codeamp / panel

CodeAmp Web Application. Built with React.js, GraphQL and Material-UI.
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Add import/ export component and apply to Project/Secrets #320

Closed drshrey closed 5 years ago

drshrey commented 5 years ago

Add functionality to import and export project secrets through YAML files. This will drastically speed up configuration times when initializing Secrets for a project.


aballman commented 5 years ago

I want to see the result of an export with a "file" type env var. Also, a confirmation toast would be very useful here letting user know if there were any issues importing. Imagine you are using this feature to do a bulk update on exiting variables and some sort of issue occurrs.

drshrey commented 5 years ago

@aballman I created an issue for showing all API errors that come up here - Doing that would solve the issue of import/export notifications as well as any future components that would receive API errors.

Since that's a separate concern, I was planning on creating a different PR for it rather than incorporating it here.

What're your thoughts on this approach?

drshrey commented 5 years ago

@aballman this is what a file type env var looks like when exported:

- key: HELLO_THERE_3
  value: |-
  isSecret: false
  type: file
aballman commented 5 years ago

@aballman this is what a file type env var looks like when exported:

- key: HELLO_THERE_3
  value: |-
  isSecret: false
  type: file

What if the file is a YAML file itself? I'm also more interested in seeing how linebreaks are handled. Can you use a sample conf file form something to illustrate this?

aballman commented 5 years ago

@aballman I created an issue for showing all API errors that come up here - #321. Doing that would solve the issue of import/export notifications as well as any future components that would receive API errors.

Since that's a separate concern, I was planning on creating a different PR for it rather than incorporating it here.

What're your thoughts on this approach?

I think you should do both. Present a result to user via snackbar and also leave an issue for other areas missing error handling.

drshrey commented 5 years ago

Added circuit.yml from the circuit repo as a file env var and this is the exported value:

- key: HELLO_THERE_5
  value: "---\nredis:\n  username:\n  password:\n  server: \"redis:6379\"\n  database:
    \"0\"\n  pool: \"30\"\n  process: \"1\"\nplugins:\n  codeamp:\n    workers: 5\n
    \   oidc_uri: http://localhost:5556/dex\n    oidc_client_id: example-app\n    postgres:\n
    \     host: \"postgres\"\n      port: \"5432\"\n      user: \"postgres\"\n      dbname:
    \"codeamp\"\n      sslmode: \"disable\"\n      password: \"\"\n    service_address:
    \":3011\"\n  gitsync:\n    workers: 1\n    workdir: \"/tmp/gitsync\" \n  heartbeat:\n
    \   workers: 0\n  kubernetes:\n    workers: 5  \n  githubstatus:\n    workers:
    1\n  route53:\n    workers: 5\n  slack:\n    workers: 1\n  dockerbuilder:\n    workers:
    1\n    registry_host: \"\"\n    registry_org: \"checkr\"\n    registry_username:
    \"\"\n    registry_password: \"\"\n    registry_user_email: \"\"\n    docker_host:
    \"unix:///var/run/docker.sock\"\n    workdir: \"/tmp/docker_build\"  \n"
  isSecret: true
  type: file
aballman commented 5 years ago

Added circuit.yml from the circuit repo as a file env var and this is the exported value:

- key: HELLO_THERE_5
  value: "---\nredis:\n  username:\n  password:\n  server: \"redis:6379\"\n  database:
    \"0\"\n  pool: \"30\"\n  process: \"1\"\nplugins:\n  codeamp:\n    workers: 5\n
    \   oidc_uri: http://localhost:5556/dex\n    oidc_client_id: example-app\n    postgres:\n
    \     host: \"postgres\"\n      port: \"5432\"\n      user: \"postgres\"\n      dbname:
    \"codeamp\"\n      sslmode: \"disable\"\n      password: \"\"\n    service_address:
    \":3011\"\n  gitsync:\n    workers: 1\n    workdir: \"/tmp/gitsync\" \n  heartbeat:\n
    \   workers: 0\n  kubernetes:\n    workers: 5  \n  githubstatus:\n    workers:
    1\n  route53:\n    workers: 5\n  slack:\n    workers: 1\n  dockerbuilder:\n    workers:
    1\n    registry_host: \"\"\n    registry_org: \"checkr\"\n    registry_username:
    \"\"\n    registry_password: \"\"\n    registry_user_email: \"\"\n    docker_host:
    \"unix:///var/run/docker.sock\"\n    workdir: \"/tmp/docker_build\"  \n"
  isSecret: true
  type: file

Is there any way we could preserve linebreaks in this without printing a "\n" ? This is super messy in its present format

drshrey commented 5 years ago

@aballman So I've integrated js-yaml into the export function (load and dump) and we now have an exported file output like this:

- key: HELLO_THERE_15
  value: |
      server: "redis:6379"
      database: "0"
      pool: "30"
      process: "1"
        workers: 1
        oidc_uri: http://localhost:5556/dex
        oidc_client_id: example-app
          host: "postgres"
          port: "5432"
          user: "postgres"
          dbname: "codeamp"
          sslmode: "disable"
          password: ""
        service_address: ":3011"
        workers: 1
        workdir: "/tmp/gitsync" 
        workers: 0
        workers: 1  
        workers: 1
        workers: 1
        workers: 1
        workers: 1
        registry_host: ""
        registry_org: "checkr"
        registry_username: ""
        registry_password: ""
        registry_user_email: ""
        docker_host: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
        workdir: "/tmp/docker_build"  
  isSecret: false
  type: file