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ChatBot #332

Open Adiiii02 opened 3 months ago

Adiiii02 commented 3 months ago

Describe the solution you'd like Chatbot for your website which helps students navigate the website as well ask doubts if any .

Adiiii02 commented 3 months ago

I want to create a chatbot for your website by fine tuning large language models (llm) using quantized low rank adaption and Retrieval Augmented Generation (Rag) .

krishhh16 commented 3 months ago

@Adiiii02 I think you'll get better results creating the chatbot with langchain then creating the whole LLM from scratch(if the point of you adding the chatbot here is to add value)

Adiiii02 commented 3 months ago

@krishhh16 yep , creating chatbot with langchain using vector store for embeddings of course pdfs would make it much easier and better .