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Generate Contract #367

Open andrei-manda opened 3 weeks ago

andrei-manda commented 3 weeks ago

User Story

As user, I want to generate a contract for volunteers using a predefined template so that the contract creation process is efficient and aligned with the organization's needs.


The system allows users to generate contracts for volunteers by following a step-by-step wizard.

The process starts with selecting a template and then choosing the volunteers to whom the contract will be applied. This ensures that all contracts are consistent and tailored to the appropriate volunteer roles.



Main Flow

  1. User clicks the 'Genereaza contract' button
  2. The system displays a list of available contract templates.
  3. The administrator selects a template from the list and proceed to the next step
  4. The system displays a list of volunteers
  5. User selects one or more volunteers to whom the contract will be applied and proceed to the next step
  6. The system presents a form to the user for entering contract details
  7. The user can either input these details individually for each volunteer or apply them to all selected volunteers at once using the "Aplică pentru toate" feature.

Business Rules

  1. The user must select a contract template before proceeding to the volunteer selection.
  2. The step banner functions as a breadcrumb, allowing the user to click on and navigate to any completed step in the wizard.
  3. The user should be able to navigate back and forth through the wizard using the "Pasul anterior" and "Pasul următor" buttons.
  4. In the first and second steps of the wizard, the user must make at least one selection before they can proceed to the next step.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The system displays a list of all available contract templates for selection.
  2. The system displays a list of all available volunteers, showing their details accurately.
  3. The contract is generated successfully, with all selected volunteers associated with the newly created contract.
  4. The system updates the usage count of the selected template after the contract is finalized.

Additional Information

dragos1195 commented 2 weeks ago

Investigated the following libraries: React Native: React: