code-iai / iai_kinect2

Tools for using the Kinect One (Kinect v2) in ROS
Apache License 2.0
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Creating a pcl grabber without Ros #21

Closed giacomodabisias closed 9 years ago

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Hello, I am working on simple wrapper to use libfreenect2 to get a pcl point cloud without ros. I used part of your code for registration and I did the following

  typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr

    frames_ =  *GetRawFrames();
    rgb_ = frames_[libfreenect2::Frame::Color];
    depth_ = frames_[libfreenect2::Frame::Depth];
    tmp_depth_ = cv::Mat(depth_->height, depth_->width, CV_32FC1, depth_->data);
    tmp_rgb_ = cv::Mat(rgb_->height, rgb_->width, CV_8UC3, rgb_->data);

    typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>());
    cloud->height = tmp_rgb_.rows;
    cloud->width = tmp_rgb_.cols;
    cloud->is_dense = false;
    cloud->points.resize(cloud->height * cloud->width);

    if(depthReg_ == 0){
      cameraMatrixColor_ = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) <<  
        1.0660120360637927e+03,  0,                      9.4558752751085558e+02,
        0,                       1.0688708399911650e+03, 5.2006994012356529e+02,
        0,                       0,                      1                      );
      cameraMatrixDepth_ = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) <<
        3.6638346288148574e+02,  0,                      2.5564531890330468e+02,
        0,                       3.6714380707081017e+02, 2.0398020160452000e+02,
        0,                       0,                      1                      );

      createLookup(tmp_rgb_.cols, tmp_rgb_.rows);

      depthReg_ = new DepthRegistrationCPU(cv::Size(tmp_rgb_.cols, tmp_rgb_.rows),
                    cv::Size(tmp_depth_.cols, tmp_depth_.rows),
                    cv::Size(tmp_depth_.cols, tmp_depth_.rows),
                    0.5f, 20.0f);
      depthReg_->init(cameraMatrixColor_, cameraMatrixDepth_, 
                    cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F), cv::Mat::zeros(1, 3, CV_64F),
                    cv::Mat::zeros(tmp_depth_.rows, tmp_depth_.cols, CV_32F),
                    cv::Mat::zeros(tmp_depth_.rows, tmp_depth_.cols, CV_32F));

    depthReg_->depthToRGBResolution(tmp_depth_, scaled_);
    depthReg_->registerDepth(scaled_, scaled_registered_ );
    createCloud(scaled_registered_, tmp_rgb_, cloud);

    return cloud;

I am not sure about the registration API and I am not getting a nice cloud. Is the call order correct? Thanks

kohrt commented 9 years ago

Hi, first you have to register the depth image and then you can upscale it. you also need to give a translation and rotation.

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Thanks, so the order should be: new.... init... registerDepth... depthToRGBResolution... right? What do you mean with "give a translation and rotation?" Thanks!

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

OK I understood now what you mean. I used the parameters from the calibration you provided but I still get a very bad result kinect2

This is the new code:

  typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr

    frames_ =  *GetRawFrames();
    rgb_ = frames_[libfreenect2::Frame::Color];
    depth_ = frames_[libfreenect2::Frame::Depth];
    tmp_depth_ = cv::Mat(depth_->height, depth_->width, CV_32FC1, depth_->data);
    tmp_rgb_ = cv::Mat(rgb_->height, rgb_->width, CV_8UC3, rgb_->data);

    typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>());
    cloud->height = tmp_rgb_.rows;
    cloud->width = tmp_rgb_.cols;
    cloud->is_dense = false;
    cloud->points.resize(cloud->height * cloud->width);

    if(depthReg_ == 0){

        cameraMatrixColor_ = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) <<  
            1.0607072507083330e+03, 0., 9.5635447181548398e+02,
            0., 1.0586083263054650e+03, 5.1897844298824486e+02,
            0., 0., 1.  );

        cameraMatrixDepth_ = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) <<
            3.6753450559472907e+02, 0., 2.4449142359870606e+02,
            0.,3.6659938826108794e+02, 2.0783007950245891e+02,
            0., 0., 1. );

        createLookup(tmp_rgb_.cols, tmp_rgb_.rows);

        rotation_ = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) <<
            9.9983695759005575e-01, -1.6205694274052811e-02,-7.9645282444769407e-03, 
            1.6266694212988934e-02, 9.9983838631845712e-01, 7.6547961099503467e-03,
            7.8391897822575607e-03, -7.7831045990485416e-03, 9.9993898333166209e-01 );

        translation_ = (cv::Mat_<double>(1,3) <<
            -5.1927840124258939e-02, -4.5307585220976776e-04, 7.0571985343338605e-05 );

        depthReg_ = new DepthRegistrationCPU(cv::Size(tmp_rgb_.cols, tmp_rgb_.rows),
                                             cv::Size(tmp_depth_.cols, tmp_depth_.rows),
                                             cv::Size(tmp_depth_.cols, tmp_depth_.rows),
                                             0.5f, 20.0f);
        depthReg_->init(cameraMatrixColor_, cameraMatrixDepth_, 
                        rotation_, translation_,
                        cv::Mat::zeros(tmp_depth_.rows, tmp_depth_.cols, CV_32F),
                        cv::Mat::zeros(tmp_depth_.rows, tmp_depth_.cols, CV_32F));

    depthReg_->registerDepth(tmp_depth_, registered_ );
    depthReg_->depthToRGBResolution(registered_, scaled_);
    createCloud(scaled_, tmp_rgb_, cloud);

    return cloud;

Any idea?

kohrt commented 9 years ago

I don't know. looks like errors from interpolated depth points.

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Ok, thanks. Still having problems. Just to be sure I understood correctly. Steps to get a registered point cloud: 1)Create a Lookup Table 2) Read intrinsic and extrinsic parameters 3) create a new DepthRegistrationObject (CPU or OpenCL) 4) initialize the object with the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters 5) register the depth image (which is still low res) using registerDepth() 6) upscale the depth image to the rgb resolution using depthToRGBResolution() 7) create cloud using the upscaled depth and the rgb mat.

Am i correct? So that in case I can focus on the single parts. I have seen that even just passing to createCloud directly the depth and the rgb of the camera gives bad results, but that function just uses the lookuptable created with createLookup(). Just visualizing the depth cloud (setting all points to the same color) shows problems. I presume that there is some fault in my camera parameters. The parameters are the following:

color: fx 1081.37 fy 1081.37 cx 959.5 cy 539.5 ir fx 365.478 fy 365.478 cx 258.937 cy 207.594

rotation_ 9.9983695759005575e-01, -1.6205694274052811e-02,-7.9645282444769407e-03, 1.6266694212988934e-02, 9.9983838631845712e-01, 7.6547961099503467e-03, 7.8391897822575607e-03, -7.7831045990485416e-03, 9.9993898333166209e-01

translation -5.1927840124258939e-02, -4.5307585220976776e-04, 7.0571985343338605e-05

Could you just confirm that you are using the same, or almost the same?


kohrt commented 9 years ago

Hi, I also followed your conversation on the PCL mailinglist. The opencl implementation is not limited to NVIDIA, it work also with AMD and on macs with INTEL GPUs.

in theory you just have to do the following:

But since the resolutions are different I did some extra steps:

In the branch I have modified the depth registration to be easier to use. That one just needs to be initialized with the camera parameters and image resolutions of both sensors, distortion coefficients of the depth sensor and the translation and rotation between the depth and color sensor. And than you simply have to give the raw depth image as input.

So if you want to create a lower resolution depth image you can simply half the intrinsic and registered image size.

Right now the rotation and translation has to be computed for each sensor. That can be done with the calibration tool I provided. Or you can simply use the values that are in the repository, but those might not be perfect for other sensors.

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Perfect, thank you for the exhaustive answer. Just to be sure, could you quickly check if my parameters are in some plausible range? I will have a look at the new repo, but also the one before should work; I just need to figure out where the problems is.

kohrt commented 9 years ago

Those look fine. In are the parameter I got from calibrating my sensors.

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Ok, thanks. The new interface should use the following sequence if I am correct: 1)init(...) 2)registerDepth(...)

Nice improvement :)

kohrt commented 9 years ago


giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Thanks, small suggestion, change the cameraMatrixRegistered name. It does not really remind of the camera parameters matrix.

kohrt commented 9 years ago

It should mean something like "camera matrix of the sensor to which the depth image should be registered". What would you suggest instead?

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

If I understood correctly its the camera matrix which before you called cameraMatrixColor right? I would leave that name or something like cameraParameterMatrixColor

kohrt commented 9 years ago

yes, but you can register it to any other camera, so it does not have to be a color camera... that's why i changed it.

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Ok, seems logic.

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Maybe this could be useful also for other people if using this code with the kinect v2 (correct me if I am wrong): cameraMatrixRegistered: The Color camera sensor parameters matrix sizeRegistered: 3x3 cameraMatrixDepth: The Depth camera sensor parameters matrix sizeDepth: 3x3 distortionDepth: Distorsion matrix (1x5) rotation: The rotation between the sensors (3x3) translation: The translation between the sensors (1x3) zNear: The cut limit near zFar: The cut limit far

kohrt commented 9 years ago

sizeRegistered: cv::Size(1920,1080) sizeDepth: cv::Size(512,424) distortionDepth: cv::Mat 1x5 {k1, k2, p1, p2, k3} (is used for undistorting the depth image. There are default values for each sensor. readable through libfreenect) translation: 3x1 camera matrix:

[ fx  0 cx ]
[  0 fy cy ]
[  0  0  1 ]
giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Ok thanks

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Today I tested your new version, but there is a problem.

        frames_ =  *GetRawFrames();
    rgb_ = frames_[libfreenect2::Frame::Color];
    depth_ = frames_[libfreenect2::Frame::Depth];
    tmp_depth_ = cv::Mat(depth_->height, depth_->width, CV_32FC1, depth_->data);
    tmp_rgb_ = cv::Mat(rgb_->height, rgb_->width, CV_8UC3, rgb_->data);

    if(depthReg_ == 0){

        cloud_->height = tmp_rgb_.rows;
        cloud_->width = tmp_rgb_.cols;
        cloud_->is_dense = false;
        cloud_->points.resize(cloud_->height * cloud_->width);

        cameraMatrixColor_ = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) <<  
            color_camera_params_.fx,                0.,     ,
                    0.,                  color_camera_params_.fy,,
                    0.,                             0.,                         1.             );

        cameraMatrixDepth_ = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) <<
            ir_camera_params_.fx,                   0.,     ,
                    0.,                  ir_camera_params_.fy,,
                    0.,                             0.,                         1.             );

        rotation_ = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) <<
            9.9983695759005575e-01, -1.6205694274052811e-02,-7.9645282444769407e-03, 
            1.6266694212988934e-02, 9.9983838631845712e-01, 7.6547961099503467e-03,
            7.8391897822575607e-03, -7.7831045990485416e-03, 9.9993898333166209e-01  );

        translation_ = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,1) <<
            -5.1927840124258939e-02, -4.5307585220976776e-04, 7.0571985343338605e-05 );

        distorsion_ = (cv::Mat_<double>(1,5) <<
            1.0290630865336201e-01, -2.8973989337475542e-01, 1.0698071918753883e-03,
            1.1438966542906426e-04,  1.1137787974461313e-01                          );             

        depthReg_ = new DepthRegistrationCPU();

        size_registered_ = cv::Size(1920, 1080); 
        size_depth_ = cv::Size(512, 424);

                        translation_ );

    depthReg_->registerDepth(tmp_depth_, registered_ );

with the following parameters taken from the camera:

color: fx 1081.37 fy 1081.37 cx 959.5 cy 539.5 ir fx 365.478 fy 365.478 cx 258.937 cy 207.594

registered_ is just in a sequence of zero values if printed out as uint16_t.

kohrt commented 9 years ago

first of all the images are flipped. so you need to flip them

cv::flip(tmp_depth_, tmp_depth_, 1);
cv::flip(tmp_rgb_, tmp_rgb_, 1);

the depth registration need a depth image with uint16_t values. try to convert it first tmp_depth_.convertTo(tmp_depth_, CV_16U);

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Added that. Still problems but I will debug a little and see. Thanks!

kohrt commented 9 years ago

but the depth image is not 0 right?

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

No, I was wrong, interpolation is not always 0. I will continue investigating and let you know as soon as I find something strange.

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Fixing some problems I arrived at this result. Any ideas? screen The depth seems ok but everything is curved.

kohrt commented 9 years ago

how do you compute the 3d points? I do it in the viewer like this:

  void createCloud(const cv::Mat &depth, const cv::Mat &color, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr &cloud) const
    const float badPoint = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();

    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int r = 0; r < depth.rows; ++r)
      pcl::PointXYZRGBA *itP = &cloud->points[r * depth.cols];
      const uint16_t *itD = depth.ptr<uint16_t>(r);
      const cv::Vec3b *itC = color.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(r);
      const float y =<float>(0, r);
      const float *itX = lookupX.ptr<float>();

      for(size_t c = 0; c < (size_t)depth.cols; ++c, ++itP, ++itD, ++itC, ++itX)
        register const float depthValue = *itD / 1000.0f;
        // Check for invalid measurements
        if(isnan(depthValue) || depthValue <= 0.001)
          // not valid
          itP->x = itP->y = itP->z = badPoint;
          itP->rgba = 0;
        itP->z = depthValue;
        itP->x = *itX * depthValue;
        itP->y = y * depthValue;
        itP->b = itC->val[0];
        itP->g = itC->val[1];
        itP->r = itC->val[2];
        itP->a = 0;
giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

I have fixed something and it looks better but it is not registered. I am using a similar code to yours. I tried yours but it is not working... My code looks like this:

void createCloud(const cv::Mat &depth, const cv::Mat &color, typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr &cloud) const
        const float badPoint = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();

        #pragma omp parallel for
        for(int r = 0; r < depth.rows; ++r)
          PointT *itP = &cloud->points[r * depth.cols];
          const uint16_t *itD = depth.ptr<uint16_t>(r);
          const cv::Vec3b *itC = color.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(r);

          for(size_t c = 0; c < (size_t)depth.cols; ++c, ++itP, ++itD, ++itC )
            register const float depthValue = *itD / 1000.0f;
            // Check for invalid measurements

            const double invZ = 1 / depthValue;
            const int xP = (color_camera_params_.fx * c) * depthValue +;
            const int yP = (color_camera_params_.fy * r) * depthValue +;

            if(isnan(depthValue) || depthValue <= 0.001)
              // not valid
              itP->x = itP->y = itP->z = badPoint;
              itP->rgba = 0;
            itP->z = depthValue * 1000 ;
            itP->x = xP * 0.001;
            itP->y = yP * 0.001;
            itP->b = itC->val[0];
            itP->g = itC->val[1];
            itP->r = itC->val[2];

And I get the following cloud : screen2

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Fixed something else and it looks better. With the previous code I was projecting everything again getting strange results. This code works almost fine but the cloud is still not registered and it looks stretched (depth) and not straight (the wall on the right).



    void createCloud(const cv::Mat &depth, const cv::Mat &color, typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr &cloud) const
        const float badPoint = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();

        #pragma omp parallel for
        for(int r = 0; r < depth.rows; ++r)
          PointT *itP = &cloud->points[r * depth.cols];
          const uint16_t *itD = depth.ptr<uint16_t>(r);
          const cv::Vec3b *itC = color.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(r);

          for(size_t c = 0; c < (size_t)depth.cols; ++c, ++itP, ++itD, ++itC )
            register const float depthValue = *itD / 1000.0f;
            // Check for invalid measurements

            const double invZ = 1 / depthValue;
            const int xP = (color_camera_params_.fx * c)  +;
            const int yP = (color_camera_params_.fy * r)  +;

            if(isnan(depthValue) || depthValue <= 0.001)
              // not valid
              itP->x = itP->y = itP->z = badPoint;
              itP->rgba = 0;
            itP->z = depthValue * 1000 ;
            itP->x = xP * 0.001;
            itP->y = yP * 0.001;
            itP->b = itC->val[0];
            itP->g = itC->val[1];
            itP->r = itC->val[2];
kohrt commented 9 years ago

try this:

register const float depthValue = *itD / 1000.0f;
// Check for invalid measurements

if(isnan(depthValue) || depthValue <= 0.001)
   // not valid
   itP->x = itP->y = itP->z = badPoint;
   itP->rgba = 0;
itP->z = depthValue;
itP->x = ((c - / color_camera_params_.fx) * depthValue;
itP->y = ((r - / color_camera_params_.fy) * depthValue;
itP->b = itC->val[0];
itP->g = itC->val[1];
itP->r = itC->val[2];
giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Ok, the cloud looks perfect now but not aligned screen5

kohrt commented 9 years ago

the alignment is a calibration problem. so if you calibrate your sensor you will get better results.

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

Ok I will try to calibrate it. You have been really helpful, thank you again.

kohrt commented 9 years ago

your welcome. could this be closed now?

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

I would suggest to just wait 1-2 day to be sure everything is fixed if it is ok for you.

giacomodabisias commented 9 years ago

You can close, thanks