Open HornyPrivateGamer opened 1 week ago
I would like to work on this issue, can it please be assigned to me?
@HornyPrivateGamer I believe this feature already exists, it's under the Player/Hide player control buttons section.
@HornyPrivateGamer I believe this feature already exists, it's under the Player/Hide player control buttons section.
No this does hide the button sir. that it only hide the red line under the subtitle button.
@HornyPrivateGamer I believe this feature already exists, it's under the Player/Hide player control buttons section.
No this does hide the button sir. that it only hide the red line under the subtitle button.
I see what you say, I got confused my bad.
After the update that the youtube subtitle have a werid red line under it. which is really quite disturbing.
That the code it <button class="ytp-subtitles-button ytp-button"
that there is a code
When you enable subtitle you this thing turn true and you have a red line. that are there anyway to keep it alwasy false?<button class="ytp-subtitles-button ytp-button" aria-keyshortcuts="c" data-priority="3" data-title-no-tooltip="Subtitles/closed captions" style="" aria-pressed="true" aria-label="Subtitles/closed captions keyboard shortcut c" title="Subtitles/closed captions (c)"><svg class="ytp-subtitles-button-icon" height="100%" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 36 36" width="100%" fill-opacity="1"><use class="ytp-svg-shadow" xlink:href="#ytp-id-17"></use><path d="M11,11 C9.89,11 9,11.9 9,13 L9,23 C9,24.1 9.89,25 11,25 L25,25 C26.1,25 27,24.1 27,23 L27,13 C27,11.9 26.1,11 25,11 L11,11 Z M17,17 L15.5,17 L15.5,16.5 L13.5,16.5 L13.5,19.5 L15.5,19.5 L15.5,19 L17,19 L17,20 C17,20.55 16.55,21 16,21 L13,21 C12.45,21 12,20.55 12,20 L12,16 C12,15.45 12.45,15 13,15 L16,15 C16.55,15 17,15.45 17,16 L17,17 L17,17 Z M24,17 L22.5,17 L22.5,16.5 L20.5,16.5 L20.5,19.5 L22.5,19.5 L22.5,19 L24,19 L24,20 C24,20.55 23.55,21 23,21 L20,21 C19.45,21 19,20.55 19,20 L19,16 C19,15.45 19.45,15 20,15 L23,15 C23.55,15 24,15.45 24,16 L24,17 L24,17 Z" fill="#fff" id="ytp-id-17"></path></svg></button>
Soultion: .ytp-chrome-controls .ytp-button[aria-pressed]::after