When travelling from outside of Romania to the country it is very hard to find reputable, up to date information on:
the isolation protocol, including and most importantly the length of isolation
Which countries are in the Yellow, Orange or Red Zones
Step By Step Behaviour
Go to Ce trebuie să fac
Go to right sidebar item "Cum ne carantinăm după ce intrăm în țară?"
Read Content.
On the content update front:
New relevant Govt. Decision is published
Content team parses for relevant information re: quarantine duration & country list update
Explain why this enhancement would be useful:
Citizens returning home need to either look for this information on newspaper websites or ping-pong between mae.ro & cnscbt.ro and struggling through bad UX & out of date information. (The "Advice for travellers" section on the CNSCBT website hasn't been updated since Feb. 2020)
When travelling from outside of Romania to the country it is very hard to find reputable, up to date information on:
On the content update front:
Citizens returning home need to either look for this information on newspaper websites or ping-pong between mae.ro & cnscbt.ro and struggling through bad UX & out of date information. (The "Advice for travellers" section on the CNSCBT website hasn't been updated since Feb. 2020)