code-charity / youtube

[top~1 open YouTube & Video web-extension] Enrich your experience & choice! 🧰180+ options & clever features📌set+forget📌Longest-standing(been tough). Please join🧩us👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 ..⋮ {playback|content discovery|player|extra buttons|distractions|related videos|shorts|ads|quality|codec|full tab|full screen}
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improvements for mode "Player size: Full window" - header and scrollbar #955

Open Doosty opened 3 years ago

Doosty commented 3 years ago
SHORT Table (Summary)
Problem im frustrated because mode "Player size: Full window" could be improved for the best possible immersive experience, specifically scrollbar is not needed and there is no good option for the Header - i either have to use Hidden or Hover which still uses topmost real estate
Solution add feature "Header position:Below player on video page" and "Scrollbar:Hidden on video page"
Alternatives this userscript does it perfectly , but i would very much like to use your plugin instead since it has a bunch of other amazing stuff
Scope awesome for everyone who uses Full window mode
Side effects none, just an added functionality
Context my optimal viewing experience is video completely filling the browser page and video being the topmost element and still being able to use youtube search below the player. Screenshots show the functionality of the above linked script

picture 1: page scrolled to the top, video completely fills the window, scrollbar is hidden -> youtubeimage001

picture 2: page scrolled down slightly, shows the youtube header neatly below the player -> youtubeimage002

ImprovedTube commented 2 years ago

welcome @dusty071
worth thinking about as we are the nr1 source for this feature, used to be the only one.

when enabling 'full window', then "Scrollbar:Hidden on video page" could appear enabling itself, below 'full window',

header could also stay static, but page could be scrolled down little from the start, as much as the header height