codeIIEST / Algorithms

A Repository to store implementation of some of the famous Data Structures and Algorithms (mainly in C/C++/Java/Python) for everyone to learn and contribute.
MIT License
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Project page for the repository #11

Open smitbose opened 7 years ago

smitbose commented 7 years ago

There are some study materials and READMEs here and there all over the repository. Since this repo was meant for people to get a compiled list of algorithms, I think it would be better to just create a site and post all the study materials there. That would make it more readable and easily accessible.

I have created a jekyll blog, that can be accessed using Check the gh-pages branch for contributing.

manumeral commented 7 years ago

In fact, the sorting algorithms description on the Project Page is misplaced. I am gong to open a new issue for this purpose specifically. It should have been for a different folder altogether.

smitbose commented 7 years ago

@manumeral you can check the discussion that resulted in the pull request for the README to be merged. Currently sorting algos are not implemented. In that discussion @prateekiiest was asked to implement them ASAP.

Then I realised the README itself is getting longer, and if all the stuffs are to be added there, then it wont be readable at all.

smitbose commented 7 years ago

@manumeral this one

prateekiiest commented 7 years ago

Are you writing the code for creating a webpage @smitbose ? I saw in some of the directories like saas. You could easily do this with github pages and then give that link of the corresponding pages in the

smitbose commented 7 years ago

I don't know what else are you trying to mean by github pages, but the site that I've built is actually a github page. There are two types of github pages-user page and project page. This one is a project page, to host which, you keep the codes for it in gh-pages branch of the repo.

And if you see the current README, it is already too long. And the reason you are seeing folders like saas is that I've used Jekyll, a framework most suited for github pages.

Also, as I said earlier, instead of maintaining so many README's here and there, making a page to store all tutorials will be make navigation for a reader easy. Each blog will be for an algorithm, under some category, and currently I've kept some categories which you can see by looking at the site. I couldn't work on the UI much, as I could only manage to create the structure of the site, withing a day and half, the minimum that would allow blogs to be posted. I'm currently back to some other stuff, and I'll eventually work on making the UI good too. Meanwhile, since it is open sourced, anyone can work on the looks.

prateekiiest commented 7 years ago

Ok, I have uploaded the corresponding tutorials for the algos under _post/algo section of gh_pages branch, using the format you have instructed. I have sent 4 PRs for that.