code-charity / youtube

[top~1 open YouTube & Video web-extension] Enrich your experience & choice! 🧰100+clever features📌set&forget📌Longest-standing(yet rare&tough alone. Please help/join🧩us👨‍👩‍👧‍👧) ..⋮ {playback|content discovery|player|extra buttons|distractions|related videos|shorts|ads|quality|codec|full tab|full screen}
3.29k stars 498 forks source link

controller blocked by youtube #2376

Closed fredfred41 closed 2 weeks ago

fredfred41 commented 2 weeks ago
SHORT Table (Summary)
Problem controller hidden by youtube in video link, can't use it
Solution allow to change controller position in pref pane
Alternatives Bigger icon. lower the controller (in middle left). controller outside of the video (under, or top)
Scope 100%
Side effects work to modify the extension code...

Capture d'écran 2024-06-12 123324

Thank you for you great job.

raszpl commented 2 weeks ago

browser? how to reproduce?

fredfred41 commented 2 weeks ago

hi, really sorry, my mistake, I was another extension causing this problem. there is no problem with yours. thanks a lot

fredfred41 commented 2 weeks ago
