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Assinment mailing list #43

Open StlMaris123 opened 7 years ago

StlMaris123 commented 7 years ago

All users are receiving an email once an assignment is availed. The cohorts should be well defined so that only the targeted cohort receives an email.

sigu commented 7 years ago

I added a debugger to the show action for the tags controller and walked through the steps in the following lines

   if params[:id][-1..-1] == "*" # wildcard tags
      @wildcard = true
      @tags = Tag.where('name LIKE (?)', params[:id][0..-2] + '%')
      nodes = Node.where(status: 1, type: node_type)
                        .includes(:drupal_node_revision, :tag)
                        .where(' LIKE (?) OR term_data.parent LIKE (?)', params[:id][0..-2] + '%', params[:id][0..-2] + '%')
                        .order("node_revisions.timestamp DESC")

The wildcard was being set to true as expected and @tags returned were '.....' I then decided to call the chained methods one by one to see what they get from the database

(byebug) DrupalNode.where(status: 1, type: node_type).count
=> 7

Then on calling the next chained where method it still returns a count of 7

(byebug) DrupalNode.where(status: 1, type: node_type).includes(:drupal_node_revision, :tag).count
=> 7

Now, including the third chainded where method returns 0 items

(byebug) DrupalNode.where(status: 1, type: node_type).includes(:drupal_node_revision, :tag).where(' LIKE (?) OR term_data.parent LIKE (?)', params[:id][0..-2] + '%', params[:id][0..-2] + '%').count
=> 0