code-charity / youtube

[top~1 open YouTube & Video web-extension] Enrich your experience & choice! 🧰180+ options & clever features📌set+forget📌Longest-standing(yet rare&tough alone. Please help/join🧩us👨‍👩‍👧‍👧) ..⋮ {playback|content discovery|player|extra buttons|distractions|related videos|shorts|ads|quality|codec|full tab|full screen}
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Closed comradekingu closed 3 years ago

comradekingu commented 3 years ago

PROBLEM: There is no license file to be found.

Add one in the root directory corresponding to the chosen license.


RELEVANCE / SCOPE: Good for everyone. What other stuff is used?

No. Unless there is no license and one has to be selected(?)

CONTEXT: I am sort of new here.

ImprovedTube commented 3 years ago

welcome back! @comradekingu

a draft 😁 :

comradekingu commented 3 years ago

I think the AGPLv3+ does all of that, while remaining libre software. There is then no need for a "private use" clause to prevent non-private abuse happening anyway. There is a process for taking down illicit projects from the Play store and other places, ala

Would need the clause to allow publishing it on various stores though.

Then it is much easier to get the project translated on Hosted Weblate too.

ImprovedTube commented 3 years ago

hi :) thank you! Licensing should be thought through, thus meant to start slow/exploratively.
Even if not every detail will matter for us soon, this thread could still become interesting to others?


fair-use 👍 (additionally weblate can even be mentioned as an example in the license file)

"Personal use": Just thought of greeting readers, as of the irony, that the existence of the file can make 1000s of people click&land there randomly/uselessly(, while the fewer professional users / legal entities can navigating their eyes straight to their section)

All of Github's License-Summaries allow commercial.


Yet requesting commercial entities to ask is a good limitation for now. They can discuss their usecase here on Github.
Assuming nobody wants to possibly help any annoying adware/spyware even if legal somehow.

Contributors: The 'cooperative stake holder'-analogy is meant to discuss the idea that, if a serious contributor / author ever feels they should received 1% of donations or be mentioned or withdraw their contribution. Why not?

Charity NGO: mentioning sourced prominently is always good? (no disadvantage).
(Hopefully Charity-status meaningfully entitles Charities, in every country, to make use of our product for free?) (for example only seems to recognize non-profit status from ~50 countries?)

ImprovedTube is shipped with many Laptops in the californian educational system since several years. (Webstore shows ~10000 active user from the county & OS). Motivating. Synergie. It would be good, if this would be documented somehow or if they'd talk here? Maybe they would save time & costs then. We would like to add features specially for schools anyway or make an extra version tested with their OS. Or crowdfund for ImprovedTube maintenance 12/6/360, ... , ...

What else matters?
What about: ~ "To be complete, APGL3 shall be the measure to fall back to, for everything not at all stated through our rules or 'overwritten' through them already"

es20490446e commented 3 years ago

@comradekingu see

ImprovedTube commented 3 years ago

hi! @es20490446e thanks, what package/distribution did you plan? 👍 We know linux. Wasn't disputing freedom/copyleft's intellectual growth hypothesis.

We dont want to legitimate/encourage for example: Copying a single feature, just to add the worst advertisments & never update it. Not a fear, just a frequent leakage/leech (harming the global experience with extensions/apps. Like spam harms email)
(also a reason to like package curation/canonization without needless redundance)

"3. Publishers: 3.3. Operating systems: Specific packages for intented use as a whole: ........ "

comradekingu commented 3 years ago and the new inverse CLA initiative I can't find atm. is where development occurs in this field. AGPLv3+ remains solid though. It works.

It however gives FSF the reins on establishing AGPLv4+, and I think maintainers should be able to pick any license that is full and strong copyleft so as not to be limited there. It is hard to achieve that while respecting rights, and possibly outside of the scope of this discussion.

ImprovedTube commented 3 years ago

hi :) @comradekingu, looking forward (to remember new initative)

custom becomes cumbersome

yes a standard set of optional exceptions, just like the Github summaries,
would make licenses cover a matrix of cases tho

i.e. GNU Licence, but disallow Commercial Publishers other than operating systems
"Commercial Publishers, who modify our code, must keep the link to the Github Repo centered on the front screen for all users"

es20490446e commented 3 years ago

Community projects that have given away the right to use their software commercially, under a libre license, have grown more successful.

Because any improvement shall be shared back to them, the software can be published in many other places, and the original project kept more appealing than the spammy derivatives.

I have been involved in software projects for many years and the evidence is too obvious.

For example Super Tux Car VS The Dark Mod. They Dark Mod is a high quality better game, made by a community, but it's way less known just because their multimedia is non commercial. So they were disallowed to publish in many places, and libre software sites don't list the game.

ImprovedTube commented 3 years ago

yes! your point is clear, just what about the two proposed specific exclusions?

They are logically compatible - just not conventional?

ideals are a lower level standard than existing licenses are, which are not an end in itself (, which might still improve to try to cover every Project, Users, Contributors, Distributors, Maintainers, Initiators, Organisations and Companies)

  1. Excluding one bad modification "Re-publishers: Do not remove / move our github link" this supports progress. Any disadvantage? Many projects have only 1 in a million users even knowing the source.


  1. Precisely excluding some spam Excluded: Commercial Re-publishers, who don't add great features AND directly profit from our work with multiple ads inside the product, drive-by-installs or spyware This need not affect Operating systems & other distribution sites
    (maybe historically it was argued that some distributors might have used some drive-by-installs to fund their traffic)

ImprovedTube right now, in practice, is a free public service for many people, who [happen to] use google webstore. [and some others distribution, however much smaller]. As said license cant be undone, so we might think and wait more.

For many projects there are very few people who volunteer/sacrifice a lot. Imagine often there are just 10 people in the world required for a specific task - and also no more who are willing to and no company who will do it. (Other projects could be crowdsourced very well but they arent yet despite of standard license 🤔)

btw @es20490446e & the example sounds familiar. Maybe there are better examples? TuxKart is an older, multiplayer game, fun game, linux-branded-game!! - 'The dark mod' is a scary, single player game, smaller target group, but the only one that was popular since 2004 SuperTuxKart,TuxKart,the dark mod

es20490446e commented 3 years ago

comradekingu commented 3 years ago

@ImprovedTube I think asking about not removing the link is a better idea than requiring it. It is really something to hold against anyone not doing it when they aren't required. Similarly, there is no competitive market appeal in loading an app with ads. Moreover you have to make a meaningful contribution to fork, since it is after all a copyright protection. The copyright isn't shared. You can elect to include yourself in it, but not get it by default. Name is also off limits from what I remember.

There is something to keeping it compatible, legal, and legally enforceable.

I am a SuperTuxCart contributor, but that is beside the point. Loved the Theif series, and would try TDM if it wasn't freeware. Just don't have the patience to read into why it is only freeware.

The example of one vs. the other is interesting in the capacity of Doom 3 not being a copyleft product. For how good TDM is, I think it would have gained even more recognition from being a libre software product. They weren't required to, but still have a successful product.

If measured success is other parties not closing off the source code and/or loading it with ads, I think being the one product that is good and that people actually can distribute prevents that.

ImprovedTube commented 3 years ago

@es20490446e 👍👍👍

yes, free code is free to improve.
yes, not all people should use bad things - even if bad ones do good marketing/SEO. But many users are efficient(/lazy/rushing) or ust not going to walk any extra mile.

Not changing that. Not afraid of competition. Spammers have more / easier options than our code. Just questioning a categorical >yes<. Wanna 'discriminate against' the worst ones among the legal ones, just to personally & legally remind them.

hi @comradekingu, maybe i should also be a SuperTuxCart contributor ^_^ Both games have the GNU code license according to wikipedia & creative commons for media

you have to make a meaningful contribution to fork, yes, cant find it in today tho, where? ( both doesnt include words contribution & fork )

"5 a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it, and giving a relevant date." in code? prominent: not very specific. code isnt prominent. "7. Additional Terms b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material" material != UI "d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or authors of the material" interesting - licensors = everyone? "e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or

es20490446e commented 3 years ago

Not the how but the who.

Who should be in charge of enforcing the law? Who should be in charge of keeping the Firefox add-ons web free of deceptive add-ons?

comradekingu commented 3 years ago

On the FF site, that would be Mozilla. On the general Internet, that gets to be a bit difficult. In terms of breaching copyright, you are in the persons jurisdiction owning the copyright. There are some conventions for combining it, but we digress.

All it takes is for someone to steal this code, or for a contributor to say they don't want their part to be included anymore. Having a license stated with clear language for what constitutes illegal use makes it easier to operate a project, and easier to have something legally tested to use against those that don't play along.

@ImprovedTube I forgot the word "effectively". The idea being if you want legal rights beyond those granted, you have to contribute something copyrightable. That however doesn't give you rights to other parts of what you forked, which in turn carries the license. And it grants everyone else the AGPLv3 rights to your stuff. Those rights/restrictions apply both ways.

Effectively the project stays copyleft.

Nobody is just buying stolen software though. Just selling an alternative to something that is gratis doesn't really work. Much less is anyone doing it successfully where there are ratings. Those places are already populated by the host project.

What does happen is people donate to copylefted libre software

What doesn't change for others is it is still illegal to copy and distribute under wraps. What changes is it is legal to do it within the terms and then it is super easy to see anyone doing it.

No project ever gets forked effectively if it isn't being shut down, or operated by poor management, or go in the wrong direction. No worries there.

The bargain is that being able to distribute legally (which would be a change for the better for the source project), with AGPLv3 means everyone not only get to play the same game, but have to.

You can't go in a direction of adding anything useful without it being up for grabs.

es20490446e commented 3 years ago

See the "don't be evil" clause.

es20490446e commented 3 years ago

The thing is this simple: we would only be really able to package (and promote) this extension when it is under a libre license.

ImprovedTube commented 3 years ago

hey guys, read lines 1,2 & 24~28? thanks (sorry, it seems nice to think through step by step / oppose the standards maaybe)

the thing is simple

yes! unnecessarily simple(?)
@es20490446e how would you (could we) raise active users then? by more than a few %?

The bargain is that being able to distribute legally (which would be a change for the better for the source project), with AGPLv3 means everyone not only get to play the same game, but have to. You can't go in a direction of adding anything useful without it being up for grabs.

back to?:

Much less is anyone doing it successfully where there are ratings. Those places are already populated by the host project.

Logic. but idealistic from what we see our context/scale

What does happen is people donate to copylefted libre software

👍 if users had some cents available automatically, for example, then we could charge muuuch more (opt-out) such as only $0.00x/week/user and work 10 times faster and fund dozens of other projects&devs... 🤔

gets forked effectively if it isn't being shut down, or operated by poor management, or go in the wrong direction.

doesnt apply here(/not afraid), but forks are vital, no? 🌞 if one solution can't cover every scenario or if some questions/controversies cant be solved
