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Hide "Includes Paid Promotion" #2634

Open SuperTRev16 opened 1 month ago

SuperTRev16 commented 1 month ago

PROBLEM: The annoying "Includes Paid Promotion" popup that tells us there is a paid promotion in the video. I can see how that's a legal thing, but is still unwanted bloat. Most YouTube channels always have some kind of affiliate marketing nowadays anyway. We don't really need a reminder of that on every other video.

Create a new feature that gives us the ability to hide that.

RELEVANCE / SCOPE: YouTube player

HornyPrivateGamer commented 2 weeks ago[class^='YtInlinePlayerControlsTopLeftControls']

check if this works i dont have any thing vidoe show that currently.

tell me if it works or not

if it doesnt work give me link to a video that has that please.

Do not use if you are under18 that if you use it, do it at you own risk

i am not responsible for anything

SuperTRev16 commented 2 weeks ago[class^='YtInlinePlayerControlsTopLeftControls']

check if this works i dont have any thing vidoe show that currently.

tell me if it works or not

if it doesnt work give me link to a video that has that please.

Do not use if you are under18 that if you use it, do it at you own risk

i am not responsible for anything

I'm struggling to find a video with a paid promotion. They are somewhat rare among my home feed, apparently. I will have to find one to make sure a video for sure has it. If I use your code and then go around watching videos, not finding any, then it's possible the code is working and I just don't know it, since the pop up would be hidden.

peterdanwan commented 1 week ago

Hello @SuperTRev16, is this what you were mentioning? image

Perhaps this link can help with debugging:

SuperTRev16 commented 1 week ago

Hello @SuperTRev16, is this what you were mentioning?

Yup that's the one.

peterdanwan commented 1 week ago

I'd like to work on this issue if possible @ImprovedTube - but was wondering if you could perhaps provide any hints on what files I should be adjusting / avoiding.

HornyPrivateGamer commented 1 week ago

I'd like to work on this issue if possible @ImprovedTube - but was wondering if you could perhaps provide any hints on what files I should be adjusting / avoiding.

Hello @SuperTRev16, is this what you were mentioning? image

Perhaps this link can help with debugging:

put this in the ad blocker. it works i finally found a video about this

peterdanwan commented 1 week ago

Hi @HornyPrivateGamer! Sorry, this is my first time working on a project like this - could you perhaps let me know which file I should be working on with regards to the adblocking?

I can revert my previous changes too.

I'm also unsure of where to put in the code.

SuperTRev16 commented 1 week ago

The command to "- overlay" does seem to instruct YouTube not to show it. So I'm sure you guys will find a way to incorporate that into the extension.

Let's not be wasting our time configuring ad blocking. YouTube is just going to continue to work towards breaking ad blockers. YouTube is a loss leader; it wouldn't survive without ad revenue. The upkeep costs for the servers and data transfer is staggering. Especially when people abuse the free system of putting up ten hour long videos of repeating nonsense, and hundreds of AI slop videos on a weekly basis.

I think our only choice in the future is going to be paying for YouTube Premium. I've had to disable my adblockers about three times now after the recent YouTube changes. And watching ads every five minutes is off the table. I would rather live out in the forest.

HornyPrivateGamer commented 1 week ago

Hi @HornyPrivateGamer! Sorry, this is my first time working on a project like this - could you perhaps let me know which file I should be working on with regards to the adblocking?

I can revert my previous changes too.

I'm also unsure of where to put in the code.

hi sorry about that. I am unsure about which file to edit too. that i am only good at CSS and HTML only sorry I apologies for cant help much.