code4policy / 2024-a2-gun-violence
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create intro page #40

Open ashao56 opened 6 months ago

ashao56 commented 6 months ago

louis-costa commented 6 months ago

Here's an initial proposed introduction:

Introduction The purpose of this website is to assist a local politician with gathering the information they need to know right after a mass shooting has occurred - which, unfortunately, is not an unusual event in the United States.

In order to practice on a live event, this website displays information that is relevant for the shooting that occurred on January 4th in Perry, IA, at a middle school. The aim is to provide a local politician (for instance, Republican Governer Kim Reynolds) with the key information they would need in order to:

Communicate in near-real time (Twitter, interviews, press conferences…) Think through medium-term policy implications. The originality of our approach, beyond integrating the most up-to-date sources, is to scan through live content emerging on the web (, Reddit, etc) to provide the freshest outlook on voter sentiment.

Learning goals for the developing team are: Experiment with and internalize the scrum process Bring added value and novel ideas by bringing together Data visualization Consolidation and comparison of different sources Text analysis Experiment with d3 visualization and web scraping

louis-costa commented 6 months ago

comment by Gal: Maybe not near-real-time; the value add is to learn from the event and think about policy implications