[x] Currently the production image have an enormous size. Adding a multistage docker file to reduce the size of the image.
[x] Reduces the image size drastically.
Proposed Solution:
I will use multistage docker build to reduce the size of the image to save storage for the deployment phase, for turborepo it was a bit tough for me, but i came up with a solution i was working for it from past 2 weeks. Now i have finally cracked it.
production image
have anenormous size
. Adding a multistage docker file to reduce the size of the image.Proposed Solution: I will use multistage docker build to reduce the size of the image to save storage for the deployment phase, for turborepo it was a bit tough for me, but i came up with a solution i was working for it from past 2 weeks. Now i have finally cracked it.