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Ability to remove videos from the feed automatically based on simple criteria #2390

Open JustMeNoOneElse opened 1 week ago

JustMeNoOneElse commented 1 week ago

PROBLEM: Youtube is starting to fill up with AI generated videos or sometimes I get videos into my feed that are from new channels. I don't like this as usually the content is really bad. I also don't want to watch videos that no one else has watched. I also don't want to see videos from new youtube channels for the same reasons as above. I also sometimes get videos recommendations that have been published 10 years ago etc. So, I want to have more control on the videos in my home feed. I want to see videos that others are watching too, not from new channels (that the algorith is trying to push me) and that are relevant to the present day".

I would like to have a feature that would allow me to filter away videos fromt he feed or hide them fromt he feed. The filtering should be really simple like "videos that have less than [insert number} views" or "channels less than [insert number] views" or "videos that are less than [insert time here] days old" or "videos that are more than [insert number here] days old".

ALTERNATIVES: I don't really think of any.

RELEVANCE / SCOPE: This reature should be a selectable is it on or not. Individual filters should be customisable in a very basic way.

I guess people could miss some content from their home feed, especially from their own subsriptions and also miss relevant information or content if they have the filters on. Not a biggie because this woudln't effect the search or subscriptions.

CONTEXT: // Thank you!

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ImprovedTube commented 14 hours ago

hi! and thanks @JustMeNoOneElse

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