code-troopers / android-betterpickers

[NO LONGER MAINTAINED] Android library for better Picker DialogFragments
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Rendering issue on mdpi devices #382

Open othomas opened 6 years ago

othomas commented 6 years ago


I am running better pickers library on two different Android devices that are both mdpi devices. Device1 is an Android 4.4 device with a resolution of 432px 320px, density 1.0. It's mdpi. Device2 is an Android 6 device with a resolution of 480px 320px, density 1.0. It's also mdpo.

I'm using Calendar and TimePicker features of the library. Calendar rendering is the same on both devices (see screenshots), but TimePicker are different and the two buttons "Cancel" and "OK" at the bottom are cropped on the Android 4.4 device. Have a look at the screenshots, it seems that the margin of the window at top and bottom is bigger that on the Android 6 devices. Is it possible to solve this issue ?

Date picker on Android 6 device : OK device6_calendar

Time picker on Android 6 device : OK device6_time

Date picker on Android 4 : OK device4_calendar

Time picker on Android 4 : NOT OK device4_time