Open Junumboxo opened 4 years ago
Suggestion. In order to send the data from gsheet (or any other supported source) to you can also use Zapier for free and only handle the request from Zapier webhook in your app, instead of integrating google api/sdk and so.
data = jsonFromAPI get request
cols = max([int(i['gs$cell']['col']) for i in data['feed']['entry']])
rows = max([int(i['gs$cell']['row']) for i in data['feed']['entry']])
df = [['' for i in range(cols)] for j in range(rows)]
for i in data['feed']['entry']:
col = int(i['gs$cell']['col'])
row = int(i['gs$cell']['row'])
df[row-1][col-1] = i['gs$cell']['inputValue']
@alexkingdom o sa faca un rest api si o sa puna in public. Datele o sa fie luate de la gis. Dupa detalii la mine @grigore-fiodorov sau la @alexkingdom