code1br / heroku-buildpack-pgpool

Pgpool-II Heroku Buildpack
MIT License
3 stars 7 forks source link

using both pgbouncer and pgpool buildpacks in series #1

Closed gregorykan closed 6 years ago

gregorykan commented 6 years ago

hi there @sobrinho, first of all i want to say thanks so much for this buildpack! we've seen immense performance gains in our application because of your work.

i wanted to ask, is there any way to use both pgpool and pgbouncer buildpacks on the dyno?

sobrinho commented 6 years ago

Hi there! Thank you!

I had success doing that in a customer application but using a fork of pgbouncer buildpack to support connecting to pgpool, see

All you have to do is configure pgpool to connect to the pgbouncer instead of connecting directly to the database, and keep your application connecting to the pgpool, i.e.:

app -> pgpool -> pbbouncer -> database