code100x / aptitude-test

Create a website when a school student user comes, signs up using their information, pays Rs 1000 fee and gives an aptitude test of 2 horus based on their convinience
42 stars 59 forks source link

feature: New improved UI for question section with additional features #20

Open ItsFlash10 opened 2 months ago

ItsFlash10 commented 2 months ago

@hkirat I was watching the Week 4 Node JS class where at the end of it you were looking into the submission where you pointed out that all the submissions have similar UI for the Question section and it can be improved. Screenshot 2024-08-31 at 6 10 47 PM

I've made it similar to how JEE does it including the various info of the questions and also added a webcam which can be later used for introducing proctoring as well, maybe. Live Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 3 54 56 AM

This is how JEE does it:

iPad Air 4 - localhost

Please let me know if it suits you well to be incorporated in place of the current UI