code-iai / ros_emacs_utils

Emacs tools for ROS
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spacemacs support #28

Open francelico opened 5 years ago

francelico commented 5 years ago


Is rosemacs compatible with spacemacs? I have modified my init.el file as recommended, and I get access to the different commands when I use C-x C-r. However none of the commands seem to work. I'm getting errors such as : no module named rosmaster.master_api . Is there a fix for this?


gaya- commented 5 years ago


Unfortunately I've never tried rosemacs on any other Emacs flavour other than the original Emacs 24, 25 and 26. I cannot give you any clews about rosmaster.master_api out of my mind right now, I'd have to dig into the code. And I don't think I have time for this, that PhD needs finishing...

Sorry I can't be of much help here. If you figure it out please issue a PR, I'd be glad to merge it for the benefit of the other spacemacs users.