code-pushup / cli

A CLI to run all kinds of code quality measurements to align your team with company goals
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Issues sections should link to web URL of file at given commit with highlighted line(s) #722

Open BioPhoton opened 2 weeks ago

BioPhoton commented 2 weeks ago

User story

As a user of the CLI I want to have click through experience for all actionable feedback a get from the audit issues.

At the moment the provided issues often show exactly where the error needs to get fixed, but a manual navigation to the line of code is required.


Severity Message Source file Line(s)
⚠️ warning Lines 1-18 are not covered in any test case. examples/plugins/src/index.ts 1-18
⚠️ warning Line 104 is not covered in any test case. examples/plugins/src/lighthouse/src/lighthouse.plugin.ts 104
Severity Message Source file Line(s)
🚨 error 1st branch is not taken in any test case. examples/plugins/src/file-size/src/file-size.plugin.ts 101
🚨 error 1st branch is not taken in any test case. examples/plugins/src/index.ts 1

Acceptance criteria


Severity Message Source file Line(s)
⚠️ warning Lines 1-18 are not covered in any test case. examples/plugins/src/index.ts 1-18
⚠️ warning Line 104 is not covered in any test case. examples/plugins/src/lighthouse/src/lighthouse.plugin.ts 104
Severity Message Source file Line(s)
🚨 error 1st branch is not taken in any test case. examples/plugins/src/file-size/src/file-size.plugin.ts 101
🚨 error 1st branch is not taken in any test case. examples/plugins/src/index.ts 1

Implementation details

Get remote from current git: git remote -> 'origin'

Get remote url from current git: git remote get-url origin -> ''

function generateGitHubUrl(source: Pick<SourceFileLocation, 'file' | 'position'>, remoteUrl: string, branch: string): string {
  const {file, position} = source;
  const {startLine = 0, endLine = 0} = position ?? {};
  const repoPath = remoteUrl.match(/github\.com[:/](.+)\.git/)?.[1];
  const lines = startLine ? `#L${startLine}${endLine ? `-L${endLine}` : ''}` : '';
  return `${repoPath}/blob/${branch}/${file}${lines}`;

function generateGitLabUrl(source: Pick<SourceFileLocation, 'file' | 'position'>, remoteUrl: string, branch: string): string {
  const {file, position} = source;
  const {startLine = 0, endLine = 0} = position ?? {};
  const repoPath = remoteUrl.match(/gitlab\.com[:/](.+)\.git/)?.[1];
  const lines = startLine ? `#L${startLine}${endLine ? `-${endLine}` : ''}` : '';
  return `${repoPath}/-/blob/${branch}/${file}${lines}`;

Related Issues:

vmasek commented 5 days ago

@BioPhoton please rework this issue to just link to the local source example: src/index.ts