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Default output not redirected to `*slime-repl sbcl*` #5

Closed fairlight1337 closed 9 years ago

fairlight1337 commented 9 years ago

When during SBCL startup in the repl, swank:*globally-redirect-io* is set to nil (which it is by default right now), all (or most?) output from (format ...) and (ros-info ...) and alike goes to *inferior-lisp* instead of *slime-repl sbcl*. I found this out totally by chance, when I realized that most of my usual output disappears into nirvana.

Setting the flag in ~/catkin_ws/install/share/common-lisp/source/slime/contrib/swank-repl.lisp to t and restarting the inferior lisp brings it back to normal.

This wasn't like that before, so I assume this is a bug. Or is this an intended change?

@gheorghelisca and me ran into this problem. @airballking, does this concern you as well?

airballking commented 9 years ago

@fairlight1337 Haven't used this package, yet.

gaya- commented 9 years ago

Does it also happen when you simply call ros-info from the REPL? Or is it only relevant for multi-threaded code?

gaya- commented 9 years ago

Yeah, somehow the newer slime seems to ignore the .swank.lisp file now. Didn't see anything about this in the documentation though. I'll put it somewhere else then but that needs a bit of refactoring, I'll try to find some time for this in the next couple of days.

gaya- commented 9 years ago

Solved in f88b7cd6c8d515085128eac26cb2d2ae0bfae1ab

fairlight1337 commented 9 years ago

Awesome. Thanks.