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Issue Number: Fixes ( #130 )
It include fixing of issue #130 in which Logout button is not working at '/wallet' route and also fixed svg attribute warnings such as stroke-width, stroke-linecap, etc.
🛠️ Type of Change
[ ] 🐛 Bug fix
✅ ✨ New feature
[ ] 🚨 Breaking change
[ ] 📚 Documentation update
✅ Checklist
To ensure a smooth review process, please check off each item as you complete it:
✅ Code Style: My code adheres to the project’s style guidelines.
✅ Self-Review: I have reviewed my own code and made improvements.
[ ] Comments: I’ve added comments to explain complex or non-obvious parts of the code.
[ ] Documentation: I’ve updated the documentation to reflect my changes.
✅ Warnings: My changes introduce no new warnings.
[ ] Tests: I’ve added tests to verify that my changes work as expected.
[ ] Passes Locally: All new and existing unit tests pass on my local machine.
We appreciate your contributions! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.
Pull Request Title
Thank you for contributing to our project! Please provide a summary of your changes and reference any related issues below.
Issue Number: Fixes ( #130 )
🛠️ Type of Change
✅ Checklist
To ensure a smooth review process, please check off each item as you complete it:
We appreciate your contributions! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.