code54 / buildversion-plugin

A maven plugin that extracts current build information from git projects
34 stars 9 forks source link

build-version and build-tag properties do not resolve #5

Closed zaro0508 closed 11 years ago

zaro0508 commented 11 years ago

I was trying out this plugin and i noticed that the build-version and build-tag properties do not get populated with any info. I used the antrun plugin to print out all of the properties and this is what is shown for the biuld properties when i used the buildversion-plugin.

[echoproperties] build-commit=2fa0869e4b328f7ec4562d5ec8451c8bd1d1aeb7\n [echoproperties] build-commit-abbrev=2fa0869 [echoproperties] build-tag=N/A [echoproperties] build-tag-delta=0 [echoproperties] build-tag-lowercase=n/a [echoproperties] build-tstamp=2013-06-03 [echoproperties] build-version=N/A

------------------- My pom.xml ----------------------------

4.0.0 com.arch-solutions play1 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT scm:git:ssh:// scm:git:ssh:// ``` com.code54.mojo buildversion-plugin 1.0.2 set-properties yyyy-MM-dd { :build-tag-lowercase (clojure.string/lower-case build-tag) } maven-antrun-plugin 1.6 package run ```
dobladez commented 11 years ago

I guess your project doesn't have any matching tag. From the README:

NOTE: Only tags starting with v are considered, and the v is stripped. Example: 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT (tag on git: v1.2.0-SNAPSHOT)

Cheers, Fernando