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Update functions.js ignore video previews #2384

Closed raszpl closed 1 week ago

raszpl commented 1 week ago

ImprovedTube commented 1 week ago

Yay! @raszpl

eventlisteners can apply to previews (we can count how many seconds it plays there too or apply volume if it is on or playback speed)

auto-pause /only one video playing can have a sub-option to include previews or not. (generally while a fix can might be the better for most common on the long term, many current user will be used to the current way now or learned to appreciate that)

raszpl commented 1 week ago

Yay! @raszpl

eventlisteners can apply to previews (we can count how many seconds it plays there too or apply volume if it is on or playback speed)

'could' if someone rewrote them specifically for it, looking at few now they apply to main video only

auto-pause /only one video playing can have a sub-option to include previews or not. (generally while a fix can might be the better for most common on the long term, many current user will be used to the current way now or learned to appreciate that)

the fix fixes current way it was supposed to work. No user switches "Disable video playback on hover" expecting it to break "Pause while I watch a 2nd video" :)

ImprovedTube commented 1 week ago

hi! @raszpl! sorry, came from a different perspective context: While Disable video playback on hover doesn't seem to have an effect at mine currently,
our "Pause while I watch a 2nd video" alone should un-pause the 1st video, when pausing the 2nd one. This doesn't seem to happen. Then it also can be relaxing, if the first video temporarily pauses while previewing search results or related videos. (and when using
When that's working, we can add sub-options: Don't auto un-pause, when i stop watching a 2nd video & don't consider a hover-previews as a video. (The given storage.don't consider a hover-previews as a video === true, we could only skip sending the play event ("it-play") if closest('#inline-preview-player') )

(if that makes / will make any sense)

they apply to main video only

(hope you like the unrelated commits, re: #2356)

raszpl commented 1 week ago

came from a different perspective

Yes. The way Im looking at it Video is a proper video with player controls et, and animated thumbnails are Previews. Two bugs about this behavior suggest this is prevailing opinion.

context: While Disable video playback on hover doesn't seem to have an effect at mine currently

I get video previews in /subscription , and with .44 installed Disable video playback on hover does work on those. Doesnt work on Search ones obviously as its pre #2383

, our "Pause while I watch a 2nd video" alone should un-pause the 1st video

well :] its called Pause, doesnt say anything about unpausing :-P and there is no sign in the code about that intention either

, when pausing the 2nd one. This doesn't seem to happen.

Arent you thinking about 'Auto-pause while im not in the tab'? That one does resume because it keeps track in playerAutopauseWhenSwitchingTabs this.played_before_blur

When that's working

"when thats implemented from scratch" :)

we can add sub-options: Don't auto un-pause, when i stop watching a 2nd video & don't consider a hover-previews as a video.

as is now Users are not considering hover-previews to be Videos as evidenced by bug reports :)

(The given storage.don't consider a hover-previews as a video === true, we could only skip sending the play event ("it-play") if closest('#inline-preview-player') (if that makes / will make any sense)

yes. That will require also sending 'paused' message so background.js can broadcast back "another-video-stopped-playing" to all the tabs.

b0024cd 69e301e autoplayDisable doesnt parse properly, no biggie but playerOnPlay change just break signaling sending play event regardless if we are playing or not

else {ImprovedTube.autoplayDisable(this); } 

What are you trying to do here? :)