code-jugglers / tanks

battle tanks made with
5 stars 0 forks source link

Gulp Weirdness #2

Open mhoffmeyerDC opened 9 years ago

mhoffmeyerDC commented 9 years ago

Running Windows... (why am I doing this to myself?) on file change event.

[20:55:25] Starting 'processhtml'...
[20:55:25] Finished 'processhtml' after 36 ms
[20:55:25] Starting 'minifyhtml'...
[20:55:25] Finished 'minifyhtml' after 1.02 ms
[20:55:27] { [Error: EPERM, open 'C:\cygwin64\home\Ada\Desktop\tanks\dist\main.min.js']
  errno: 50,
  code: 'EPERM',
  path: 'C:\\cygwin64\\home\\Ada\\Desktop\\tanks\\dist\\main.min.js' }
[20:55:27] { [Error: EPERM, open 'C:\cygwin64\home\Ada\Desktop\tanks\dist\main.min.js']
  errno: 50,
  code: 'EPERM',
  path: 'C:\\cygwin64\\home\\Ada\\Desktop\\tanks\\dist\\main.min.js' }
[20:55:27] 'compile' errored after 2.27 s
[20:55:27] Error: EPERM, open 'C:\cygwin64\home\Ada\Desktop\tanks\dist\main.min.js'
mhoffmeyerDC commented 9 years ago

I think I fixed it with ab652b2e07f7130b7abdd59ea8092d4db811323f. The bundler.on('update', bundlee) was getting called multiple times as part of the build/compile task. Oh, and I can haz sourceMaps?

zerobasedindex commented 9 years ago

So your first problem is you're using cygwin.

Changes seem to work for me as well, but the build process now takes 20s or so.

mhoffmeyerDC commented 9 years ago

So your first problem is you need a faster CPU, mine compiles in 12s. :-P

The 12s is no bueno, not sure why it's doing that. I added gulp-debug to both the processhtml and compile tasks which shed no light on things. Will putz with it more later.

I don't think it's cygwin, I was mostly just using it for terminal emulation. Had the same problem running via cmd and via the WebStorm build-in terminal and gulp plugin. Tried on both node 0.10.36 and iojs 1.8.1.

Obviously, I should just give up trying to do anything productive in windows other than play games.