page to to edit histories on github to each of the files)

PTheocharis commented 2 weeks ago

It is more of a precaution measure or a suggestion I noticed, because I had to change some commands, while parsing :)