Running Protonect works fine with openGL, but does not seem to work with openCL.
I have compiled libfreenect2 with the following flags, and it shows OpenCL as being included:
-- Feature list:
-- CUDA yes
-- CXX11 yes
-- Examples yes
-- OpenCL yes
-- OpenGL yes
-- OpenNI2 yes
-- TegraJPEG no
-- Threading std::thread
-- TurboJPEG yes
-- VAAPI no
-- VideoToolbox no (Apple only)
If i run the ros node with registration method parameter set to cpu, the kinect bridge works. Ie:
I am assuming it fails because the underlying libfreenect2 isn't playing ball with openCL.
I want to leave this issue here for visibility in case someone else runs into the same issue.
Otherwise, any ideas for getting it to run with OpenCL?
I get the following error when I try to run the kinect2_grabber with default settings (ie. via the launch file):
[ERROR] [1510797861.965176596]: [DepthRegistrationOpenCL::init] depth_registration_opencl.cpp data->context = cl::Context(data->device, NULL, NULL, NULL, &err) failed: 999
Running Protonect works fine with openGL, but does not seem to work with openCL.
I have compiled libfreenect2 with the following flags, and it shows OpenCL as being included: -- Feature list: -- CUDA yes -- CXX11 yes -- Examples yes -- OpenCL yes -- OpenGL yes -- OpenNI2 yes -- TegraJPEG no -- Threading std::thread -- TurboJPEG yes -- VAAPI no -- VideoToolbox no (Apple only)
If i run the ros node with registration method parameter set to cpu, the kinect bridge works. Ie:
rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge _reg_method:=cpu
I am assuming it fails because the underlying libfreenect2 isn't playing ball with openCL. I want to leave this issue here for visibility in case someone else runs into the same issue.
Otherwise, any ideas for getting it to run with OpenCL?